D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




My dumb question thread (New player)

12:19 am, April 14, 2018 I have been testing out classes and servers this week. Today I started a cleric on a server I had not been on yet. I was reading about Favor on the Wiki so decided to do some quests on elite to gather [..] View

Direction in Life

11:19 pm, February 8, 2018 I have played ddo since Launch but I am in and out a lot. I have played many mmo but now that I am a father I dont play as much and DDO seems to fit what I want from gaming when I am able to play. T [..] View

1-20 Quest guide for efficient TR'ing (No Sov pots edition)

11:19 pm, December 21, 2017 There are several decent TR'ing quest guides out there but so far all of them have shared the requirement that you down Sov pots non-stop, they run with a perma-group or they're wicked out of date mak [..] View

Sigiil Pieces for Black Abbot Flag

11:19 pm, November 12, 2017 Years ago I ran Temple of Vol 50 or more times from casual to hard (Heroic & Elite) trying to get the various rewards - finally got Epic Boots of the Innocent. In all my runs, I do not think I [..] View

The Ultimate TR Levelling Guide!

12:19 pm, October 14, 2017 Howdy all. Have you ever gotten tired struggling with trying to get to Level 20 for TR? Are you always finding a lack of Groups on the LFM that run the right quests for a max load of XP? Well look no [..] View

Ideas for running favor farmers

12:19 am, October 14, 2017 I thought I would share some experiences from some recent runs I did while getting 100 favor in the servers I have never played on. One of the reasons I did this was a I got a little bored trying to [..] View

Am I ready.....

12:19 pm, September 14, 2017 This is getting a thread started for new players to help them decide if they are ready for the difficulty casual/normal - I only recommend this if everyone in group is completely new. (it may also be [..] View

What quest difficulty is more efficient?

12:19 am, September 9, 2017 Hello, My character is currently level 10. I was wondering what difficulty has the most efficient experience per hour? Would it be a level 10 quest on normal, a level 9 quest on hard (recommended lev [..] View

Solo Cleric Leveling Build (War Priest), need advice

12:19 am, July 27, 2017 I'm new to the game. I started up a few years ago and quit because soloing the class I wanted (1 thief/7 mage) was really hard to level without hirelings (I didn't want to use them....) I am certain t [..] View

The Master's Gift - Greater Token of the Twelve?

12:19 am, July 19, 2017 After taking a break for a few years I've decided to give DDO another shot. I was looking at the new cannith crafting options and started making a gear plan but noticed I really need a master's gift i [..] View

Question on Wizard Survivability

12:19 pm, June 27, 2017 Hi all! Im currently running a 2nd life pure wizard (currently level 13 Archmage with Necromancy and Enchantment focus) after a long break from this game (years) and im struggling to stay alive and [..] View

Need help improving my artificer for soloing EE and doing reaper content

12:19 am, June 26, 2017 Hello, all I came back to the game after a long break a few weeks ago. I have been working on updating my level 30 pure artificer/xbow toon so that he can do EE content solo, and perhaps be sufficien [..] View

Saga spreadsheet

12:19 am, June 17, 2017 I've been meaning to post this for a while now. EllisDee37's https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...ompendium-Lite and the talk of adding a saga planner to it is what finally got me moving. I already [..] View

When to level-up a character?

12:19 am, June 6, 2017 To level-up, or not to level-up, a character that is the question I would like to get feed-back on. The details; I have about 1.5 years or more of DDO experience running many character classes on se [..] View

Barbarian Tank build??

12:19 am, May 7, 2017 I'm playing around on my competition from 2 years ago and with all the gear upgrades and items i'm currently baffled on the gear to get too many options out there and wanted to see what y'all recommen [..] View

Exp Penalty clarification

12:19 am, April 27, 2017 Hi, one of our group recently had a long stay in the hospital and thus was left behind experience wise. When he got back we helped him catch up (mostly by doing wilderness area exp which allows for a [..] View

Help fitting a class?

