D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Update made client unstable

12:19 pm, April 13, 2018 Ran the update yesterday, game played fine, today, the client locked up my computer when it launched, and now it is acting as if I'm launching it for the first time, but crashes every time I log in. D [..] View

Error 122 GEFORCE 940MX

12:19 am, April 13, 2018 Hi I am having trouble logging in with a new laptop. The laptop has an Nvidia 940MX card and I wouldnt think that would be an issue. But the game doesnt recognize the graphics card and gives me a 122 [..] View

Akami Error [Unable to download game]

12:19 pm, April 8, 2018 Heyo! If this isn't exactly in the right place move-me. I can't download the game in one go because of where I live and Akami is acting funny. It restarts the download each time. Can't play. Any help [..] View

Barovian wilderness___ Crashing___ ideas?

12:19 pm, April 3, 2018 Barovian wilderness___ Crashing___ ideas? Three of my Gaming Group just got Ravenloft and wanted to try it out but we are having little luck : ( We completed “Into the Mists” wi [..] View

Vistani HP loss bug?

11:19 pm, February 24, 2018 I am using the following build. Currently she is at level 13, rank 63.3. She is a 32 point build. She was created as a level 10 character when Ravenloft came out. The issue I am encountering is t [..] View

game crashes with no errors when I pick my server (argo)

11:19 pm, February 17, 2018 I have Windows 10 and I told DDO to go ahead and use DirectX10 when it asked. I have gotten ddo to run once on the first time I installed it, but after that initial time running the game, it won't get [..] View

Need help. Unable to get to the game.

11:19 am, February 1, 2018 I am running windows 10. And yesterday I did a clean wipe on pc. After reinstalling DDO (twice) I haven't been able to get into the game. I can log in but once I select the server the DDO client close [..] View

Can't start the launcher, get internal error

11:19 pm, January 31, 2018 I havn't logged in to the game for a very long while, so I though it might be broken old file... Tried redownloading, didn't work. Tried adminestrator, didn't work. Tried the fix at https://help.sta [..] View

could not initialize direct3d and Direct X 9 grayed out.

11:19 pm, January 11, 2018 I just ran into this issue on a brand new build. I upgraded my system and installed windows 10 pro fresh. Did all the updates then installed DDO. It wouldn't let me make any changes to the graphics wi [..] View

Ramdom Crashing Windows 10

11:19 pm, December 19, 2017 Hello all, I hope you can help me with this. I reinstalled windows 10 and come back to ddo recently, but I can t really play because I have ramdom crashes. Sometimes I can play a couple of hours with [..] View

Windows 10 with directx 12 installed, can't change any vid settings or game crashes

11:19 pm, November 18, 2017 with an error about not finding directx 9. I'm running a Geoforce GTX 960m vid card on a Dell Inspiron with core i7. Any ideas? I've tried updating the video driver but it's current. Game will run, bu [..] View

Windows 10, Version 1709 feature update

11:19 am, November 8, 2017 So I have installed this update for a second time, with about 2 months between each attempt. As a result DDO will no longer properly launch within Steam a few hours after the update goes in. Last ti [..] View

tring to Download....

11:19 pm, October 29, 2017 i have been trying to download the game frome the DDO website for a hour now. it keeps saying update error occured. i have reset modem. restarted the client (10 times) re started my pc. everything kee [..] View

Client stopped booting up.

12:19 am, October 26, 2017 This morning I've been trying to launch DDO and I've been getting this message: "Internal Error, please contact customer support." No Error code or anything. Can the psychics at DDO custom [..] View

403 - Forbidden

12:19 am, October 20, 2017 Hello everyone, first of all, sry about the english. Well i'm from cannith, i play the game on my computer, a good one in fact, i work as a video editor. Anyway, today i was going to log on cannith t [..] View

QtGui4.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error.

