D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Akami Error [Unable to download game]

12:19 pm, April 8, 2018 Heyo! If this isn't exactly in the right place move-me. I can't download the game in one go because of where I live and Akami is acting funny. It restarts the download each time. Can't play. Any help [..] View

Changes to Gamma do not save

11:19 am, February 8, 2018 I installed on a new machine recently and now am unable to save any changes to my gamma setting. I can alter it in game and have checked that the config file allows changes and stores the change at t [..] View

Unable to connect from library

11:19 pm, February 5, 2018 So im on a windows 10 system and recently my library started blocking everything. Like everything not just games, i cant even download documents from specific websites and other websites i cant get on [..] View

Need help. Unable to get to the game.

11:19 am, February 1, 2018 I am running windows 10. And yesterday I did a clean wipe on pc. After reinstalling DDO (twice) I haven't been able to get into the game. I can log in but once I select the server the DDO client close [..] View

1-20 Quest guide for efficient TR'ing (No Sov pots edition)

11:19 pm, December 21, 2017 There are several decent TR'ing quest guides out there but so far all of them have shared the requirement that you down Sov pots non-stop, they run with a perma-group or they're wicked out of date mak [..] View

Epic TR Dilemma

12:19 pm, June 29, 2017 I am a 3rd life monk and I'm trying to do my first ever epic tr, however due to inherent tomes not being applied etc, I am unable to take the feats that I previously had (Improved Two Weapon Fighting [..] View

my ui is making me double click to activate items/actions and game eventually freezes

12:19 am, April 25, 2017 After getting Win10 creators update my game is nearly unplayable. I now am having a problem where it is stitching and makes me double click to activate some things. The problem starts out minor, the [..] View

Totally Negligent Ticket System/Customer Service: Log In Issues Completely Ignored

11:19 pm, January 23, 2017 So it's come to this. The so-called "ticket system" is a complete joke. Be warned that Turbine completely abandoned this game back when they discontinued phone support and so far it doesn' [..] View

Searhing for Logon Server

12:19 am, September 25, 2016 I am having trouble connecting to my main worls - Sarlona. I get the error Searching for Logon Server (attempt # of 20). The irritating thing is I can logon to every other server no problems. I have t [..] View

Content packs

12:19 pm, September 16, 2016 Just came back to ddo started up a sub and have now hit a wall. I'm in Eveningstar doing quests and getting my head around the new content, picked up all the quests and have done several of the story [..] View


12:19 am, September 5, 2016 I see this literally every day in in-game chat:"Looking for Active Guild" But what does "Active" mean to you? To DDO/Turbine and pertaining to Guilds it means this account has logg [..] View

shard of potential crafting question

12:19 am, August 22, 2016 I'm at least level 38 in all 3 crafting areas. I have hundreds of essences, greater and lesser. I cannot craft any shards of potential. All I get is a question mark, in the ingredients box. Why am I u [..] View

Missing DAT Files for Lammania: Game Error 201

12:19 pm, August 13, 2016 I did a fresh install of Lammania (for Update 32, new Cannith Crafting). When I run it, I get: Code: Game Error [201] Can't open the data files. Check that they exist and that you have permissio [..] View

Reincarnation Help

12:19 am, August 8, 2016 Hello All, I'm trying the reincarnate my Ftr/4 Pal/15. I'm using a +20 lesser heart. What is happening is I'm trying to reincarnate into a warlock I get past everything character creation and I go to [..] View

Noobie need help

12:19 pm, June 19, 2016 Hi. Need advice please I am a new player building my first character. I am trying an artificer and like his play style a lot, i have managed to get to level 10 starting in Korthos Island then Stormr [..] View

Connection problems

12:19 pm, June 7, 2016 Unable to stay connected for more then 2 or 3 minutes then i loose connection occasionally i will be able to stay long enough to do 1 maybe 2 quest but not very often did a msconfig and unchecked ever [..] View

Cyclical Latency Issues

12:19 am, May 16, 2016 I’ve noticed some new, strange behavior in DDO over the past few days. Basically, I’ll experience (normal for me) latency of 50-80ms and then without explanation, DDO latency will [..] View

Connection to server lost?

