D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




How do people find out that there is the champion hunter week?

12:19 am, April 17, 2018 Hello I just found out about the champion hunters week and bought my very first set of bracers and cloaks. But how do you find out that it is currently running? Do i have to be on twitter or somethin [..] View

Has ArchMage Tree been deleted during a game update?

12:19 am, April 15, 2018 I am new to the game and have started a new character. My first level was a rogue one, for my second level i have start a wizard one. In enhancements tree list i can only seen two wizard tree Eldritch [..] View

Update made client unstable

12:19 pm, April 13, 2018 Ran the update yesterday, game played fine, today, the client locked up my computer when it launched, and now it is acting as if I'm launching it for the first time, but crashes every time I log in. D [..] View

Opinions on Server

12:19 am, April 9, 2018 Hello, Just wanted to ask the community here in the advice forum questions regarding severs. Now I did do a search, but nothing that is really current in 2018, a lot of the threads I found was from [..] View

DDO Store Sales: April 6th - 12th: "Select Low-Level Adventures"

12:19 am, April 6, 2018 For many new players, "What to buy?" is a common and often perplexing question. Everyone tells you to "Try to only buy when On Sale!" - and then a sale comes along, and you aren't [..] View

Low-Mid Reaper **** Raid Guide

12:19 pm, April 5, 2018 I wish to make it clear before I start that this isn't a definitive guide for running ****. This guide is to build on existing guides for **** and assumes you know the basics of the raid, its progress [..] View

Just Started, Some questions!

12:19 pm, April 1, 2018 Hello all, I am 99% new to game I played long ago when the game first came out but I don't remember like anything. A lot of content has been added. I started a pally character and chose a kit for i [..] View

Balth's 2018 DDO New Player's Guide

12:19 pm, April 1, 2018 Dungeons and Dragons Online is a 12-year old MMO set in the plane of Eberron (although other places have been added over time). It is based on the 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons ruleset. As a longtime Dun [..] View

First Life

11:19 am, March 17, 2018 I really like this game, but everytime I come back I get stuck in the altoholic mode and never get to even level 10. This time I am committed to getting my first class through his first life. I know [..] View

12th Anniversary tips and tricks, questions and answers

11:19 pm, March 1, 2018 Heyo! I've been running the Kobolds in the 12th Anniversary (a lot) and have been able to do it very very reliably with a Rogue X / Barb 1 / Wiz 1 using very high stealth and a Quickened Invis spell- [..] View

Want to spend some points in the DDO Store - advice needed!

11:19 am, February 24, 2018 Greetings! Some years ago I created an account, but never really played that much. Did not even reach Lvl 10 with a single character. Now I want to slip right back into DDO. Sometimes I'm playing so [..] View

Party event advice please

11:19 pm, February 23, 2018 Level 13 Barbarian, first life, no great gear. I can handle the event encounters with a NPC healer (Vargouille ****** me once) but I get to the final and it's just completely overwhelming. Jeets goes [..] View

game crashes with no errors when I pick my server (argo)

11:19 pm, February 17, 2018 I have Windows 10 and I told DDO to go ahead and use DirectX10 when it asked. I have gotten ddo to run once on the first time I installed it, but after that initial time running the game, it won't get [..] View

A Possible Past Life Guide

11:19 pm, February 9, 2018 DDO has so many facets, it can seem impossible to figure it out. After build options, I think figuring out past lives may be next most complex given the heroics, iconics, racials, epics, destinies, pa [..] View

Warlock splash for innate Shield?

11:19 pm, February 7, 2018 So I'm playing a shuriken-flinging Monk and enjoying it a lot, however I'm a little concerned about my survivability. Does anyone have experience or thoughts to share on respeccing to 18 Monk/ 2 Warlo [..] View

Characters Fail to Render

11:19 pm, February 1, 2018 Wondering if anyone else is having this issue/found a solution. Ever since the recent update (yesterday, "the exploit one" with no patch notes) the game has failed to load my characters on [..] View

Todays Gear

11:19 pm, January 13, 2018 I have been back a month or so playing and leveling in the epic levels. This is a first life toon and I am still learning quest as I go. The issue I have is that its no longer just about stats on ge [..] View

In Game Store and Help Windows broken

11:19 am, January 12, 2018 I'm playing from China so I'm going to guess something was changed recently and now requires a service from google or googleapis for the store and help windows to work. They stopped working for me ab [..] View

A Question about Lesser TR

11:19 am, January 5, 2018 Posting on behalf of a friend who is currently having network issues: I've got a question to ask about lesser TRing with class changes. I currently have a level 20 Ranger, and while I enjoyed the bu [..] View

Anyone help with class and playing advice?

