D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




DDO Store Sales: April 6th - 12th: "Select Low-Level Adventures"

12:19 am, April 6, 2018 For many new players, "What to buy?" is a common and often perplexing question. Everyone tells you to "Try to only buy when On Sale!" - and then a sale comes along, and you aren't [..] View

I Did The Stupidest Thing Ever

12:19 am, April 5, 2018 One of my favorite things is taking screenshots, especially dynamic scenes. Well, I had been struggling to hide the UI fast enough to get my pictures. So, I decided to key map my hide UI and my take [..] View

Balth's 2018 DDO New Player's Guide

12:19 pm, April 1, 2018 Dungeons and Dragons Online is a 12-year old MMO set in the plane of Eberron (although other places have been added over time). It is based on the 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons ruleset. As a longtime Dun [..] View

game crashes with no errors when I pick my server (argo)

11:19 pm, February 17, 2018 I have Windows 10 and I told DDO to go ahead and use DirectX10 when it asked. I have gotten ddo to run once on the first time I installed it, but after that initial time running the game, it won't get [..] View

Warlock splash for innate Shield?

11:19 pm, February 7, 2018 So I'm playing a shuriken-flinging Monk and enjoying it a lot, however I'm a little concerned about my survivability. Does anyone have experience or thoughts to share on respeccing to 18 Monk/ 2 Warlo [..] View

Can't start the launcher, get internal error

11:19 pm, January 31, 2018 I havn't logged in to the game for a very long while, so I though it might be broken old file... Tried redownloading, didn't work. Tried adminestrator, didn't work. Tried the fix at https://help.sta [..] View

1-20 Quest guide for efficient TR'ing (No Sov pots edition)

11:19 pm, December 21, 2017 There are several decent TR'ing quest guides out there but so far all of them have shared the requirement that you down Sov pots non-stop, they run with a perma-group or they're wicked out of date mak [..] View

So, does this arti build pass the smoke test?

11:19 am, December 14, 2017 So, I'm getting bored with my main BF paladin, and I wanted to try an artificer. I'm not playing much right now, and there are still a few things to wrap up before the TR, but with the current veteran [..] View

Movember 2017 and Team DDO!

11:19 pm, November 1, 2017 Hello everyone, and welcome to Movember 2017! This is now the fifth year that I've raised money publicly for men's health through the Movember Foundation in the Dungeons & Dragons Online comm [..] View

The Ultimate TR Levelling Guide!

12:19 pm, October 14, 2017 Howdy all. Have you ever gotten tired struggling with trying to get to Level 20 for TR? Are you always finding a lack of Groups on the LFM that run the right quests for a max load of XP? Well look no [..] View

New Player Reaper Pointers

12:19 am, September 10, 2017 If you are new to the game, first - welcome! Now if you are done soloing and have decided to group up you might look at the LFM panel and wonder what is R1/Reaper. Reaper is the hardest difficulty mod [..] View

Community Rules Update

12:19 am, August 31, 2017 One of the things that has been a long-term project of mine is to update the Community Guidelines to better reflect the needs of Standing Stone Games, to more accurately describe the rules as we apply [..] View

Returning player looking for information...

12:19 am, May 27, 2017 Have been away for a while... left just after Epic levels were introduced. So the new Enhancement trees, Epic Destinies and the majority of the Epic content is new to me. Some questions: 1. What st [..] View

ioun stones spinning around character head?

12:19 am, May 6, 2017 I may not be new, but I still have questions. For now that is ... I've seen characters with a little light orbiting their head. I figured out this is an "ioun stone", a type of trinket you [..] View

Heroic Inspiration

12:19 am, May 1, 2017 Does this experience bonus (pale green ion stone, mantle of the worldshaper, etc.) show up in the experience summary after quest completion? I don't think I've ever seen it. Is it working? Does it sta [..] View

Two different recent problems, two different threads

12:19 am, April 22, 2017 Greetings everyone! Reading recent threads, I recognized two different problems: 1) About some players that have some difficult to log into one or more servers. There are 4 or 5 recent threads abo [..] View

The DDO Players Council is now accepting applications!

12:19 pm, April 20, 2017 We are once again taking applications for the DDO Players Council! Please fill out the application completely, and email it to ddo@standingstonegames.com before 11:59pm Eastern on Thursday, April 27th [..] View

Recent Paypal Issue Resolution

11:19 pm, March 24, 2017 We have been working to correct a code issue that has been causing problems for players who made purchases with PayPal, and work to correct the issue has now been completed. Players can now use PayPal [..] View

Standing Stone Games seeks Content Designer for DDO

11:19 pm, March 2, 2017 Click here for the job ad on LinkedIn. We wanted to let the community know about this just in case the perfect person is already playing our game. If you've got the skill set and desire to make some [..] View

DDO installer doesn't allow selection of install folder

11:19 am, February 14, 2017 Greetings, Just rebuilt my machine, and in the process, I've switched from Win7 to WinX, which necessitated a reinstall of DDO. The game is physically located on a different drive than the boot drive, [..] View

Former veteran player, back after 5 years hiatus. A few questions.

