D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




I Did The Stupidest Thing Ever

12:19 am, April 5, 2018 One of my favorite things is taking screenshots, especially dynamic scenes. Well, I had been struggling to hide the UI fast enough to get my pictures. So, I decided to key map my hide UI and my take [..] View

Human Adaptability and feats / feat respeccs

11:19 pm, January 9, 2018 Hello, lets say I started with a certain ability score and use Human Adaptability to raise that score. Example: - starting with 14DEX - raising to 15DEX Will this ability score now count as a met prer [..] View

Game won't load after server select, keeps installing C++ Visual every time I start.

12:19 pm, October 12, 2016 Hello. I just reinstalled DDO after about a year break and having major issues starting the game. First, the client keeps wanting to reinstall C++ Visual Redistributable 2005 no matter how many time [..] View

Melee defensive stats-PPR, MMR

12:19 am, April 6, 2016 Hi all, Hopefully this is not too stupid a question. I enjoy playing this game but I do tend to get clobbered when on elite level quests, and I have not had the best showing on the 2 or 3 raids that I [..] View

Windows 10 - Connecting to patch Server 33%. Server Connection timed out.

11:19 pm, February 11, 2016 Windows 10 - Connecting to patch Server 33%. Server Connection timed out. Sooo. Whats changed, tried to log on late last night and got this error. so said screw it and went to bed. Today. same er [..] View

Stupid question

12:19 am, August 20, 2015 Not a new player, but I have a decidedly newbie-type question: How on Earth do I turn off auto-attack? It never used to be a problem but lately I've had it randomly turn on during quests (not sure w [..] View

Ref save or big weapon

12:19 am, July 14, 2015 So Mr derpy build here is back with more stupid questions Playing my evasion (not tank, so dont worry) build xx fig/4 rog with a focus on vanguard enhancements. So i max out dex and take finesse f [..] View

DDO Store Question

11:19 am, February 20, 2015 Sorry if this is a stupid question. I am thinking of purchasing expansion packs and as part of the deal I get some things as 1/game world and others as 1/character (+2 skill tome). Does that mean th [..] View

Came back from the dead need help with artificer build :D

11:19 pm, January 3, 2015 Hello everyone i was playing this game long time ago i came back n many things changed anyway i wanna ask if u guys can help me do an artificer build with 28 points (not 32 cus when i try to make cust [..] View

How do I know I am ready to group up?

12:19 pm, August 23, 2014 Hey all, Don't be fooled by my join date... I've played this game on and off for years now, but my highest leveled character is 16, which is a bard. I've got a cleric at 15, a barbarian at 14, and I [..] View

Player who wants to see most of the content...

12:19 am, July 18, 2014 Hi, guys! May sound like a stupid question, but I am going to ask it anyways. I’ve had some experience with DDO (two characters levelled to about lvl 5 a couple of years ago), a lot of exp [..] View


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