D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Tomes to buy on DDO store to max stats

12:19 pm, April 19, 2018 Hi. I know I can increase all my stats by 2 with special tomes I buy on DDO store. So at level one I get +2 to all stats with those tomes. Or maybe I get +1 to all stats with the tome at level 1, [..] View

XP penalty for using hirelings ?

12:19 pm, April 18, 2018 Hi. Is there an XP penalty for using hirelings ? I started using four hirelings in higher level tougher quests, and I get carried, doing nothing. Its boring, will only use one or two max for tougher [..] View

Seeking advice from advanced Ariticifer experts

12:19 am, April 17, 2018 Hi, I've been playing DDO for over 10 years now and for the past 5 years at least I've specialised myself by pretty much exclusively playing an Articifer. Although I enjoy playing in a group, my main [..] View


12:19 pm, April 16, 2018 Hi. Am totally new to the game. What use are the expansions ? Mists of Raveloft, shadowfell conspiracy, menace of the underdark. Do I have to buy them from the DDO Market ? And are those expansions [..] View

Has ArchMage Tree been deleted during a game update?

12:19 am, April 15, 2018 I am new to the game and have started a new character. My first level was a rogue one, for my second level i have start a wizard one. In enhancements tree list i can only seen two wizard tree Eldritch [..] View

Do reincarnation correctly, please advice.

12:19 pm, April 11, 2018 Hey all, I have a 15 Rogue, 2 Monk & 2 Fighter, I want to swap 3 Rogue levels and then add them to Monk. Do I use a +3 heart to change 3 Rogue levels to monk? In other words, while I reincar [..] View

Opinions on Server

12:19 am, April 9, 2018 Hello, Just wanted to ask the community here in the advice forum questions regarding severs. Now I did do a search, but nothing that is really current in 2018, a lot of the threads I found was from [..] View

Suggestions, please!

12:19 pm, April 7, 2018 Hello everyone! I am still relatively new to DDO, having played off-and-on since 2009 according to my account, but I've never leveled a character past 16. I've been playing consistently for the last m [..] View

DDO Store Sales: April 6th - 12th: "Select Low-Level Adventures"

12:19 am, April 6, 2018 For many new players, "What to buy?" is a common and often perplexing question. Everyone tells you to "Try to only buy when On Sale!" - and then a sale comes along, and you aren't [..] View

Just Started, Some questions!

12:19 pm, April 1, 2018 Hello all, I am 99% new to game I played long ago when the game first came out but I don't remember like anything. A lot of content has been added. I started a pally character and chose a kit for i [..] View

Balth's 2018 DDO New Player's Guide

12:19 pm, April 1, 2018 Dungeons and Dragons Online is a 12-year old MMO set in the plane of Eberron (although other places have been added over time). It is based on the 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons ruleset. As a longtime Dun [..] View

My personal monk build

12:19 am, April 1, 2018 I have been requested to post my build so here it is. Level 30 Lawful Neutral Halfling Female (20 Monk / 10 Epic) Hit Points: 512 Spell Points: 114 BAB: 15/15/20/25/25 Fortitude: 22 Refle [..] View

Computer keeps crashing while playing DDO-kicked out of quests before I can re-log in

12:19 am, March 28, 2018 This only happens randomly, sometimes never, sometimes often, but it is especially a problem when soloing quests and having to start completely over because by the time I reboot and relog into the gam [..] View

First Life

11:19 am, March 17, 2018 I really like this game, but everytime I come back I get stuck in the altoholic mode and never get to even level 10. This time I am committed to getting my first class through his first life. I know [..] View

Question on Lesser TR using two +5 Lesser Heroic Hearts of Wood.

11:19 pm, March 15, 2018 Greets All, I have a toon currently at level 10 that I would like to Lesser TR to a different class. He has 12 lives on him so I'd like to not lose him. As there are no +10 Lesser Hearts of Wood, my [..] View

Best Weapon advice

11:19 am, March 4, 2018 I'm wondering which weapon is better? My 14th level pally has a choice between Spinal Tap or a random drop ******* Sword with Electrifying (3d6) electrical damage. He has Improved Crit: Slashing wea [..] View

Lesser Reincarnation at Level Cap?