11:19 am, January 1, 2018 Howdy yall!! I returned last week from a break since U27. I literally spent the past week sorting and organizing my mules. I had way too much stuff. Here is my dilema. I have 2 main toons and [..] View

Question about iconic reincarnation

11:19 pm, December 30, 2017 Hi, I was thinking about which lives to get going forward, when I discovered that by doing Iconic Reincarnations I get both the iconic past life and the heroic one. However, I also noticed that with [..] View

Nrcro packs @ 75% offf = 87 DDO Points! (also SFC & MotU, & more!)

11:19 am, December 29, 2017 (Public Service Announcement... from one Premium Player to any/all others...) @ New(ish) F2P & Premium Players - On Sale this week - all Necropolis packs, for only 87 DDO Points! (Yes, eighty- [..] View

1-20 Quest guide for efficient TR'ing (No Sov pots edition)

11:19 pm, December 21, 2017 There are several decent TR'ing quest guides out there but so far all of them have shared the requirement that you down Sov pots non-stop, they run with a perma-group or they're wicked out of date mak [..] View

Ice flenser help

11:19 am, December 16, 2017 I am having issues with Ice flenser's polar rays at mid levels at the moment. I barely scraped through invaders and the first archon quest, but am now having trouble with demon assault. They do so muc [..] View

Stuck on Loading Screen

11:19 pm, December 15, 2017 It only started today. I've been playing DDO for the past week and it's been pretty stable (outside of the random 2-3 sec lock ups every once and awhile, but that's another topic). Last night I was do [..] View

Ravenloft Crashing

11:19 pm, December 6, 2017 So along with most of the community, I was waiting eagerly for the new expansion to come out.. and Weds updating the client. So logged in, jumped onto my level 30 farm character and after spending so [..] View

Epic past life feats & TR

11:19 pm, December 5, 2017 I'm a newb on my first toon's 2nd life and have a question about epic past life feats gained from doing eTRs. Do they survive a TR back to level 1? Apologies if this seems like a really dumb questio [..] View

Question regarding Epic Destinys

11:19 am, November 21, 2017 Hi all... I just recently got back into ddo and decided to run a solo toon (Ive never made it to level 20 because my friends always get burnt out and I was tired of starting over.) So I rolled up a mo [..] View

Lesser Reincarnate Question

11:19 am, November 19, 2017 I have a cleric who took levels as follows: 1 - cleric 2 - fighter 3 - cleric 4 - cleric 5 - cleric And so on, all other level as cleric. If I wanted to do a lesser reincarnate and take fight [..] View

DDO Puzzles App

11:19 am, November 13, 2017 I've finally released the first incarnation of my DDO Puzzles app on the Microsoft store. This means players with Windows 10 (desktop & phone) can download and install the app for free. The a [..] View

Quest Compendium Spreadsheet

11:19 am, November 9, 2017 A while back, someone had posted a spreadsheet that had all of the quests listed out that included some nice details for tracking progress. I took that sheet & built upon it, adding in some ad [..] View

Tip for stealthing Resurrection Chamber

12:19 am, October 29, 2017 For a stealthy toon, most of the mob fights in Resurrection Chamber may be avoided. The key to this is in the opening of the Mysterious Packages.First, open dialog box to open package. This forces you [..] View

Taking Breaks From DDO Guide

12:19 pm, October 22, 2017 So, if you are like me, you want to take breaks from DDO so this way you can stay interested n the game when you are getting back. Taking breaks from a game is (in my opinion) needed this way you st [..] View

Shadowfell CE and Legendary Upgrades...

12:19 pm, October 21, 2017 According to the Shadowfell CE we are issued a claim ticket, which says: "The first character on your account using this receives a Greater Epic Tome of Learning. Each character on your account [..] View

Night Revel questions

12:19 pm, October 21, 2017 Few questions please. Do i need to purchase every item step all the way up to the 28 one to get it? Then if I want the lower versions for heroic TR's...so it all over again? Do the potions that say [..] View

403 - Forbidden

12:19 am, October 20, 2017 Hello everyone, first of all, sry about the english. Well i'm from cannith, i play the game on my computer, a good one in fact, i work as a video editor. Anyway, today i was going to log on cannith t [..] View

QtGui4.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error.