11:19 pm, January 17, 2017 Hey guys. Long time no see. A few of my college friends and I are starting a pre-made six-men party, to play once a week. I'm thinking of playing a bard. I used to play a dual-wielding dwarven Warcha [..] View

Standing Stone Games - A message from Rob Ciccolini

11:19 pm, December 19, 2016 Greetings, Today we have some momentous news! The game teams responsible for The Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) and Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO) are now moving from Turbine to Standing St [..] View

Standing Stone Games Transition FAQ

11:19 pm, December 19, 2016 What’s happening: The Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online have been acquired by Standing Stone Games, a newly-formed independent game studio made up of the same gr [..] View

Team DDO and Movember 2016!

11:19 pm, November 1, 2016 Hello everyone, and welcome to Movember 2016! This is now the fourth year that I've raised money publicly for men's health through the Movember Foundation in the Dungeons & Dragons Online com [..] View

Questions About Building an Iconic Toon

12:19 am, September 16, 2016 So I am considering doing a bladeforged 2 monk/18 fighter build, and I have a few questions -- 1) How does this process work? What I have read is that I need to go through the normal process to 15, [..] View

Public Notice Board

12:19 pm, September 13, 2016 Below is a list of some of the Known Issues that we are aware of, and below that are features that are Working as Intended but may cause confusion. Should you come across any of these issues, there is [..] View

Heroic only sorcerer

12:19 am, August 1, 2016 I have 6 past lives: Barbarian/Bard/Pally/Warlock/Ranger/Druid, and 4 EPL feats (3 Brace and 1 Fast Healing). I am looking for a heroic only sorc, and I would like it to be warforged. I don't care if [..] View

Chat Aliases for DDO veterans

12:19 pm, July 14, 2016 I built a list of 40 chat aliases that give useful information through commands in chat like:Raid completionsXP cap and Quests by levelShadow Crypt instance pathsThe Pit wheelsDISCLAIMER: this is inte [..] View

Summons full damage

12:19 am, June 21, 2016 I have run my first toon fully investing in summons, this included augument, improved augument, sion of elysiun, 3 druid lives, magister grand summoner and harper. My toon was mage enchanter, [..] View

Launcher closes but game doesnt start

12:19 am, May 14, 2016 Please excuse me, im a little bit frustrated right now and it is getting late for me, i will try to give as much informations as i can till i have to go to sleep because of late hours here in EU (need [..] View

Please help me with my gimped wizard 18 rouge 2 epic 5

12:19 am, May 7, 2016 Hi all This is the first time i play epic content and i have some difficulties doing it. I accidently made a deep gnome and therefore have to take him to level 30 to reincarnate. I ate an ottos epic [..] View

Cosmetic armor question

12:19 am, April 11, 2016 DDO wiki says, "Alchemical Armor Eldritch Ritual does stack with other dodge bonuses including Dodge Bonus +1, and can be applied to Cosmetic Armor or Cosmetic Helmets." Months ago, I was [..] View

warlock build advice

12:19 am, April 3, 2016 first time really building something from scratch. this is gearless so obviously going to have holes until you can get them covered. This is also a PDK but could also be a human. though I'm sure with [..] View

What can I farm during my group's downtime?

11:19 am, March 22, 2016 Hey guys, just a quick question. I was wondering what I can do when I have some free time to play while my regular group doesn't. I can't solo quests for XP because I can't leave the group behind, so [..] View

1st level item with a slot for 5% XP augment?

11:19 pm, March 11, 2016 I know such item(s) exist; I recall someone linking a trinket once (ioun stone perhaps). Is there a reasonably acquirable, level 1 item with a slot I can farm in a day or so? Or is it possible on a [..] View

Legendary Elite HoX Strategy

11:19 am, February 27, 2016 This is a Lava Divers of Khyber Legendary Elite Completion of Hound of Xoriat. Xy'zzy was pulled into the eastern hallway (the longer one). This reduces teh points of entry from 4 (if just dead c [..] View

10th Anniversary celebrations

11:19 pm, February 26, 2016 Congratulations DDO! Happy 10th birthday Today is the day. To you on the beach! Jeets awaits, don’t delay! You're off on a quest! You're off and away! You have no time for bed. You [..] View

The 2016 DDO Players Council Membership List

11:19 pm, February 9, 2016 Hello! Here are the current members of the 2016 DDO Players Council. This list may change over time, and as of today there are still a few folks who may join the Council within a couple of days. Thank [..] View

Very slow character log on - Windows 10

11:19 pm, January 26, 2016 I have a very annoying issue. The first character I log on with after launching the game takes a very long time to load. Splash screen takes a fair bit of time before the progress bar moves and then t [..] View

What gear for a leveling Sorcerer, rogue?