11:19 pm, March 2, 2018 Edit: I realized that the title might be wrong. I don't mean level cap but XP cap... Disclaimer: I haven't played for a while, but I am still a fan of this game. I'm running a Cleric17/Fighter3/Epic1 [..] View

12th Anniversary tips and tricks, questions and answers

11:19 pm, March 1, 2018 Heyo! I've been running the Kobolds in the 12th Anniversary (a lot) and have been able to do it very very reliably with a Rogue X / Barb 1 / Wiz 1 using very high stealth and a Quickened Invis spell- [..] View

Returning player with a domain question

11:19 am, March 1, 2018 Hi all, I am a returning player starting over after a 6 yr break. I am a bit confused about Domains. I read that at level 2 you pick a domain, but i am confused to how you pick it? i have a cleric an [..] View

Reaper Melee Weapon Golf Bag

11:19 pm, February 28, 2018 Reaper Melee Weapon Golf Bag Any monster type champion can have: possible 2 of: resist blunt/pierce/slashing Ghostly skeleton (lvl 5 quest)/abishai (lvl 5 quest)/some demons/scourge champions: DR Goo [..] View

Vistani HP loss bug?

11:19 pm, February 24, 2018 I am using the following build. Currently she is at level 13, rank 63.3. She is a 32 point build. She was created as a level 10 character when Ravenloft came out. The issue I am encountering is t [..] View

Want to spend some points in the DDO Store - advice needed!

11:19 am, February 24, 2018 Greetings! Some years ago I created an account, but never really played that much. Did not even reach Lvl 10 with a single character. Now I want to slip right back into DDO. Sometimes I'm playing so [..] View

Party event advice please

11:19 pm, February 23, 2018 Level 13 Barbarian, first life, no great gear. I can handle the event encounters with a NPC healer (Vargouille ****** me once) but I get to the final and it's just completely overwhelming. Jeets goes [..] View

Veteran Status Not Working?

11:19 pm, February 22, 2018 I got a character to 1k favor and got a mail saying veteran status was available to me on that server so I can start a character at level 4 now but when I made a new character on that server they star [..] View

Guard Items - Situation statuswise?

11:19 pm, February 17, 2018 So I have some questions about guard items. These came up when I got a 'Bracers of the Sun and Moon' which offer chance of 4d8 damage on being hit or missed to four damage types. Searching through va [..] View

Direction in Life

11:19 pm, February 8, 2018 I have played ddo since Launch but I am in and out a lot. I have played many mmo but now that I am a father I dont play as much and DDO seems to fit what I want from gaming when I am able to play. T [..] View

Dwarf question

11:19 am, February 3, 2018 Is there any difference(s) between a 2 rogue/18 ranger or a 1 rogue/1 fighter/18 ranger when either would be a dwarf? I tried to find info on my own but I never found any page or location where chart [..] View

Sentient weapon procs

11:19 pm, February 2, 2018 Quote: 3 Pieces: Assassin's Sentience: Melee and Missile attacks deal an additional 4d6 +1d6 per character epic level in acid damage. This effect will not stack with other Sentience [..] View

Can't take greater single weapon fighting

11:19 pm, January 27, 2018 For some reason I can't select the greater single weapon fighting feat at level 15. I have all the prerequisites, but the feat is greyed out as if I don't.https://imgur.com/a/qw9DI imgur link becaus [..] View

Ravenloft quests and DCs

11:19 pm, January 25, 2018 Hi, taking advantage of the downtime, I thought I'd ask about an issue that has been on my mind. Namely, what are the dcs for secret doors in the ravenloft quests? I ask because last week, before u [..] View

Can't Ever Use Dex Bonus to Hit w/ Scimitars? How about Improved Critical?