12:19 pm, October 18, 2017 Hi! This is the second time this month I have received an error post-patching the DDO client. I don't recall the first one, but it occurred after the Hotfix requiring me to reinstall DDO. Now, after t [..] View

The Ultimate TR Levelling Guide!

12:19 pm, October 14, 2017 Howdy all. Have you ever gotten tired struggling with trying to get to Level 20 for TR? Are you always finding a lack of Groups on the LFM that run the right quests for a max load of XP? Well look no [..] View

Ideas for running favor farmers

12:19 am, October 14, 2017 I thought I would share some experiences from some recent runs I did while getting 100 favor in the servers I have never played on. One of the reasons I did this was a I got a little bored trying to [..] View

Give up 2 lvls of Ranger for Monk to gain feats DODGE and DEFLECT ARROWS?

12:19 am, October 13, 2017 Give up 2 lvls of Ranger for Monk to gain feats DODGE and DEFLECT ARROWS? From other posts; https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...-heart-of-woodhttps://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...-ability-score [..] View

Ka is a Wheel: Next steps in TR Question

12:19 pm, October 4, 2017 So, here I am, returning to the game after a seven year hiatus... I am on a Premium (not FtP or VIP) account so have to be cautious with my Favor-earned DDO Points. I want to do a new TR and really [..] View

How to Survive Super Monster Champions?

12:19 am, September 27, 2017 The short version: What can I do to increase my chances of surviving an encounter with a "Super Monster Champion"? By "Super Monster Champion", I mean the 1 in 50 Monster Champio [..] View

question regaurding upgrade tomes

12:19 am, September 25, 2017 A long time ago I bought a +3 supreme tome. I would like to upgrade it to +6 but it looks like I would have to buy the upgrade for +4 and +5 first...is that really the case? It looks like it would cos [..] View

New Player Reaper Pointers

12:19 am, September 10, 2017 If you are new to the game, first - welcome! Now if you are done soloing and have decided to group up you might look at the LFM panel and wonder what is R1/Reaper. Reaper is the hardest difficulty mod [..] View


12:19 am, September 5, 2017 Hello! I wouldn't say I'm precisely new but I'm still in the process of leveling my first character to 20. I've asked a few questions here on the forums before, usually about small game mechanic clari [..] View

Monk Finisher icon

12:19 pm, August 24, 2017 So... I changed my destiny and rearranged my hotbar but must have removed the Monk Finisher Icon by mistake. The problem is that now I can't find it on the list of feats to re-add it. I've scrolled [..] View

melee build to one shot trash mobs in toee?

12:19 pm, August 23, 2017 note the question mark. when I first started playing and rolled up a bunch of different guys, at level 1, korthos, I went in and was oneshotting all the mobs. but I don't remember the race or class c [..] View

Leveling Question

12:19 pm, August 21, 2017 Hello, I have been playing a month or so. I have not had much luck finding a good solo leveling guide. I mainly just like to solo, get on, **** a few things and have a little fun. Can I get some rec [..] View

Does Eldritch Blast always count as a spell?

12:19 pm, August 18, 2017 I'm about to TR into a Warlock for the first time. I'm fairly familiar with the class in general, but not at all in depth. I can't find a source which says if Eldritch Blast counts as a spell one wa [..] View

Is there a cap on the number of targets affected by AoE spells

12:19 am, August 14, 2017 At first I thought things were evading, but then I noticed that whenever I cast chain lightning or ball lightning I never hit more than 6 targets. Ever. Even when the remaining targets shouldn't hav [..] View

Dragonborn Eldritch Knight/Swashbuckler viable?

12:19 pm, August 2, 2017 I was looking over the enhancements for the Eldritch Knight, and saw that it gets an automatic cleave with extra damage on it, and a lot of shield boosts, and light armor. So with taking Bard levels a [..] View

So, i finally got my first lvl 20 and thinking about a TR...