12:19 am, April 15, 2017 Hi guys, I'm looking for a little guidance. For all intensive purposes I am new to DDO. I played a wiz and a fight to cap over 8 years ago and haven't played since. A few friends and I are looking t [..] View

Heroic Elite Kicking my tail even being a lvl higher than it

12:19 pm, March 27, 2017 Ok folks here goes i love playing melees and i love the game however i have noticed and i am on a 5th life and have noticed to do elite i have to be 2 lvls higher than the quest meaning if its 6 on ba [..] View

Riding the Storm Out - Spoiler Warning

11:19 am, March 22, 2017 Warning: Spoilers! Credits to my guildies Tone, Tes, Eth and all the others who helped with feedback. This is just a refreshed guide that we had from Lamannia. Hope you all enjoy it and help you under [..] View

Timing out connection

11:19 am, March 14, 2017 Been playing for most of the night as normal. I had iTR'd last night and was set to be doing a whole host of solo elite running, with some music in the background.. and probably eventually get grabbed [..] View

Quest Order

11:19 pm, February 28, 2017 I did the quests on Korthos Island and arrived in the harbor at 3rd level. Then I ate 2 birthday cakes and found myself to be 8th level. What should I be focusing on? Lower level quests on elite/reape [..] View

Greater Tome of Learning 50% First Time Bonus

11:19 pm, February 21, 2017 Hi everyone, recently i received a blessed "Menace of the Underdark Standard Edition" pack. Since i restarted this game on a f2p account not too long ago it really helps out BIG TIME. (Huge [..] View


11:19 am, February 17, 2017 hi all, me again, can anyone help or point me to info on favor. do you get more favor running reaper, if i run elite over level, how high can i be to run that quest? i'm really not sure how it works. [..] View

Good summons for solo Heroic Elite?

11:19 pm, February 4, 2017 When I solo with my Pale Master, there are times I miss having a tank or a distraction to keep the aggro off me. Hirelings could do this well, but I prefer to keep my Cleric hireling safe just as mana [..] View

Tips for "Dreams of Insanity" quest as caster ?

11:19 pm, February 3, 2017 Dreams of Insanity is a level 11 quest I'm enjoying on my Wizard, but this quest is deadly sometimes. Not lvl 11 for sure! Main problem is the fact that I can't buff myself fully due to the fear of b [..] View

How much dire charge and tactics dc is enough?

11:19 am, January 8, 2017 Just thinking of crafting my level 30 first life fighter some gear, not sure what to put on his gloves, insightful stunning 8, or do I go for insightful devotion? as well I use mainly cocoon for heali [..] View

If you are over level of a quest, can you still get named loot from chests and stuff?

11:19 am, January 6, 2017 Whether this pertains to raids, or in my particular interest the Forester's Brush Hook from Overgrowth (which requires beating some waves of enemies with a short time frame meaning you need high DPS) [..] View

Ascension Chamber - Shortman Guide

11:19 am, December 22, 2016 Heroic Abbot has a reputation of being difficult to run, but with a little practice a handful of epic players can get fast and easy completions on elite. No special builds or gear required; all you ne [..] View

Newish duo advice : WF Healing

11:19 am, November 27, 2016 So I'm currently running as a duo with my boyfriend. He's brand-new to the game, while I've played very, very sporadically for a long while with another duo partner (highest level I've achieved is 12) [..] View

Need build advice. (Epic destiny)

12:19 am, September 27, 2016 Hye, guys. So, I'm not exactly new to the game, but I am way behind when compared to the elites and I have ever a question that's more about options than straight forward "which way should I go&q [..] View

Another Bravery Bonus question

12:19 pm, September 23, 2016 I stopped playing this game like 6 years ago so I am way out of touch. You get max BB after 5 elite runs correct? So I've done like 75 elite runs in a row is that necessary or not? So right now I a [..] View

Add to Monk what; 1 lvl of Rogue or 1 lvl of Artificer?

12:19 am, September 20, 2016 Add to 4th lvl Monk what; 1 lvl of Rogue or 1 lvl of Artificer to deal with traps and locks? Returned to my second made character in DDO and found I can drive a Monk a little better than before after [..] View

General Guidance Needed... I'm a bit lost.