11:19 pm, January 21, 2018 Am I to understand that even though scimitars are classified as "light weapons," there is no way to use dexterity bonuses for their "to-hit" or damage? And how about improving the [..] View

Sentient weapon effects and warlock

11:19 pm, January 20, 2018 Hi, I was wondering if the effects such as: Quote: 3 Pieces: Assassin's Sentience: Melee and Missile attacks deal an additional 4d6 +1d6 per character epic level in acid damage. This [..] View

Returned player from long ago, very confused

11:19 pm, January 19, 2018 So I wanted to come back and check things out again, but I am very confused how to get started: 1) I have a lvl 20 dwarf cleric, a level 16 WF Wiz 14, Rog 2, and a low level drow twf paladin App [..] View

Question about tomes

11:19 pm, January 15, 2018 Perhaps this is a silly question or should be obvious, but I really don't know the answer, and I figured I would ask publicly in case anyone else needs to know. If you buy ONLY a +7 ability tome, wo [..] View

Todays Gear

11:19 pm, January 13, 2018 I have been back a month or so playing and leveling in the epic levels. This is a first life toon and I am still learning quest as I go. The issue I have is that its no longer just about stats on ge [..] View

evasion useful with heavy armor?

11:19 pm, January 9, 2018 Hello, people ingame keep telling me, that I should pick 2 levels of Rogue to get evasion, but my character will most likely wear heavy armor. From what I see here:http://ddowiki.com/page/Evasion ev [..] View

Collectibles, what to keep?

11:19 pm, January 9, 2018 Hey there, I’m leveling up a paladin and the collectibles are driving me crazy. I’ve got the small and medium collectibles bags, but my inventory is still beginning to fill up. I w [..] View

A Question about Lesser TR

11:19 am, January 5, 2018 Posting on behalf of a friend who is currently having network issues: I've got a question to ask about lesser TRing with class changes. I currently have a level 20 Ranger, and while I enjoyed the bu [..] View

Anyone help with class and playing advice?

11:19 am, January 1, 2018 Howdy yall!! I returned last week from a break since U27. I literally spent the past week sorting and organizing my mules. I had way too much stuff. Here is my dilema. I have 2 main toons and [..] View

Really fast leveling?

11:19 am, December 31, 2017 I was playing with a character by the name of Yumzie on the Sarlona server and he was a level 18 warlock. I played with him the next day and he was a pure level 18 sorcerer. Now i thought maybe he cou [..] View

Question about iconic reincarnation

11:19 pm, December 30, 2017 Hi, I was thinking about which lives to get going forward, when I discovered that by doing Iconic Reincarnations I get both the iconic past life and the heroic one. However, I also noticed that with [..] View

Nrcro packs @ 75% offf = 87 DDO Points! (also SFC & MotU, & more!)

11:19 am, December 29, 2017 (Public Service Announcement... from one Premium Player to any/all others...) @ New(ish) F2P & Premium Players - On Sale this week - all Necropolis packs, for only 87 DDO Points! (Yes, eighty- [..] View

Ghost Touch solution for level 10?

11:19 am, December 29, 2017 Came back to the game a couple months ago, been enjoying it a lot so far! I even managed to get a character up to max level and reincarnate her, something I've never actually done before. However, I'v [..] View

Feats for Ranger

11:19 pm, December 27, 2017 Hello, Seeking forms input on what are best feats for two weapon fighting human ranger character. I recently started playing ranger class and have two rangers now, a human (lvl 10) and a drow (lvl 1 [..] View

Multiple versions of Silver Flame Talisman?