12:19 pm, August 2, 2017 Only took four years :D... (a few weeks of play, a boredomquit, a few months of not playing) Picking out a wizard (roughly following Pale Trapper thread) as a first life was a mistake. While I still l [..] View

Duel Deathnips

12:19 pm, July 29, 2017 Sorry, this was a dream for me when someone first showed me Deathnip. I would like the best TWF build. I don't plan on using picks until the 'nips. I will only take the build to 20. I am a completioni [..] View

Can someone explain Guild Renown Decay?

12:19 am, July 28, 2017 Reading over the wiki and I can't quite figure out if I'm reading something wrong or if there's something weird about the way it's written. Here is the link I'm talking about. The very first sentence [..] View

DirectX3d failed to Initialize

12:19 am, July 22, 2017 I'm getting this message fairly often - not sure if it was due to a game update or a Windows 10 update. There are actually 3 pop up messages. That's the first one. The game truncates after clicking [..] View

Warlock build advice?

12:19 am, July 12, 2017 Hello there. So, my friends and I decided that it's almost time to pursue our first heroic reincarnation, and will do so once we've finished up a few things. As such I wanted to try out a warlock, b [..] View

Epic TR Dilemma

12:19 pm, June 29, 2017 I am a 3rd life monk and I'm trying to do my first ever epic tr, however due to inherent tomes not being applied etc, I am unable to take the feats that I previously had (Improved Two Weapon Fighting [..] View

Looking for adive on this build. Dragonborn Artie.

12:19 pm, June 23, 2017 Hi there you helpful bunch! I have a buddy who has returned to the game after a 2 year absence, (He was waiting for Kobolds) however I told him the Dragonborn were just tall kobolds. He bought it hook [..] View

Spellcaster Druid or Spellsinger?

12:19 am, June 22, 2017 I am not a new player by any means, but I am having a tough call deciding between which to have as my final life and am looking for input. The toon is a Heroic Completionist and I'll be using this bu [..] View

Need some help?

12:19 pm, June 17, 2017 I am a returning player and I am trying for my first Epic TR then my first Heroic TR I am currently running a Barb and I have a few non class specific questions. I have MOTU and Shadowfall and I am a [..] View

DDO Character Planner

12:19 am, June 10, 2017 Hey Peeps, I have been developing a DDO character planner for some time now and it has reached a stage where I would like the community to start to provide feedback and ideally some bug reports. It [..] View

When to level-up a character?

12:19 am, June 6, 2017 To level-up, or not to level-up, a character that is the question I would like to get feed-back on. The details; I have about 1.5 years or more of DDO experience running many character classes on se [..] View

Reincarnate to fix a small mistake-

12:19 pm, May 29, 2017 Hello, first of all I have googled this and I'm still a little confused and terrified to make a mistake on my character with reincarnation. When I started playing I never looked into build guides or c [..] View

New to game, TR questions

12:19 pm, April 23, 2017 So i decided to use Voodus tank lock build as my first go through and so far its working great. My ? is should i go to level 20 TR, level 20 TR, then level 20 TR again for the 3 stack lock bonus u get [..] View

Two different recent problems, two different threads

12:19 am, April 22, 2017 Greetings everyone! Reading recent threads, I recognized two different problems: 1) About some players that have some difficult to log into one or more servers. There are 4 or 5 recent threads abo [..] View

The DDO Players Council is now accepting applications!

12:19 pm, April 20, 2017 We are once again taking applications for the DDO Players Council! Please fill out the application completely, and email it to ddo@standingstonegames.com before 11:59pm Eastern on Thursday, April 27th [..] View

Help fitting a class?

12:19 am, April 15, 2017 Hi guys, I'm looking for a little guidance. For all intensive purposes I am new to DDO. I played a wiz and a fight to cap over 8 years ago and haven't played since. A few friends and I are looking t [..] View

Thinking about DTRing.

12:19 pm, April 14, 2017 My first character has finally reached level 30: he's a Wizard 18/Rogue 2, with Magister, Draconic, Fatesinger and Shadowdancer capped. I was thinking of double reincarnating, taking Energy Criticals [..] View

Enhancement point question

12:19 pm, April 14, 2017 Hi guys! Thanks for taking the time to read my post. My question(s) is related to the enhancement tree. I started a wiz/rog but did the first level as rogue, now at level 4 I'm 2/2 and looking to hea [..] View

Enhancement question

12:19 pm, April 7, 2017 I have a new character that is a druid that just multiclassed into monk. I used the first set of enhancements for some on one of the druid trees, but there is no option to choose any enhancements fro [..] View

Spring, summer, autumn, winter... spring?