12:19 pm, October 18, 2017 Hi! This is the second time this month I have received an error post-patching the DDO client. I don't recall the first one, but it occurred after the Hotfix requiring me to reinstall DDO. Now, after t [..] View

Error Message

12:19 am, October 18, 2017 Hi Just tried to open the DDO launcher and keep getting the message Internal Error, Please contact customer support. All working yesterday when I was last on Any ideas or anyone know the customer [..] View

Bad Image

12:19 am, October 8, 2017 I been playing the game just fine on same computer for years.. then all of a sudden the game no longer works When i click on my icon I get this errorhttps://imgur.com/a/cxRRi I deleted the game and [..] View

why is the launcher asking me to luanch from steam

12:19 pm, September 8, 2017 tryed to log into game today and i get as far as the select worlds screen click on world and crashes, i get an error "error reading application id. Please either write to steam_appid.txt or use [..] View

Community Rules Update

12:19 am, August 31, 2017 One of the things that has been a long-term project of mine is to update the Community Guidelines to better reflect the needs of Standing Stone Games, to more accurately describe the rules as we apply [..] View

error logging in! error creating ssl context ()

12:19 am, August 19, 2017 I saw there was a really old thread asking about my exact problem but the one reply did not help so I am hoping someone else might have some thoughts. My laptop recently died a terrible ***** and so I [..] View

ddo dont start after i set up the world to lauch - help

12:19 am, August 6, 2017 Hi. Since last week i cant enter the game. everything goes normal until i put the password and set up the world , when i press play (and normally the ddo screen shows up) i get a black screen like is [..] View

Blue Screen error when trying to run DDO

12:19 pm, August 2, 2017 Hi, I recently reinstalled Dungeons and Dragons Online (had not played since circa 2015 or earlier), and am running into an error. After patching, the launcher loads correctly and I select the serve [..] View

cannot patch file dndclient.exe error 5 access is denied

12:19 pm, July 15, 2017 Since the last patch the launcher looks in the update server and then brings up the above error message box, when click OK it then goes back to server and repeats. I use Win 10 and have i7-4820k CPU [..] View

Can't download ddo live.exe, keeps getting interrupted, any help?

12:19 am, July 15, 2017 Hi, the story Yesterday tried to patch u36 Got errors patching, at the 44% point Tried to restart patch several times, Seemed to continue, To a point where it asked to modify hard drive by turbin [..] View

Launcher error

12:19 am, June 17, 2017 The past few days, whenever I try to start DDO on my laptop I get a popup saying TurbineLauncher.exe - System Error The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP100.dll was not found. Reinstalli [..] View

Game does not open after connecting to the server

12:19 am, June 3, 2017 After logging and connecting to the server the window of the game does not open. The last change in the computer is that Windows 10 updated to Creator. I have already tried to disable the game bar, bu [..] View

Zen archery works with a crossbow?

12:19 pm, May 12, 2017 I made a character that is rogue leve 12, artificer level 4 ( to get endless fusilade) and ranger level f4 (to get terror arrows). So it is based on wis (now is 64) I use dex to hit and damage witha [..] View

Connection with server Lost!

12:19 pm, April 20, 2017 Thank you for taking the time to read this. It's 3am and I have been spending the last 8 hours trying to get this resolved. After the server reboot yesterday I can no longer log into the game, there h [..] View

DDO Quest Sheet (full list)

11:19 am, March 25, 2017 Note: This is hosted on Google Sheets. You will need to copy it to your own account for full functionality. Hi all, Been using this myself for some time, saw a request for a quest list so thought I' [..] View

Launcher Error while downloading new update

11:19 am, March 24, 2017 Like the title says. I havent played since before update 35 was released, and now find myself back in this loop of the launcher getting to between 65-95% finished on the final file before giving me a [..] View

All Worlds have been down for days...

11:19 am, March 4, 2017 Well, at least according to my launcher, every single world has been down every time I've checked over the past 4 days. Each check more than 3 hours apart and only ONE of the checks actually had notic [..] View

Initialization Errors after Latest update 03/02/'17

11:19 pm, February 3, 2017 After the latest Reaper update I played a few hours in game and then turned my PC off for the night and when I tried to log on the next day I tried to log into the game and the launcher failed on star [..] View

Failure to queue for server Error 0x80004005

11:19 pm, January 30, 2017 I have received this message since the last patch or approx. 24th. I have reloaded the game multiple times, reboot router, dns flushed, etc... any suggestions. I have opened a ticket without response [..] View