11:19 am, December 23, 2017 Just curious - is it possible to have both a ML 9 Silver Flame Pendant (Neg absorption 5x/day, no Prot from Evil) and a fully upgraded ML 11 talisman? Even if you have to keep one or both in the ban [..] View

need help in determining which expansions i have

11:19 pm, December 22, 2017 Hi all, I used to play DDO back in 2011 and then again in 2014. there is currently a very attractive expansion sale: "menace of the underdark" for five bucks and shadowfell conspiracy fo [..] View

1-20 Quest guide for efficient TR'ing (No Sov pots edition)

11:19 pm, December 21, 2017 There are several decent TR'ing quest guides out there but so far all of them have shared the requirement that you down Sov pots non-stop, they run with a perma-group or they're wicked out of date mak [..] View

Where is the REAL newbie threads?

11:19 pm, December 20, 2017 This is supposed to be a new player thread yet I see stuff posted for level 20 (sorry but that AINT a new player) and on 2nd,3rd + reincarnated toons.... Are there actual threads about what works at [..] View

Ice flenser help

11:19 am, December 16, 2017 I am having issues with Ice flenser's polar rays at mid levels at the moment. I barely scraped through invaders and the first archon quest, but am now having trouble with demon assault. They do so muc [..] View

So, does this arti build pass the smoke test?

11:19 am, December 14, 2017 So, I'm getting bored with my main BF paladin, and I wanted to try an artificer. I'm not playing much right now, and there are still a few things to wrap up before the TR, but with the current veteran [..] View

Random Freezes / lock ups

11:19 am, December 8, 2017 So whilst playing the game I get random freezes of anywhere between 2-8secs. This happens mainly on entering new areas, or whenever im below 30% health and there are enemies around :D Joke, its comp [..] View

DDO Bonus Days: Veteran Status 3 and Festivult Coins!

11:19 pm, December 7, 2017 Veteran Status 3 is now available! Players can now create characters at level 10 through December 17th! The level 10 character also included gear and a cleric hireling contract. Also, Festivult Coins [..] View

Any advice for a new player? Im getting incredibly frustrated.

11:19 am, December 7, 2017 Just wanted to get back into DDO. I played a ton back in the day but lost my old account info so I started a new one. I dropped $50 to start off at level 7 with 34 skill points with a few more things [..] View

Ravenloft Crashing

11:19 pm, December 6, 2017 So along with most of the community, I was waiting eagerly for the new expansion to come out.. and Weds updating the client. So logged in, jumped onto my level 30 farm character and after spending so [..] View

Constant crashes since Ravenloft (not in new content)

11:19 pm, December 6, 2017 So finally downloaded all the update, and TR'd my fighter to warlock. Played for a couple of hours on the starting island, but crashed when entering a dungeon (Game froze, and became unresponsive, ev [..] View

Epic past life feats & TR

11:19 pm, December 5, 2017 I'm a newb on my first toon's 2nd life and have a question about epic past life feats gained from doing eTRs. Do they survive a TR back to level 1? Apologies if this seems like a really dumb questio [..] View

Changing Ranger level from lvl 20 down to lvl 10

11:19 pm, November 26, 2017 I will be playing family (long distance) on Christmas day (family tradition), but they are all going to start at lvl 10. I do not have any level 10's but would like to use my level 20 ranger, {Shira [..] View

Have not played since 2011. No idea where to begin.

11:19 am, November 25, 2017 So, I used to play back in 2011. I reached end game on my Bard, and then quit due to lack of content/other games. Decided to come back because DDO Bard is probably my favorite MMO class of all time, a [..] View

Fundamental Enhancement Question

11:19 am, November 23, 2017 Hi all! Sorry, I am just getting back after eight years away. I can't quite get my head around enhancement trees. I see lots of detailed posts but not this question answered. It seems the more points [..] View

Question regarding Epic Destinys

11:19 am, November 21, 2017 Hi all... I just recently got back into ddo and decided to run a solo toon (Ive never made it to level 20 because my friends always get burnt out and I was tired of starting over.) So I rolled up a mo [..] View

Lesser Reincarnate Question

11:19 am, November 19, 2017 I have a cleric who took levels as follows: 1 - cleric 2 - fighter 3 - cleric 4 - cleric 5 - cleric And so on, all other level as cleric. If I wanted to do a lesser reincarnate and take fight [..] View

Returning since Update 19

11:19 am, November 16, 2017 Used to play a bit during update 19, saw the new skill trees, but probably not all of the new content. Premium player, probably spent ~$80? So I read through the DDO wiki on updates since then, and am [..] View

How do i grind for the silver slinger?