12:19 am, August 27, 2016 My son and I found some decent builds... We're making good progress. I have some general questions: Backpack: I recall with faction you used to get a reward that expanded pack or bank slots. Can s [..] View

I ran out of game

12:19 am, August 9, 2016 As a casual scum, I've been playing for a while and have reached level 18. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anything else for me to do now except for farming either xp or favor. Since Underdark [..] View

Party time

12:19 am, July 31, 2016 One thing i love is this new party experience, the reason is because now our characters are so strong it seems like nobody hardly teams up anymore and that's making DND a bit boring at times because j [..] View

Chat Aliases for DDO veterans

12:19 pm, July 14, 2016 I built a list of 40 chat aliases that give useful information through commands in chat like:Raid completionsXP cap and Quests by levelShadow Crypt instance pathsThe Pit wheelsDISCLAIMER: this is inte [..] View

DDO Free to Play Guide (minimal grind method)

12:19 am, June 27, 2016 DDO Free to Play Guide (minimal grind method)Intro It is certainly possible to play DDO completely for free. You may want to do this for budgetary reasons, but since cheap offers come around frequentl [..] View

Summons full damage

12:19 am, June 21, 2016 I have run my first toon fully investing in summons, this included augument, improved augument, sion of elysiun, 3 druid lives, magister grand summoner and harper. My toon was mage enchanter, [..] View

Heroic Elite: What's it take?

12:19 pm, June 18, 2016 I'm not really a new player but I only have one TR and I've never done any raiding or joined a guild. I usually solo or find pick up groups. Some players I meet in groups are so impressive, tearing [..] View

Assistance Regarding Rogue Build

12:19 pm, April 30, 2016 Greetings, I just recently came back to DDO with two friends of mine, and we're trying to make a three man party that can cover the major aspects of a party. We did this ages ago, and I had a build I [..] View

Free-to-Play Accounts and Bravery Streak

12:19 am, April 28, 2016 Greetings! So a friend and I randomly decided to give this game another go recently. I personally haven't played since the game very first switched over to free-to-play (I originally played when the [..] View

Melee defensive stats-PPR, MMR

12:19 am, April 6, 2016 Hi all, Hopefully this is not too stupid a question. I enjoy playing this game but I do tend to get clobbered when on elite level quests, and I have not had the best showing on the 2 or 3 raids that I [..] View

Epic Saga Spreadsheet

12:19 am, March 31, 2016 Note: This is hosted on Google Sheets. You will need to copy it to your own account for full functionality. Hi All, A simple, one page sheet to keep track of your Epic Sagas and help you maximise yo [..] View

Difference in loot (chests/rewards) when running Normal/Hard/Elite

11:19 am, March 15, 2016 Hi all! New player here, been on for roughly a week. I'm facing a bit of a dilemma. I've been running all my quests on elite, and at around level 6, I started leveling up at a terrific pace (am at le [..] View

Legendary Elite HoX Strategy

11:19 am, February 27, 2016 This is a Lava Divers of Khyber Legendary Elite Completion of Hound of Xoriat. Xy'zzy was pulled into the eastern hallway (the longer one). This reduces teh points of entry from 4 (if just dead c [..] View

10th Anniversary celebrations

11:19 pm, February 26, 2016 Congratulations DDO! Happy 10th birthday Today is the day. To you on the beach! Jeets awaits, don’t delay! You're off on a quest! You're off and away! You have no time for bed. You [..] View

X Box Elite Controller - Freeze out

11:19 am, February 25, 2016 I'm sure there is not a lot of support when it comes to controllers for this game so I'll make this short. When I plug and map out the buttons for my X Box Elite Controller DDO Freezes, Drop's connec [..] View

Polite Guide to LFM - "a good bait"

11:19 pm, February 4, 2016 New players might be interested in this topic - How to make LFM announcement that will bring players fast. How to make a good bait LFM: - set for bravery bonus - limit maximum character level to quest [..] View

Saga gipped me?

11:19 pm, January 7, 2016 I was told that I only needed to do quests once to satisfy two sagas. For instance, I was going for Honor of the Huntsilver and Perils of Cormyr. I had all quests done at elite except for two: ****** [..] View

Repeating quest

11:19 pm, December 24, 2015 I have been repeating the Tavern Brawl quest to try to get one of the rare drop combos (bracers and ship kickers) and I expected the XP reward to go down, but it seems the chest level goes down as wel [..] View

Gear slotting

11:19 pm, December 6, 2015 Hey guys, coming to ask for some advice on something I struggle with...item slotting. I just forget/don't know what to put in besides +6 stat items and...well that about all I make sure I have, and s [..] View

Do monsters now have maximize metamagic feat?