Minimum Clericality or Paladinishness

11:19 pm, January 24, 2017 I'm a noob. I played just to lv20 once, years ago, so the basics are familiar and I'm looking at the wiki. I hate the undead. I don't want to be a rogue, but I hate locked doors... Thinking about a H [..] View

can't log - Error 0x80004005

11:19 pm, January 24, 2017 I get this error on my main account and can't log, but can log on another account on the same PC. Used a diferent PC, same thing. I already reinstalled ddo, turned off the firewall, antivirus and ev [..] View

Lamannia server connection error

11:19 pm, January 21, 2017 I was trying to get onto Lamannia and as the status says "Connecting to patch server", it fails at 33%. The error says the server connection timed out. I can easily log into the regular DDO [..] View

SSD "Can't open teh data files"

11:19 pm, December 23, 2016 I'll preface this by saying i'm an old man with limited IT skills .... I stopped playing DDO a while back when the lag monster ate everything in site. I'm under the understanding that the situation i [..] View

Pipe Error 109

11:19 am, December 22, 2016 So for the past few days, I've tried to start up DDO. It comes up with the launcher correctly and everything, but when I hit "connect" on the launcher, it closes the launcher (as usual) but [..] View

Game won´t start after U33-2. Where is the Game Client Executable?

11:19 am, December 22, 2016 Hi all! I need help please. Yesterday, my game was all running fine, and today i did last update. Since then, the launcher starts and asks me where the game client executable is. A screen pops up to [..] View

Character is already in the world

11:19 pm, December 1, 2016 When I try to log into one of my toons, I keep getting the "character is already in the world" error messages. I have had a ticket open in game for over 2 hours. Is this something they can [..] View

Multiple Clients Running Issue

11:19 pm, November 13, 2016 Here is my problem in a nutshell. I can launch DDO without a problem and it runs just fine with little to no lag (lucky me) and I can switch toons and still not have many problems. For years I was abl [..] View

Searhing for Logon Server

12:19 am, September 25, 2016 I am having trouble connecting to my main worls - Sarlona. I get the error Searching for Logon Server (attempt # of 20). The irritating thing is I can logon to every other server no problems. I have t [..] View

Public Notice Board

12:19 pm, September 13, 2016 Below is a list of some of the Known Issues that we are aware of, and below that are features that are Working as Intended but may cause confusion. Should you come across any of these issues, there is [..] View

Launcher/Client Win8

12:19 pm, August 31, 2016 Hello, I am trying to run ddo on win8. The launcher will start, but when it comes to logging in the clients does not start, without giving an error message. I think it could be that it tries to run wi [..] View

Freezing on the loading screen. Error 205

12:19 pm, August 30, 2016 So I had this problem last night, then it worked for a while today, and now it's doing it again. The game will load, I'll select a character, it'll go to the load screen, the loading bar will load all [..] View

regular crashing

12:19 am, August 25, 2016 Every 2 hours roughly, occasionally more frequently then that. my game crashes. no errors or any notifications appear. it normally happens in a load screen. but has happened just running around town a [..] View

DDO Launcher Windows 7 - Eroor the request could not be sent

12:19 pm, August 24, 2016 Hi everyone, I am using a small laptop which definitely has enough space and the capacity to run ddo but for some reason, the launcher will give me an error message (the title). I have tried reinstall [..] View

Missing DAT Files for Lammania: Game Error 201

12:19 pm, August 13, 2016 I did a fresh install of Lammania (for Update 32, new Cannith Crafting). When I run it, I get: Code: Game Error [201] Can't open the data files. Check that they exist and that you have permissio [..] View

error message - my end or turbines?

12:19 pm, June 26, 2016 i get this message a lot and i am trying to track it down. (Error): Your connection with the Chat server has been lost. (Error): Your connection with the Chat server has been reestablished. i cant [..] View

Cannot Start DDO Following 08-06-16 Downtime

12:19 am, June 9, 2016 Okay so since whatever was done during today's downtime, I can't start up the game any longer. Every time I try, I go through the launcher, it does it quick checks and what every else it does, then gi [..] View

Attempting to Logon Server (x of 20) Error

12:19 pm, June 8, 2016 Hey, I was just playing on my laptop and closed out of game to switch rooms then turned it back on to load into an account and upon loading in i start seeing "Searching for logon server ... (atte [..] View

Cyclical Latency Issues

12:19 am, May 16, 2016 I’ve noticed some new, strange behavior in DDO over the past few days. Basically, I’ll experience (normal for me) latency of 50-80ms and then without explanation, DDO latency will [..] View

Launcher closes but game doesnt start

12:19 am, May 14, 2016 Please excuse me, im a little bit frustrated right now and it is getting late for me, i will try to give as much informations as i can till i have to go to sleep because of late hours here in EU (need [..] View

Game error 201 - Reinstalling DDO

12:19 pm, April 20, 2016 I have a PC desktop that is about 3 years old running Windows 8. When I first got the system, I loaded DDO on it and it worked great. Then I used the uninstall feature to remove the game (spousal ag [..] View

Loooong time away ... computer requirements links/recommendations?