12:19 pm, March 31, 2017 I've had some thoughts rattlin' around in light of certain circumstances, thoughts a new consumer of this game 'oughta know. I wouldn't call this advice by any means, but it is no less useful to you [..] View

Warlock TRing

12:19 am, March 29, 2017 I'm currently playing as a 32pts Human Fiend Warlock. I'm going to TR this toon to a goo or fey warlock. My doubt is: Which of these races would be the best to do so? 1- Drow (with this one i'm wor [..] View

DDO Quest Sheet (full list)

11:19 am, March 25, 2017 Note: This is hosted on Google Sheets. You will need to copy it to your own account for full functionality. Hi all, Been using this myself for some time, saw a request for a quest list so thought I' [..] View

Riding the Storm Out - Spoiler Warning

11:19 am, March 22, 2017 Warning: Spoilers! Credits to my guildies Tone, Tes, Eth and all the others who helped with feedback. This is just a refreshed guide that we had from Lamannia. Hope you all enjoy it and help you under [..] View

3 TR questions.

11:19 pm, March 21, 2017 I now play as a Paladin and did a TR and wanted to ask some things. 1- let's say that i want to do 3 barbarians lives next to get these 30 HP then do some fighter lives when i do this will i need to [..] View

Effect Stacking

11:19 pm, March 9, 2017 Here's an example: "For each stack, the target takes 1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration." How can this effect stack 20 times [..] View

Make my Favorite Build Less Squishy

11:19 pm, March 9, 2017 I'm out of ideas, so I've come to plead for ideas to improve my one-and-only character. First, I'm a bit of a flower-sniffer and I'm quite content running slightly under-level HN to have some fun. S [..] View

New Player: So Confused!

11:19 pm, March 4, 2017 Hi all, I'm sitting here reading all of the info I can on builds and the various systems for character enhancements, etc and am utterly confused. I'm trying to figure out how to make my lvl 9 Palad [..] View

All Worlds have been down for days...

11:19 am, March 4, 2017 Well, at least according to my launcher, every single world has been down every time I've checked over the past 4 days. Each check more than 3 hours apart and only ONE of the checks actually had notic [..] View

The Max Anything At All Levels Reference Guide (DCs, Skills, PRR, HP, etc.)

11:19 am, February 26, 2017 -----THINGS I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHICH IS WHY THEY'RE AT THE TOP (SCREENSHOTS/LINKS REQUIRED)-----Does +4 Insightful DC item exist for Necromancy, Transmutation, and/or Illusion? Do +8 Insightful sta [..] View

Wizard or Sorcerer for Solo Play?

11:19 pm, February 23, 2017 As a casual player who doesn't plan on grouping very much, do you suggest a wizard or sorcerer for my first character? According to character creation, both classes are challenging for solo play. I un [..] View

Greater Tome of Learning 50% First Time Bonus

11:19 pm, February 21, 2017 Hi everyone, recently i received a blessed "Menace of the Underdark Standard Edition" pack. Since i restarted this game on a f2p account not too long ago it really helps out BIG TIME. (Huge [..] View

Returning Player - Should I?

11:19 pm, February 21, 2017 Hello everyone, I have been off DDO for about 2 years now or so (I can't really remember). Last I was very active, level cap was fresh 28 and The ShadowConspiracy expansion was out for a few months. [..] View

New to DDO - need advice on how to get started

11:19 am, February 21, 2017 I would like to get into this MMO as it has the sort of setting and gameplay that appeals to me. Here are some things I could use advice on... 1. Is this based on 3rd Edition? Any major differences to [..] View

Returning from before expansions - build suggesttions and general tips

11:19 pm, February 4, 2017 Hi, I played DDO from beta until sometime before the first expansion hit and have been in other games since then. Now I decided to come back and experience what I have missed :) Logging in and seein [..] View

Best Adventure Packs (Get The most for your money)

11:19 am, February 4, 2017 First: Get Shadowfell Expansion (Standard $29.99) Second: Bundle Menace of the Underdark Expansion (Standard $17.49) **$47.48 Gets you Wheloon City, The Stormhorns, Purple Dragon Knight, 1 Charact [..] View

Please Help!