12:19 am, September 24, 2015 Greetings, I was under impression that monster's don't have any euipment, nor use any metamagic feats. Is this still true? Was there some recent change? (Well, i'm very casual player, recent may be i [..] View

Maximizing your free-to-play experience

12:19 pm, August 30, 2015 DDO offers two embedded features that players can use to maximize their free-to-play (FTP) experience. By leveraging these two features it is possible to avoid spending real money on DDO. First, DDO [..] View

Same problem with some quests.

12:19 am, August 24, 2015 So i tried doing The Church and the Cult quest on Elite only to fail at the first door as i think it needs more search skill than i have. Same thing with The Keeper's Sanctuary on Hard. My search sk [..] View

In what order to do quests to gain max xp?

12:19 am, August 19, 2015 I've been wondering how do you do the quests to gain max XP, So i'm a new player and this is how i do them. Quest like A Small Problem i do it 3 times on normal had then elite. Then i start Party c [..] View

Need advice for third life

12:19 am, August 13, 2015 Hi guys ! I need you because I dunno what to do next. I just hit 20 and I'm thinking about next life. I'll have 2 pally past life and +4 supreme tome. I own everything but warforged, monk, artificer [..] View

How to defeat Eudoxia: Guide to Defiler of the Just Epic Elite

12:19 pm, August 10, 2015 Great Job by everyone in the group. We were super close to finish this raid on elite in few attempts during the last week but we had some terrible bad luck. This time we finally did it. We will work [..] View

Solid Leveling Guide

12:19 am, August 5, 2015 What's the best way to get from level 4/7 - 20 if you are not VIP, you own all packs, and you are on your first life? I would just elite through everything, but I can't open unfortunately, so wonderin [..] View

Need Help with an Archer.

12:19 am, July 26, 2015 Now I know there must be countless threads on builds in here and I have sifted and sifted and still not found what I am looking for, so I am hoping perhaps someone could provide me some links to exist [..] View

A (Terrible) Idea... The Wartificer™

12:19 am, July 5, 2015 So I originally opened my account in 2010, and played till about 2012 when stuff and things drew me away from the game. About a week ago I began playing again, but I've always just kinda been a casual [..] View

Is there a way to solo Flesh Maker's Laboratory?

12:19 am, May 31, 2015 I'd love to try out Litany of the Dead Part 4 (aka Necropolis Pt 4) but don't have anyone to do it with, and would certainly die on Elite in any case. Is there a trick to soloing Flesh Maker's Laborat [..] View

How do I play The Chronoscope (or any other) Raid?

12:19 am, May 19, 2015 Casual, oft-returning player here. I've been off and on DDO since 2006, but generally restart my characters every time I start playing again. As a result, my highest-level dude is a Level 15 Sorcerer [..] View

Question about Normal/Hard/Elite weapons

12:19 am, May 5, 2015 Hi, I just finished up the Weloon Prison quest series (all 5 quests on "hard") but when I went to claim my final reward all of the item options are the "Normal" variations. Shouldn [..] View

What is the level range for getting XP from quests?

12:19 am, May 2, 2015 As an example, if I am level 14 and I want to go back and run some lower level quests on elite to rack up a bit more favor, what is the top level that I will get XP from? I believe if I go too low I w [..] View

Newish Player Looking for a Leveling Partner on Sarlona

12:19 pm, April 30, 2015 Hello there NPF. I will be rolling a toon on Sarlona fairly soon and am looking for people, new players or bored vets alike, to level with in a pseudo-static duo or group. If you're a bored vet from a [..] View

Just came back

12:19 pm, April 7, 2015 Hello all Just came back after a few years finally found my old toons on a server woot btw. SO much has changed i have no idea where to start love soloing btw norm then hard then elite loving it! [..] View

Some questions from a new player.

12:19 pm, April 2, 2015 So again i need to ask some questions from the helpful community so here i go. 1- Why does hirelings disappear from my inventory even though that in the hub area it says that there is still time to t [..] View

New To Epic

12:19 pm, March 30, 2015 A few weeks ago, I returned to DDO and my level 16 character on Khyber after a year-long hiatus. I've been flying solo since no other members of my (very tiny) guild have played in about the same amo [..] View

How to prepare for dungeons?