11:19 pm, January 4, 2016 I have already done one life as a 18 Sorcerer/2 Rogue I am now lvl 16 on my second life, and when I hit 20 , I am going to TR again, then use a Stone of Experience to get the 2 million xp, and TR ( [..] View

Figuring out green steel recipes from build names i.e. "min II"

11:19 pm, December 4, 2015 I finally created my first green steel item, a 3x positive long bow. I am now looking to create a cloak for my monk. I heard I can get 45 hp and protection +5/heavy fortification and stoneskin 2xs a d [..] View

How to reincarnate 27 to 1 ?

11:19 pm, December 4, 2015 Just got back after year+ out. Got lvl 27 toon, I quite fancy relearning/restarting on that toon at level 1 again with different classes and racking up some past lives. I can remember hall of heroes [..] View

Weave in the Fade: Limited-use Assassin Technique

11:19 pm, November 22, 2015 The basics: Stay permanently invisible and in Shadow WalkScrolls are good (SD's shadow walk only lasts one minute whereas scrolled shadowwalk lasts about 8ish minutes; scrolled invis is good for 3min) [..] View

Support Cordovan and Team Turbine this Movember!

11:19 pm, November 1, 2015 Hello everyone! I am once again hoping to get the DDO community involved in raising money for some important work this "Movember". The Movember Foundation conducts its largest annual fundrai [..] View

Green Steel

12:19 pm, October 10, 2015 I made a Shavarath Stone and gave it to the Shroud guy. I have done the Shroud 5 times, and want to make something. To mae a blank it requires a Shavarath Stone. Does that mean I need to do those ques [..] View

client_gamelogic.dat not found

12:19 am, October 10, 2015 DDO was working up until last night on my PC, then it just stopped dead. I run a: Since January, I have offset any additional RAM requirements by the use of virtual memory - since a 32 bit system ca [..] View

DDO-Wrapper (custom installer)

12:19 am, September 8, 2015 Introduction Greetings and welcome to DDO-Wrapper! This project was born out of the fact that the original setup files provided by Turbine either do not work most of the time and/or are miles out of d [..] View

Warlock Capstone quesion

12:19 am, September 2, 2015 Is there any capstone for warlock? I saw that rangers, for example, should hit L18 for the highest capstone available, but I couldn't find anything on wiki about warlocks. Very limited stuff for it [..] View

Stuck on The Crucible

12:19 pm, August 26, 2015 So i've been stuck on this quest in the first part. I got the 3 crests but lost my way and can't find the cage anymore. Now 3 questions here 1- Does this quest need more than 1 player and a hirelin [..] View

Hireling won't spanw in Irestone Inlet

12:19 am, August 5, 2015 I double clicked a lvl 4 fighter hireling while inside the instance for Irestone Inlet quest but the hireling didn't appear. My character is level 4. I'm new to the game, do hirelings sometimes not wo [..] View

Remove 1 class from char among otherthings

12:19 am, July 26, 2015 Hello, im wondering if it is possible to remove 1 class off my char without using a reincarnation stone if that is not possible, what reincarnation stone do i need to use to remove 1 class but still [..] View

A (Terrible) Idea... The Wartificer™

12:19 am, July 5, 2015 So I originally opened my account in 2010, and played till about 2012 when stuff and things drew me away from the game. About a week ago I began playing again, but I've always just kinda been a casual [..] View

Wizard 1st Life challenge Druid/FVS mix?

12:19 am, June 18, 2015 Hello, I have a 1st life wizard and the challenge Ive set out for myself it to see how powerful I can get it without resorting to TRing. Why? I have a LOT of toons, and only one that I TR, the rest a [..] View

Problem with Otto Exp Stone

11:19 pm, March 26, 2015 So I have a heroic stone and I am running a 50% bonus + guild bonus. Yet when I go to use the stone it says it will only take me to level 17, I am a second lifer, but if the bonuses are accurate is s [..] View

Melee Master Vampires: Oh Dual-Fang Runts of the PM Tree UNITE!

11:19 pm, March 21, 2015 Disclaimer: This is a work in progress. I am no expert on PMs so please post your suggestions. There have been a number of threads recently with players proposing vampire builds. I also was intrigued [..] View

Stone of XP

11:19 am, March 19, 2015 Hello, I am a player just coming back to the game after around 2 years off, so needless to say there is a lot of catching up to do. I am wondering if anyone can tell me the most you are able to boost [..] View

Looking for advice on Winterwolf flavor build!