11:19 pm, November 15, 2017 Hello I am currently on a repeater life and have all scrolls, shards and seals needed for making an epic version. Currently i have only one silver slinger - my brother was kind enough to give one to [..] View

Strange UI issues

11:19 am, November 11, 2017 Hi SSG / others, Since about 3 weeks ago I've been having weird issues with my UI. Specifically: - When I load in I can run around just fine and see other characters move but chat doesn't load, and [..] View

Quest Compendium Spreadsheet

11:19 am, November 9, 2017 A while back, someone had posted a spreadsheet that had all of the quests listed out that included some nice details for tracking progress. I took that sheet & built upon it, adding in some ad [..] View

Raid noob solo which and how?

11:19 pm, November 7, 2017 Hi all In my previus life i soloed sands of menechturum and chronoscope raids on epic hard. Right now i am level 12 on a 2/10 artificer/fighter repeater build. I do decent damage. 1.8d10+52 basic dam [..] View

Spell power from enhancement trees - what stacks?

11:19 am, November 7, 2017 Hello I don't know what stacks. I undestand that if you have an item with universal spellpower and another with radiance that only the highest is taken into account. But how does it work with enhance [..] View

How do I improve Will Saves and enchantment protection from Hold Monster spells

11:19 am, November 5, 2017 Hello, Have 9th level character who, often when does dies, is mostly because they have been hit several times in a row with HOLD MONSTER spell while swarmed by enemies. This character is;1 lvl rogue [..] View

Gearing questions for an AA primarily

11:19 pm, November 2, 2017 So I have been away for years and currently leveling an AA following Scrimton's Acid Archer build. I am curious about what type of gear to find and keep while leveling to increase my damage. My list c [..] View

Movember 2017 and Team DDO!

11:19 pm, November 1, 2017 Hello everyone, and welcome to Movember 2017! This is now the fifth year that I've raised money publicly for men's health through the Movember Foundation in the Dungeons & Dragons Online comm [..] View

Solo Build Suggestions?

12:19 pm, October 25, 2017 I have come back after a long time away and sadly none of my friends play anymore. I like to explore every dungeon and not run thru them at breakneck speed. What would be the best class(s) to solo a [..] View

Epic leveling guide?

12:19 pm, October 20, 2017 Anyone have a link to a guide for questing from 20-30 speed pace? Im a rogue mech build that self sufficient. I will probably just do reaper 1 or so. Just haven't been around in awhile and don't kn [..] View

Heavy melee AC/PRR/MRR tank question

12:19 am, October 18, 2017 Greets Folks, Here is my dilemma.. I love my tank..Hes a pure fighter (on his 3rd life now timmy/AC) and I've always been a "purist" when it comes to this character. (Many of you know him [..] View

Lesser Arcane Augmentation and Enhancement Trees

12:19 pm, October 15, 2017 Talking about the listed on the Staff of the Necromancer: "It increases the caster level of the spells you cast that fall within the items spell type (all for Arcane Augmentation) and spell level [..] View

The Ultimate TR Levelling Guide!

12:19 pm, October 14, 2017 Howdy all. Have you ever gotten tired struggling with trying to get to Level 20 for TR? Are you always finding a lack of Groups on the LFM that run the right quests for a max load of XP? Well look no [..] View

Ideas for running favor farmers

12:19 am, October 14, 2017 I thought I would share some experiences from some recent runs I did while getting 100 favor in the servers I have never played on. One of the reasons I did this was a I got a little bored trying to [..] View

Give up 2 lvls of Ranger for Monk to gain feats DODGE and DEFLECT ARROWS?