12:19 pm, May 12, 2016 Right now I am unable to play at all. I don't understand why - it was working fine 2 days ago (I had no time to play yesterday.) I have checked the tech support pages and have done all the recommendat [..] View

returned kind of and have questions.

12:19 am, May 3, 2016 I never really went away I just had long periods where I was unable to play. so I am now playing for and hours or so every day just getting back in the swing. my ALTS are still very playable, but I ha [..] View

Customer Service Stories

12:19 am, April 5, 2016 Hey everyone, At some point or another we’ve all had to contact a customer service team. It may have been just a simple question, a major issue, or anything in between but something made u [..] View

New Install: PatchClientDLL: CheckDatFiles Failed

11:19 am, March 18, 2016 I'm trying to run DDO onto a new laptop. After installation, when I get to the "Check Product" screen, I get this error: Code: PatchClientDLL: CheckDatFiles Failed [Unable to decrypt a [..] View

Character Still Being Saved

11:19 pm, March 5, 2016 Bought warlock class to give it a try last night, start playing today in a group with son and wife and we go do some korthos quests and old sully grog quest bugs on my and my wife, meaning we buy the [..] View

Game Error [205]

11:19 pm, March 2, 2016 After the new update, I continually get: Game Error [205] The game client was passed invalid command-line parameters. [205] It seems to happen when I <cntrl> Tab to look at a differen [..] View

Very slow character log on - Windows 10

11:19 pm, January 26, 2016 I have a very annoying issue. The first character I log on with after launching the game takes a very long time to load. Splash screen takes a fair bit of time before the progress bar moves and then t [..] View

Can Not Connect Top Wayfinder server

11:19 am, December 30, 2015 Hi for a few days now on one of my machines i am unable to connect to wayfinder I can login to the launch program I can Connect to any other server on the first attempt Wayfinder fails to connect [..] View

TR/reroll question

11:19 pm, December 17, 2015 Hey all, got a kinda weird question. I played years ago, just coming back this past month and went VIP after a week back. One of my characters is a level 3 dwarf barbarian. Since being back I've made [..] View

Unable to log in on one character.

11:19 am, November 10, 2015 Just made a cleric on Argonnessen today, returning after a lengthy break.. Went to Korthos as per usual, entering the first dungeon where you meet Cellimas the loading screen broke and refused to, wel [..] View

How does one Navigate the Demonweb?

12:19 pm, September 10, 2015 Over the last 6 months I have tried to navigate the Demonweb about 10 times and spent at least that many hours exploring it. On one occasion I made it to the entrance for The Deal and the Demon*, but [..] View

Unable to log into Cannith

12:19 am, September 9, 2015 I've been having trouble with logging into DDO for a little while now. I'd log in but it took ages and more often than not I'd have a red connection icon, be unable to move and the game would crash sh [..] View

Eyefinity/enhancement problems?

12:19 pm, August 29, 2015 I've recently started having an issue when trying to select any enhancements that have multiple selections. The window to select between the options never appears. I suspect that this is caused by my [..] View

upgraded to windows 10, DDO Launcher no longer works.

12:19 am, August 9, 2015 I am now unable to play the game ever since I upgraded to windows 10. I have downloaded each of the download options and neither work. I either get, waiting in line and then nothing or the launcher [..] View

Zoning & animation crashes

12:19 am, August 1, 2015 I run a fairly up to date pc, yet since reinstalling the game about two weeks ago I am encountering crashes upon zoning, as often as once an hour. Of late I have been crashing when the action gets fre [..] View

Returning Player Looking For Advice

12:19 am, July 30, 2015 Alright so me and a friend are returning to the game after about 5 years off. I was a VIP back in the day, but now I'm unfortunately out of a job, making me unable to get it again. My friend is unable [..] View

error 201 then unable to use pacth

12:19 am, July 9, 2015 English is not my native language: My computer got formatted and i lost my ddo files. I am trying to download the game again but after all done, when i try to log in in thelanis (or other server) the [..] View

System freezing for 8-10 seconds

12:19 am, June 29, 2015 I have an i7 980 CPU - i.e. 12 cores. If I close down everything that I can, when I run DDO I always get one core (the specific one varies each time I run DDO) running at close to 100%. Every so often [..] View

PLEASE HELP! - Can't log in, and have tried everything... :-(

12:19 am, June 20, 2015 Greetings all, I'm having a slight dilemma since the latest patch. I recently came back to the game after a short hiatus, and have been enjoying my time back for the last two weeks. However, since [..] View