12:19 am, March 30, 2016 Hi, I've been away at least a year. Probably more like multiple years since I have anniversary goodies just sitting there on my toons. I've jumped on but no serious playing for a long time. I have a m [..] View

New Install: PatchClientDLL: CheckDatFiles Failed

11:19 am, March 18, 2016 I'm trying to run DDO onto a new laptop. After installation, when I get to the "Check Product" screen, I get this error: Code: PatchClientDLL: CheckDatFiles Failed [Unable to decrypt a [..] View

getting a wierd message when i try to log on.

11:19 am, March 14, 2016 I logged on just fine this morning. I go to log on to check auctions/toon maintenance, and it tells me that game error 105 can not initialize direct x 9 (2005) nothing has changed on my end. Is [..] View

DDO Bonus Days: Treasure Hunter's Weekend!

11:19 pm, March 10, 2016 DDO Bonus Days bring you a new bonus event: Treasure Hunter's Weekend! Now through March 13th! What it does: Treasure dice rolls are increased by 10, making it more likely that you will get maximum ef [..] View

Crashing after server selection

11:19 pm, March 9, 2016 So i use to play awhile ago and decided to come back and play some more. but when installing it either through steam or the ddo launcher it would always crash after i selected a server. it would start [..] View

Error when run the launcher.

11:19 pm, March 8, 2016 Recently I installed my Windows 7 again and the next I installed the game without any trouble, I was played the game for 3 days but today when I try to run the launcher the game give me the next error [..] View

Internal error message

11:19 pm, March 8, 2016 I keep getting internal error when I am trying to download DDO from Steam or the website. I have a AMD10 PC, don't know why this is happening, I played it just the other Day but had to re-install but [..] View

Game Error [205]

11:19 pm, March 2, 2016 After the new update, I continually get: Game Error [205] The game client was passed invalid command-line parameters. [205] It seems to happen when I <cntrl> Tab to look at a differen [..] View

X Box Elite Controller - Freeze out

11:19 am, February 25, 2016 I'm sure there is not a lot of support when it comes to controllers for this game so I'll make this short. When I plug and map out the buttons for my X Box Elite Controller DDO Freezes, Drop's connec [..] View

Comprehensive Spell Power, Crit Chance, Crit Damage Breakdowns

11:19 pm, February 19, 2016 Thread is what it says on the tin. Since max DC and max spellpower build are usually exclusive to each other, this will be its own thread. Also I can't edit thread titles. Once again I invite everyone [..] View

Comprehensive DC breakdown for all classes

11:19 am, February 14, 2016 This is a much improved version of my first thread, with less mistakes, better organization, and in a subforum where hopefully more people will see it. This will break down the DC for every class and [..] View

Windows 10 - Connecting to patch Server 33%. Server Connection timed out.

11:19 pm, February 11, 2016 Windows 10 - Connecting to patch Server 33%. Server Connection timed out. Sooo. Whats changed, tried to log on late last night and got this error. so said screw it and went to bed. Today. same er [..] View

Is anyone else having Logon Server issues?