12:19 am, October 13, 2017 Give up 2 lvls of Ranger for Monk to gain feats DODGE and DEFLECT ARROWS? From other posts; https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...-heart-of-woodhttps://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...-ability-score [..] View

Which classes are in need of a pass? Coming back and unsure whats been updated.

12:19 am, October 13, 2017 Hi, Coming back to the game with my wife and a friend. My friend is very new to the game and I dont want to steer him toward a class that has been lacking a pass for a long time. I saw Ranger/Arti/ [..] View

What gear from auction houses will increase character's wisdom ability score?

12:19 am, October 12, 2017 What are the names of gear that increase’s a character’s wisdom ability score found in auction houses? Would like to know what wording I should be searching for in auction houses [..] View

Lesser Reincarnation and +Lesser heart of wood

12:19 pm, October 7, 2017 Hello, Want to verify my understanding of lesser reincarnation and +lesser heart of wood usage purchased from DDO store. Want to reincarnate a Rogue to a Rogue/Ranger. I have a level 2 rogue chara [..] View

Do Two weapon fighting feats apply to an armed Drow Monk?

12:19 am, October 6, 2017 Hello, I have a Drow monk (Lvl:1 = Rogue, Lvl:2 = Fighter, Lvls: 3-10 = Monk) with fests “Whirling Steel Strike” & “Two Weapon Fighting” & &am [..] View

Ka is a Wheel: Next steps in TR Question

12:19 pm, October 4, 2017 So, here I am, returning to the game after a seven year hiatus... I am on a Premium (not FtP or VIP) account so have to be cautious with my Favor-earned DDO Points. I want to do a new TR and really [..] View

Quests By XP and Effective Difficulty

12:19 am, September 30, 2017 I took the quests by xp from the ddowiki and broke them out by effective level based on difficulty. Raids have been removed. Solo only quests have been removed. Quest duration is not included. Bravery [..] View

How to Survive Super Monster Champions?

12:19 am, September 27, 2017 The short version: What can I do to increase my chances of surviving an encounter with a "Super Monster Champion"? By "Super Monster Champion", I mean the 1 in 50 Monster Champio [..] View

New Quest Pack

12:19 pm, September 21, 2017 New to the game and loving it. I have 275 DDO points and was thinking of getting Shan-to-Kor while its on sale. Then I'd get the two expansions and save the TP for black friday. Does this seem like a [..] View

Am I ready.....

12:19 pm, September 14, 2017 This is getting a thread started for new players to help them decide if they are ready for the difficulty casual/normal - I only recommend this if everyone in group is completely new. (it may also be [..] View

New Player Reaper Pointers

12:19 am, September 10, 2017 If you are new to the game, first - welcome! Now if you are done soloing and have decided to group up you might look at the LFM panel and wonder what is R1/Reaper. Reaper is the hardest difficulty mod [..] View

What quest difficulty is more efficient?

12:19 am, September 9, 2017 Hello, My character is currently level 10. I was wondering what difficulty has the most efficient experience per hour? Would it be a level 10 quest on normal, a level 9 quest on hard (recommended lev [..] View

Shield Bash procs Question

12:19 am, September 8, 2017 I'm curious as to whether the secondary shield bashes that you can build for a high rate of will proc some of these things(do secondary bashes count as "Attacks"): Pale Master Forms: Vampir [..] View


12:19 am, September 5, 2017 Hello! I wouldn't say I'm precisely new but I'm still in the process of leveling my first character to 20. I've asked a few questions here on the forums before, usually about small game mechanic clari [..] View

Community Rules Update

12:19 am, August 31, 2017 One of the things that has been a long-term project of mine is to update the Community Guidelines to better reflect the needs of Standing Stone Games, to more accurately describe the rules as we apply [..] View

Time Bomb question

12:19 am, August 31, 2017 For time bomb Dc what does Trap Bonus mean? And what about disable device check? Does it add in improved traps and/or disable device to the DC of the knockdown? Bonus: Alchemical traps in the mechan [..] View

melee build to one shot trash mobs in toee?