11:19 am, February 4, 2017 After updating with U34 just now I cannot get past Loading New Game data! It starts at like 5.4 Kb/s than degrades to 0.02 Kb/s and stays there. I have restarted my computer multiple times and no cha [..] View

Past Life Problem

11:19 am, January 23, 2017 Hi All, i'm just using a heart wood to reincarnate for the first time, i'm half way through 5th level and wanted to take a past life feat. It's greyed out and I cannot choose any past life. What am [..] View

New Player - Issue with DDO Store + Amazon Payments

11:19 pm, January 22, 2017 Hello, Not getting any response other than the auto-reply from Turbine Customer Service. 2 tickets, 7 days from the first one now. I have an Amazon account. Checked that I can login via Amazon Paym [..] View

Former veteran player, back after 5 years hiatus. A few questions.

11:19 pm, January 17, 2017 Hey guys. Long time no see. A few of my college friends and I are starting a pre-made six-men party, to play once a week. I'm thinking of playing a bard. I used to play a dual-wielding dwarven Warcha [..] View

AutoHotKey HotBar Manager

11:19 am, January 13, 2017 The following is a script that is written to work with AutoHotKey, software which allows you to target inputs from the user from the keyboard, mouse, or otherwise and cause other things to happen as a [..] View

How much dire charge and tactics dc is enough?

11:19 am, January 8, 2017 Just thinking of crafting my level 30 first life fighter some gear, not sure what to put on his gloves, insightful stunning 8, or do I go for insightful devotion? as well I use mainly cocoon for heali [..] View

Dire Charge for First Life Tempest Trapmonkey in EH

11:19 am, December 30, 2016 As the title suggests, is it worth taking Dire Charge (over, say, Deific Warding) for a first life Tempest Trapmonkey running FotW for EN/EH content? I doubt I'll be doing EE/LE any time soon, if at a [..] View

PSA Adventure Compendium quest search

11:19 am, December 26, 2016 On the adventure tab of the adventure compendium (by default press P to open this window then go to the first tab), you can search for quest name. That's not what I found out today though. This is: I [..] View

Best Solo with no hand me down gear?

11:19 pm, December 19, 2016 I've been away from the game for a few years and just picked it back up again, got the old itch. First up, ground rules. I am a filthy casual solo player. Family, preference etc make it so that I rar [..] View

Need help on Sarlona? Let me know!

11:19 am, December 17, 2016 Whether you are a new player or a veteran player just returning or even a veteran player just looking for a little help, I am more than happy to help you in any way I can. I do a LOT of leveling in t [..] View

Quick TR Cache Question

11:19 pm, November 27, 2016 I'm about to heroic TR for the first time, and I have a quick question: am I correct in thinking that the TR cache is accessed from the bank, or can it be accessed anywhere? I ask because I want to d [..] View

Newish duo advice : WF Healing

11:19 am, November 27, 2016 So I'm currently running as a duo with my boyfriend. He's brand-new to the game, while I've played very, very sporadically for a long while with another duo partner (highest level I've achieved is 12) [..] View

Using stat tomes early

11:19 am, November 24, 2016 Hello I bought myself a +6 stat tome the other day and applied it to my level 11 character. Didnt read the fine print and the bonus was only +3. Apparently were I level 15 it would have been +4 yada [..] View

Please help me optimize my graphics

11:19 pm, November 21, 2016 My husband's computer is pretty high end but he thinks that my computer can do the same with DDO and so far neither I nor him can prove his statement correct. Somehow his computer beautifies the game [..] View


First life solo advice

Feb 25, 2015, 2:07 am Good day to ye kind sirs perusing this post.<br><br> I've been playing DDO on and off for a few years now, but had always been fascinated by all the combinations I could try and as a result had never [..] View

advice for a somewhat new player. help me get past my first life

Nov 29, 2014, 2:04 am im a somewhat new player, and iv played my rouge/arti up to lv 12 but as time go's on im finding this toon less and less effective. i find my self more and more hesitant to join gropes let alone raids[..] View

Slow First Load

Nov 29, 2014, 1:55 am <b>The Issue</b> I run the launcher, make to the character screen and then press enter. What ensues is a long wait, ranging from 4 to 6 minutes. Most of the time is spent on the loading screen, after[..] View

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