11:19 pm, March 18, 2015 Greetings all, I'm looking into returning to DDO after a long time off, and want to play through the game and explore the content that's been added since I left. I don't need an optimal min/max build [..] View

Need some help choosing

11:19 pm, February 7, 2015 So just an FYI you guys have been great with all the advice. My wife, son, and I have a nice casual 3 man team we take out all WF pallie, arti, and pallie and we have a pretty good time playing casua [..] View

Can someone number crunch the difference in these enhancement capstones?

11:19 pm, January 30, 2015 I have a dual kopesh wielding Fighter/Ranger. I am trying to deal as much damage as I can with them. Should I go for Kensai Keen Edge, or Tempest Dance of *****? Here are the relevant enhancement/fea [..] View

Need some advice/opinions on this build

11:19 am, January 29, 2015 Code: Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.23.01DDO Character Planner Home PageStrikerix The Beast Level 28 Chaotic Good Warforged Male (2 Rogue \ 18 Wizard \ 8 Epic) Hit Points: 4 [..] View

List of every spell crit modifier and max spell crit chances

11:19 am, January 23, 2015 So I was wondering what the max spell crit chance was, and I couldn't find a list so i just compiled this after a few hours and though I'd post it for others. Forgive the general messiness, its mainly [..] View

Offering help for Vets and New players

11:19 pm, January 10, 2015 Ok so I have posted a few posts before letting new players know they could send me tells here or in game and I would be happy to help. I have helped quite a few people with various things some new and [..] View

New OR Vet player and in need of help?

11:19 pm, December 29, 2014 Ok so I have posted a few posts before letting new players know they could send me tells here or in game and I would be happy to help. I have helped quite a few people with various things some new and [..] View

questions about U24 quests

11:19 am, December 12, 2014 I ran the new content on heroic for favor on an epic swashbuckler. 1) Mask of Deception: a) I could not complete any of the optionals. Any tips? b) The masks. I didn't notice any change wearing one [..] View

Need Help with Survivability

11:19 pm, November 13, 2014 I continue to work through my first life on a level 18 Rogue. Even though I run 'easy' quests on Normal or Hard, often well above level, I simply cannot survive. For example, I just ran Blockade Bus [..] View

Basic wizard for new players

11:19 pm, November 9, 2014 Basic Wizard A wizard gets okay dps, good survivability, good self-healing. They have low defense and hp okay saves For a more advanced version that takes a lot more work look athttps://www.ddo.co [..] View

Support Team Turbine this Movember!

11:19 pm, November 4, 2014 We're raising awareness about men's health issues, and raising money for some good causes! Team Turbine is supporting this month-long effort, and we would love your help! What is Movember? From the o [..] View

Collection of Awesome Items to Glamer!

11:19 pm, October 30, 2014 Hey guys I think it would be a cool idea to make a well collection of awesome items to glamor including weapons since their coming soon..I'll post a couple myself but please post your own and I'll add [..] View

Build Request: S&B Pally Tank/Damage

12:19 pm, October 10, 2014 Hello there, New(ish) returning player who is excited by U23 and eager to roll up a paladin. A couple of things I'd like to do here: -Create a strong leveling build that is capable both in solo and [..] View

How do I know I am ready to group up?

12:19 pm, August 23, 2014 Hey all, Don't be fooled by my join date... I've played this game on and off for years now, but my highest leveled character is 16, which is a bard. I've got a cleric at 15, a barbarian at 14, and I [..] View

Dungeons and Dragons Setup Files (Windows)

12:19 am, August 14, 2014 I have taken it upon myself to try and help those who are having issues with getting the game to run with the current installers which are available from Turbine. As luck would have it I saved the ori [..] View

Help neede with DC's

12:19 pm, August 13, 2014 Ok, this was my 10+ DC in the last few days usually happens at just before the end of the quest. When I return I am usually a soulstone. This time solo Proof is in the poison. Will uninstalling sol [..] View

DDO Mobile Character Planner App

12:19 am, July 3, 2014 OK, so, about a year ago, I had wondered about a DDO application for iPad (possibly on iPhone/Android??) that I could use to plan my character builds. After doing a little bit of forum searching, I'd [..] View


Stone of XP

Mar 19, 2015, 1:31 pm Hello, I am a player just coming back to the game after around 2 years off, so needless to say there is a lot of catching up to do. I am wondering if anyone can tell me the most you are able to boost [..] View

Can someone number crunch the difference in these enhancement capstones?

Jan 31, 2015, 12:37 pm I have a dual kopesh wielding Fighter/Ranger. I am trying to deal as much damage as I can with them. Should I go for Kensai Keen Edge, or Tempest Dance of Death? Here are the relevant enhancement/fea[..] View

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