D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions

8:21 am, July 1, 2014

Gear Items Marked Normal - Hard - Elite

Okay... I'm really getting into DDO finally thanks to the help of these boards and the community. Next weekend I will probably make it to my first TR - so this will be the last post considering myself a "newbie"

I think I have the basics of mechanics, rules of stacking, decent gear etc. to start my next life, and a great supportive guild. So one last question before I stop considering myself a 'newbie':

In the Shard Exchange I see a few items and weapons marked "Normal" "Hard" "Elite" - what does that mean and are there any restrictions in equipping hard or elite gear (assuming you meet all other requirements)? I tried searching but that's a topic really hard to search on (or I'm not searching for the right thing.)

As always, thanks to everyone for the support and encouragement you give new and returning players.



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