11:19 am, March 24, 2015 I know this will sound silly to you but i must ask. I did the waterworks dungeon on normal and hard with my paladin level 6....now comes elite and i started dying to mas damage from shamans. I under [..] View

Returning Player-with several questions!

11:19 pm, March 20, 2015 I have just come back to DDO having left soon after MotU and unsurprisingly things seems to have changed a lot. So I was hoping that those of you who have been around since then might be able to ans [..] View

Summoners or Savants?

11:19 am, March 11, 2015 Coming back to the game (as I try to do about once a year...) and looking to build something fun. I'm going to TR one of my old 20's that's never been TR'd before (old batman style build) and I'm thin [..] View

Confused about Exp Penalty

11:19 pm, February 16, 2015 So I see a lot of people farm dungeons for fast Exp case in point people do Black Mausoleum over and over because it is so fast. From another thread I gathered the best way to speed run for Exp is to [..] View

New Duo Combo looking for some advice

11:19 am, February 11, 2015 Hello DDO Community, My wife and I have picked up DDO for the first time together, and are looking for some advice pertaining to builds and any basic tips. To start off with [..] View

Normal Hard and Elite

11:19 pm, February 9, 2015 I was going to run a dungeon the other day ago and I set it for Elite. A member in my party told me I should run it on Hard first then repeat it on Elite for a bonus. Is there an advantage to doing [..] View

A Very Brief Guide to Casual, Solo Leveling and Questing

11:19 pm, February 2, 2015 I want to preface this post by saying that this will require you to have some TP on hand for extra hirelings, and that it will not level you remotely as fast as doing Elite runs of the super challengi [..] View

Champion Hunter Week! Now – Feb 4th

11:19 pm, January 30, 2015 New prizes have been added for a limited time to the Champion Hunters in the Hall of Heroes! Now through February 4th Collect Mysterious Remnants by defeating Monster Champions in Hard & Elit [..] View

Risia Blue Coin Farming in Zawabi's Revenge: Observations

11:19 am, January 29, 2015 I farmed blue coins by killing the various fire beings in the entrance corridor and then exiting. This includesSeveral efreetiMephitsFire elementals What I found, rather interestingly, is that on her [..] View

Damage comparison - Critzilla, Shuricannon, Warshuriken 40k, Repeaters and others

11:19 pm, January 24, 2015 Hi all I am not able to post pictures in other forum folders so now i post it here - I hope that is okay. I did some calculations on different builds. One of them is the Shuricannon https://www.ddo. [..] View

Easy SOLO wiz

11:19 pm, January 15, 2015 Ok, I just started an account for my son, and figured that for him the best way to learn ddo was soloing. I'm not talking about elite everything just norm/hard so he can get his bearings. With that [..] View

Offering help for Vets and New players

11:19 pm, January 10, 2015 Ok so I have posted a few posts before letting new players know they could send me tells here or in game and I would be happy to help. I have helped quite a few people with various things some new and [..] View

F2P completly, doing each available quest once, what level you reach?

11:19 pm, January 5, 2015 Just wondering, dunno if somebody tried this already. What level can a -completly- F2P player get to if he only does each quest once, on elite, with BB? No ship, No xp pot, no voice, strictly F2P but [..] View

New Player Character Build (easy mode)

11:19 pm, January 1, 2015 Let's face it... a lot of new players have trouble building a character that can stay alive and go toe to toe with enemies. However, it is simple to ruin a first time player's enjoyment due to the rob [..] View

New OR Vet player and in need of help?

11:19 pm, December 29, 2014 Ok so I have posted a few posts before letting new players know they could send me tells here or in game and I would be happy to help. I have helped quite a few people with various things some new and [..] View

Help w/Difficulty: Hard too easy, Elite too hard.