11:19 pm, February 11, 2016 I was working fine this morning. Then I got stuck in a loading screen, where it eventually booted me from the game. Then, when I tried to log back in, it was giving 1 to 20 attempts trying to connect [..] View

New install on Windows 10, An update error occurred, the request could not be sent

11:19 am, February 7, 2016 New computer with Win 10, downloaded and ran the installer, after the full many-gigs downloaded, it started installing, and after about 15 minutes it is stuck retrying now with the above error message [..] View

Installed windows 10 and keep getting 201 error that it cant open data files

11:19 pm, February 3, 2016 I just did a fresh install of windows 10 and after I installed the game, it will not run, keeps saying that it can't open the data files. I have reinstalled a couple of times and keep getting the sam [..] View

TurbineLauncher not running

11:19 am, January 17, 2016 Hi! Yesterday downloaded the D&D Online (mean TurbineLauncher) when i click (2x mouse, try run) - nothing happens, the process appears briefly and disappears fast - 0 errors message. Have: [..] View

Named Armor Spreadsheet - AC focused

11:19 pm, January 15, 2016 Note: This is hosted on Google Sheets. You will need to copy it to your own account for full functionality. Hi All, I got a bit carried away the other day when trying to choose my new armor and end [..] View

Crashes and more...

11:19 am, January 14, 2016 Hey peeps. I need some help from you experts out there. I suppose I should start of by saying I am technologically illiterate. Like, absolutely woeful with this sort of stuff. Anyway...My troubles are [..] View

Need help with graphics issue

11:19 pm, January 8, 2016 Hi, I am stumped. I have a graphics issue. About a week ago, my DDO game went from operating perfectly to jerky movements. I can't solve it, the game is unplayable. Any help is greatly appreciated at [..] View

getting unknown error trying to update

11:19 am, January 5, 2016 I had to restore my computer to factory setting and am trying to reinstall the client. When trying to download from ddo.com it kept saying server had to restart and I had to keep resuming download. [..] View

Window mode with my new rig

11:19 am, December 31, 2015 After many years finally broke down and built a new machine. I cant for the life of me find a resolution setting where I can run window mode. My icons remain too small to be functional in window mod [..] View

Hi Everyone I have a problem with the game

11:19 pm, December 10, 2015 Hi everyone, I have a problem with the game I keep getting an error when I try to get into the server. "Can't open the data files. Check that they exist and that you have permission to write to t [..] View

Need help with launcher error

11:19 pm, November 30, 2015 I'm receiving this error at launcher start up < the program can't start because MSVCP100.dll is missing from your computer. try reinstalling the program to fix the issue. > I am run [..] View

Windows 10 upgrade - MSCVP100.dll error

11:19 pm, November 12, 2015 Just an FYI, I upgraded to 10 and have been playing just fine, but about 3 days into 10 life, I started getting this MSCVP100.dll missing error message when starting DDO. I Googled how to fix and was [..] View

Unable to log in on one character.

11:19 am, November 10, 2015 Just made a cleric on Argonnessen today, returning after a lengthy break.. Went to Korthos as per usual, entering the first dungeon where you meet Cellimas the loading screen broke and refused to, wel [..] View

Well, this time I got the download to work. Here's what I did

11:19 pm, October 30, 2015 1) Completely uninstalled DDO and Akamai both. 2) I am running Windows 10 3) Did a fresh install {which installed Akamai again} but this time I did it as "Run as administrator" and it work [..] View

EMET ERROR on log off

12:19 pm, October 3, 2015 EMET detected Caller mitigation and will close the application: dndclient.exe Caller check failed: Application : C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\dndclient.exe User Name : REDACTE [..] View

Game Error [201] Can't open data files...

12:19 pm, September 24, 2015 Check that they exist and that you have permission to write to them. The program will now exit. I just spent all day downloading, and this is the result I get- any ideas for someone who is not terrib [..] View

a download issue?

12:19 pm, September 16, 2015 I hope this thread still gets looked at... so I had DDO downloaded and I have been playing it for a few weeks... my username is shinoskay... well today I was silly while trying to start up the game [..] View

DDO Visual Error/No Clip Mode

12:19 pm, September 14, 2015 Everyone that has been in a group with me lately has probably heard me complaining about an extremely annoying visual glitch that has been plaguing me for the last six months, it used to occur maybe o [..] View

Having trouble upgrading to vip

12:19 am, September 12, 2015 I go to the website https://myaccount.turbine.com/home.php to buy VIP however when I login there is no options to buy VIP there is only a place to update your payment method, however when I try to upd [..] View

DDO-Wrapper (custom installer)

12:19 am, September 8, 2015 Introduction Greetings and welcome to DDO-Wrapper! This project was born out of the fact that the original setup files provided by Turbine either do not work most of the time and/or are miles out of d [..] View