12:19 pm, August 23, 2017 note the question mark. when I first started playing and rolled up a bunch of different guys, at level 1, korthos, I went in and was oneshotting all the mobs. but I don't remember the race or class c [..] View

Reincarnation Cache

12:19 pm, August 22, 2017 Hi All, Returning player here that cannot seem to rework the new enhancements to fit my previous build. As such, I plan on reincarnating to reset fighter and ranger levels to full monk. I figure th [..] View

Leveling Question

12:19 pm, August 21, 2017 Hello, I have been playing a month or so. I have not had much luck finding a good solo leveling guide. I mainly just like to solo, get on, **** a few things and have a little fun. Can I get some rec [..] View

Does Eldritch Blast always count as a spell?

12:19 pm, August 18, 2017 I'm about to TR into a Warlock for the first time. I'm fairly familiar with the class in general, but not at all in depth. I can't find a source which says if Eldritch Blast counts as a spell one wa [..] View

Store - display all items

12:19 pm, August 18, 2017 I'm not new but I have a question about the store. I want to buy a red augment (acid) that is ML 24 but my character is level 29 and it only shows me the ML 28 version. Is there anyway to change the [..] View

Most active server?

12:19 am, August 14, 2017 Hi, I've been trying to get back into DDO after a break of nearly 5! years. I have some level 25 characters with multiple TRs across Cannith, Orien and Argonnessen, but most of my investment is on Can [..] View

Dragonborn Eldritch Knight/Swashbuckler viable?

12:19 pm, August 2, 2017 I was looking over the enhancements for the Eldritch Knight, and saw that it gets an automatic cleave with extra damage on it, and a lot of shield boosts, and light armor. So with taking Bard levels a [..] View

Best Epic Past Life Feat?

12:19 am, August 1, 2017 Good day! So, I just finished up Epic go round number thirteen. For my next Epic Past Life Feat I have a choice of: 3 Physical Resistance Rating ~4 Armor Class ~11 Hit Points 1% Elemental Absorp [..] View


What happens at level 28?

Feb 22, 2015, 2:16 pm Hello<br><br> I have read wiki, and I get heroic is through level 20 and then Epic starts with a level cap of 28. And I guess as part of the Epic levels you can do something else called a Destiny. [..] View

A Very Brief Guide to Casual, Solo Leveling and Questing

Feb 3, 2015, 12:25 pm I want to preface this post by saying that this will require you to have some TP on hand for extra hirelings, and that it will not level you remotely as fast as doing Elite runs of the super challengi[..] View

Asking for a good flowsheet of quests so i can Level as fast as possible

Jan 21, 2015, 9:10 pm G&acute;morning Folks! Last summer i created a new toon and forgot about him a Little coz he sucked a bit and i better spend time with grinding EDs + ERs for my 3 other toons. After having him now o[..] View

Noob Question re: Leveling Up - Path or no path

Jan 9, 2015, 3:30 am Hello: When leveling up there are the two options to either stay on the path or choose a different path. My char is a Ranger. If I go to the ranger trainer what does not staying on the path do? Doe[..] View

F2P completly, doing each available quest once, what level you reach?

Jan 6, 2015, 2:31 pm Just wondering, dunno if somebody tried this already. What level can a -completly- F2P player get to if he only does each quest once, on elite, with BB? No ship, No xp pot, no voice, strictly F2P but [..] View

Use Iconic for Farming Low-level Equipment

Dec 18, 2014, 11:27 am I don't have any characters over level 8 but I have decided to build a PDK to farm some good equipment that my lower level characters can use as they level up. What are some of the best items (and whe[..] View

Newbie running out of steam at midlevels or how do I xp?

Dec 15, 2014, 2:04 am Another day, another noob issue: I've played up to lv11 just doing every quest once on normal, plus assorted tooling around in wildernesses (despite my hatred of wilderness because OND), and it worke[..] View

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