11:19 pm, December 16, 2014 Hi, first time post and new player here. I play with a group of friends that all signed up about a month ago. My general concern is in the title, any suggestions? Here is a breakdown of how things pla [..] View

Crash in last room of Misery Peak

11:19 am, November 25, 2014 Hi everyone, My game crashes every time in the last room of Misery's Peak. It seems to coincide with the boss monster spawn, but happens so fast I am unsure. The message inside VS 2013 is an unhand [..] View

Need Help with Survivability

11:19 pm, November 13, 2014 I continue to work through my first life on a level 18 Rogue. Even though I run 'easy' quests on Normal or Hard, often well above level, I simply cannot survive. For example, I just ran Blockade Bus [..] View

Basic paladin for new players

11:19 pm, November 3, 2014 Very new player friendly No tomes required No gear required No p2p options Not considering epic destinies These are not builds for soloing epic elites but should serve to participate in them Pur [..] View

Basic fighter for new players

11:19 am, November 3, 2014 Very new player friendly No tomes required No gear required No p2p options Not considering epic destinies These is not a build for soloing epic elites but should serve to participate in them Bas [..] View

Newbie running out of steam at midlevels or how do I xp?

12:19 pm, September 24, 2014 Another day, another noob issue: I've played up to lv11 just doing every quest once on normal, plus assorted tooling around in wildernesses (despite my hatred of wilderness because OND), and it worke [..] View

Basic group forming tips.

12:19 am, September 10, 2014 Welcome to DDO. This is my short and dirty on how I generally successfully form and run groups, and see them run. The 'o' button is the default button for making finding, and joining groups. Explore t [..] View

Returning Noob looking for build advice

12:19 pm, September 3, 2014 Hello. I am a noob who'd like to play this game. And what I wish to play as is a human acrobat, that'll beat all the monsters and find all the secrets by himself. Doing all quests on level too, includ [..] View

How important is STR/DEX to "To Hit" now?

12:19 am, August 28, 2014 Returning DDO player here... AC has apparently changed since I left, but I need some help understanding what the changes mean in application/gameplay. If I roll a bard with 10 or 12 STR and don't tak [..] View

How do I know I am ready to group up?

12:19 pm, August 23, 2014 Hey all, Don't be fooled by my join date... I've played this game on and off for years now, but my highest leveled character is 16, which is a bard. I've got a cleric at 15, a barbarian at 14, and I [..] View

Using your Favour TP Correctly.

12:19 am, August 18, 2014 As you run Quests in this game you will earn Favour. Favour is given for 1st completion of each difficulty except Epic. A Standard Low Level quest gives 2 Favour on Casual, 3 on Normal, 6 on Hard and [..] View

Differences between Epics & Heroics.

12:19 pm, August 13, 2014 And in some cases between Elite & Normal/Hard! Some quests hit you between the eyes with cruel changes on Epic {mainly on EE} {and at least one quest does this on Heroic Elite too!}. Let's t [..] View

Life after lvl16

12:19 pm, July 20, 2014 I've made countless Characters (mostly Artys/Sorc) and I mean 30+ of each spread over 6 servers. I managed to get some up to lvl 8-10 before deleting them due to a poor build. As time went by I made i [..] View

Rogue help?

12:19 am, July 2, 2014 Ok, I've been playing for a little while and still feel like a noob sometimes. I have a drow rogue level 20 on Thelanis. It's a trapper with TWF. Got Gianthold and Vale. First life Now, I'm ultra sq [..] View

Pimp my gimps!

8:21 am, July 1, 2014 Pimp my gimps! [TL:DR] - anybody have some modern builds (for the woefully unequipped) for the following: WF 20 sorc - basic blaster with some CC options (the blasting being the main parts). tempes [..] View

Gear Items Marked Normal - Hard - Elite

8:21 am, July 1, 2014 Okay... I'm really getting into DDO finally thanks to the help of these boards and the community. Next weekend I will probably make it to my first TR - so this will be the last post considering mys [..] View


Normal Hard and Elite

Feb 10, 2015, 7:45 am I was going to run a dungeon the other day ago and I set it for Elite. A member in my party told me I should run it on Hard first then repeat it on Elite for a bonus. Is there an advantage to doing [..] View

Help w/Difficulty: Hard too easy, Elite too hard.

Dec 18, 2014, 5:01 am Hi, first time post and new player here. I play with a group of friends that all signed up about a month ago. My general concern is in the title, any suggestions? Here is a breakdown of how things pla[..] View

Gear Items Marked Normal - Hard - Elite

Dec 9, 2014, 4:30 am Okay... I'm really getting into DDO finally thanks to the help of these boards and the community. Next weekend I will probably make it to my first TR - so this will be the last post considering mys[..] View

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