Nothing but problems after upgrading to windows 10

12:19 pm, September 6, 2015 Foolish me, I upgraded to Windows 10 from 7 about a week after launch and have had nothing but problems with DDO (and nothing else) since. Immediately after updating, I started experiencing extremely [..] View

Error Taking a number in the queue

12:19 am, August 31, 2015 Protocol "" is unknown. I get this message a lot. My tracerts tell me I have a weak link in New York 9 18 ms 19 ms 19 ms chi-b21-link.telia.net [] 10 * [..] View

Game not launching(Windows 8)

12:19 am, August 26, 2015 Hey guys... just got a new laptop fairly recently and I'm having trouble running DDO. Whenever I launch it from the launcher(I'm able to select server) nothing happens at all, no error message or anyt [..] View

Error connecting to patch server

12:19 am, August 21, 2015 I can't download the latest patch so can't play :-/ It just says Connecting to Patch server, gets 33% then fails. 'An update error occurred: Server connection timed out. I read somewhere else to go [..] View

Crash to Desktop (CTD)

12:19 am, August 19, 2015 So I recently got a new laptop and was having issues during the install of the game. The first two times I did the normal install then play option and both times when it said the install had been comp [..] View

Upgraded to Windows 10 - DDO client won't open

12:19 am, August 11, 2015 Upgraded to Windows 10 - DDO client won't open. Sign in works fine and I can choose a server, but then nothing. No error, no lag, nothing in task manager. Tried on Thelanis and Argonessen and same [..] View

Bladeforged pally/rgr question

12:19 am, July 29, 2015 Hey all, Iv just been eyeing up bladeforged in the ddo store, and im wondering if the following build (which im using on my current toon, currently lvl 11) will work as well? If not, can i modify it [..] View

What is happening with the servers?

12:19 pm, July 22, 2015 I am lagging all the time in Argonessen, twice today I froze in marketplace, and can t fix it with relogs, restart etc. I ve been trying like 15 minutes and I am still frozen in the same spot.. Intern [..] View

Searching for logon server (Cannith problems)

12:19 am, July 22, 2015 I cant connect to Cannith server where my main chars are, although i can easily connect to other servers. When trying Cannith - i get the 20 tries of msg - "Searching for logon server" then [..] View

Update error at 33%, can't log into game

12:19 am, July 22, 2015 I've downloaded the game twice so far, one progressive and one regular. On both occasions I've gotten the same error. It says connecting to patch s.... Once this fails the launcher says that an update [..] View

Wife had to clean boot her Win8.1 system, now can't get DDO to launch

12:19 am, July 21, 2015 Had to do a clean boot on the wife's laptop. She is running Windows 8.1. Prior to the clean boot, DDO ran great, now....not so much. Got everything installed, the game boots up, but when you select [..] View

Updated to Windows 8.1 then things went boom

12:19 pm, July 19, 2015 The forums here went sideways on me today and was told I needed to update my browser. Went to update browser, was told I needed to upgrade to Windows 8.1 to do so. Fine, I was tired of it reminded 2 [..] View

Stuck in loading screen 'Connection with server has been lost'

12:19 am, July 16, 2015 Hey there! This has just started occurring recently and I have no idea why. Here's the problem: 1. When I select a character and try to play I often get stuck on the loading screen. The bar never mo [..] View


Unable to play or log in due to a ssd error

Mar 1, 2015, 3:28 am I can not log in on live or preview client keep getting this error about ssl context. every ticket i submit i get this message to contact account management. I am running on a hp pavilion a630n with [..] View

Error reading application id.

Feb 23, 2015, 1:26 am I'm having the following error after I choose the world to connect: "Error reading application id. Please either write to steam_appid.txt or use the launcher!"<br><br> After that, the game doesn't st[..] View

DDO Store Error

Feb 22, 2015, 8:21 am I am having this problem when i go into the DDO Store (using CTRL + S ) i get a error saying connection reset. I tried looking it up and what i found was to delete a folder in the game data. I did tha[..] View

Can someone explain Terror Arrows Enhancement

Feb 19, 2015, 8:02 pm Hello<br><br> I can't figure out how long this works when activated. It seemed like it lasted forever. I did consume a potion of supreme ability. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. But [..] View

Forum Registration Error

Feb 16, 2015, 5:18 am Hello,<br><br> Repeat of what I have posted in the General Discussion, but I'm not getting any feedback there:<br><br> Trying to help someone get signed up, but the server is returning an error. We'[..] View

Error Connection closed

Feb 1, 2015, 12:12 pm yesterday i updeated the game and it work, today with no change at my system (except for a reboot) the launcher show me an error message when i put the password "Error logging in. Connection Closed"[..] View

Game Crashes at Random Times, With Graphics Card Error.... Please read!

Jan 16, 2015, 5:10 pm I usually play on my desktop which uses an <b>Nvidia Geforce GTX 260, 3Gb Ram, DX10, Intel Core i7 running at 3.20ghz and running Windows Vista Home Premium 64Bit</b> and the game seems to run fine [..] View

Vista & Wndows 7 Errors... (feels like I am losing the will to live..)

Jan 15, 2015, 5:44 pm After some 3 years away from DDO, I have managed to get into a situation of affording full broadband. So with friends already on DDO waiting for me to get back on, I try the installation process. Fi[..] View

Can't start a new character properly due to massive bug/error

Jan 10, 2015, 8:57 am I just submitted a ticket with this as the description of the problem: Quote: I just started a new character on a new world, named "______ _____", and was hoping to be able to use my [..] View

An update error occured: Server connection timed out..... ***?!

Dec 15, 2014, 12:41 am Hello! hopefully anyone here can help me since I am at my wits end here.....please keep in mind that I got a very limited knowledge of how to work about in a computer so please bare with me ^_^ So h[..] View

Launcher freezes up with "no signal found" error

Dec 14, 2014, 4:02 pm I just did a brand new install of DDO today, and after I click the Login button, it greys out and nothing happens. Here are the contents of my Turbine Launcher logs: 2014.07.17 18:28:35[W] Object::c[..] View

Error 201 on fresh reinstall

Dec 10, 2014, 3:44 am Ok so I am having issues with my mouse freezing in game at random times. I reinstalled mouse drivers but no help so I decided to reinstall the game. I went to control panel and uninstalled the game [..] View

Update Error

Dec 8, 2014, 8:49 am From today, after I blocked a Malware attack, I am always get this message after trying to lauch DDO: "An update error accurred: Server connection timed out." Please help cause I am a bit lost here[..] View

game error 201

Dec 4, 2014, 2:54 pm I know that there is a thread for this error, however I have tried jus abt every thing. after i go to log in and go to the server is when it pops up. how can i fix this when i have even scrubbed my co[..] View

Error 201

Nov 29, 2014, 12:35 pm Just re-installed the game and its telling me "Can't open the data files. Check that they exist and that you have permission to write them. The program will now exit, [201]", not sure what to do about[..] View

SSSl protocol error when i try to use help/submit a ticket.

Nov 29, 2014, 6:21 am Pretty much as the title states. I'm trying to contact an GM as advised by customer service to deal with a character issue. I'm a premium player and have submitted help tickets with good results i[..] View

Cannot patch Turbinelauncher.exe, error 5: access is denied

Nov 29, 2014, 1:30 am Tried to patch today and get that error message. Still investigating. Tried using the one from backup and one from lamania. same issue. Replaced all files from backup folder and patch is not procee[..] View

Can't find file 'English' - Game error 202

Nov 28, 2014, 11:29 pm I got a new computer, installed DDO on it, and whoops! The game can't seem to find the English language pack on my computer? That's what the tech support blurb seems to say about it anyway. I double a[..] View

Game Error

Nov 28, 2014, 10:25 pm Cant get into the game it crashes as soon as it starts to enter the world with no code reason all i get is "Game Error The logon server is full . Try again later . " Its a VIP account so not sure wha[..] View

Error Logging in! Connection closed or greyed out 'login' button - Solved(?)

Nov 28, 2014, 10:11 pm Hello all, if any of you have encountered the issue in the subject "<i>Failed to launch client: Error logging in! Connection closed</i>" error or simply a grayed out "Login" button that never gives th[..] View

Mozilla FireFox always gives (error code: sec_error_bad_signature)

Nov 28, 2014, 10:10 am Hello forum operators. I am logged in via IE atm. I am not able to lg in via Firefox atm., receiving (errorcode: sec_error_bad_signature) every time I want to log into my forum account or even try to[..] View

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