Unable to create new accounts

12:19 pm, June 10, 2015 A couple of my friends tried to create accounts for DDO last night. Clicking on the "Play Free Now" link (https://trial.turbine.com/ab/ddo/) at the top of this web page has been giving the f [..] View

All forms of in game chat have vanished

12:19 pm, May 28, 2015 Starting 4 days ago when I logged in, I have found my account lacking all forms of chat. I am unable to post or see anything in any chat channel, guild, party, general etc. I can get and send tells as [..] View

'Installing Pre-reqs' and Forum connection issues.

12:19 am, May 25, 2015 As of about 24 hours ago I was booted out of DDO and was unable to reconnect to the game or even access the DDO (or even LOTRO) forums. When I tried to play the game the launcher got stuck on 'Instal [..] View

Not crashing more getting stuck to the ground

12:19 pm, May 6, 2015 Since update 25 (it seems) it seems like I'm getting a lag issue where I can't move, but really I am stuck to the ground can't move. I can chat and have voice for a time, then that goes as well. I'v [..] View

need help with graphics settings. no brightness or contrast control

12:19 am, May 3, 2015 I am running windows 8.1 on an NVIDIA GEFORCE 860M. Since update 25 i have been unable to adjust contrast, brightness or gamma in full screen. I can move the slider but it has no effect. The pictur [..] View

ssl error

12:19 am, April 28, 2015 Getting "ssl error" when i try to open in game help menu or change payment options in ddo store. Also http://myaccount.turbine.com/ leads me to a "page cant be displayed". So i [..] View

Crystal Cove: Lighting the Path (For Kobolds)

12:19 am, April 7, 2015 Y'arr, greetings, DDO Community. Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas, ForgettableNPC here! (Skip down a bit if you want to actually get to the Guide part, most of the introduction is just me rambling [..] View

Unable to Tumble Forward

12:19 pm, April 1, 2015 When I hold down Shift + "W" the character does nothing. I'm able to tumble backwards by holding Shift + "S" or sideways by holding Shift + the "A" or "D" keys. [..] View

Melee Master Vampires: Oh Dual-Fang Runts of the PM Tree UNITE!

11:19 pm, March 21, 2015 Disclaimer: This is a work in progress. I am no expert on PMs so please post your suggestions. There have been a number of threads recently with players proposing vampire builds. I also was intrigued [..] View

Summoners or Savants?

11:19 am, March 11, 2015 Coming back to the game (as I try to do about once a year...) and looking to build something fun. I'm going to TR one of my old 20's that's never been TR'd before (old batman style build) and I'm thin [..] View

Unable to play or log in due to a ssd error

11:19 am, February 28, 2015 I can not log in on live or preview client keep getting this error about ssl context. every ticket i submit i get this message to contact account management. I am running on a hp pavilion a630n with [..] View

Samsung Magician 4.5 and DDO through Steam

11:19 pm, December 28, 2014 Hello, Recently Samsung Magician came out with the 4.5 update. After this update was installed on my machine, I was unable to play DDO through Steam, due to the mouse turning into the regular system [..] View

No Internet Connection when installing

11:19 am, December 5, 2014 Hey, So I'm trying to install DDO on my PC but whenever I tried to, it would say that there's no internet connection, when there clearly is. Even with the play instantly one, it would say that the Ha [..] View

New Player Completely Lost

11:19 am, November 8, 2014 Hello Everyone, Looking into this game and I have no idea where to start and hoping someone here can point me into the right direction for 2 different builds. I have access to all races and classes [..] View

Pylotro will not work with new SSD w/DDO

11:19 pm, November 7, 2014 So I had to get a new/my 1st SSD to replace my primary HD. I installed Windows 7 64 Ultimate Edition brand new/fresh & DDO High-Res. I do not want to use the official launcher, I haven't in al [..] View

Useful epic item list anywhere?

11:19 pm, November 2, 2014 Hi, I ve been unable to locate any (reasonably updated) epic item list anywhere online, with just a remotely easy overview by type/level. I'm rather new to DDO, though fairly familiar with the gen [..] View

New router and unable to login

12:19 am, October 6, 2014 I recently bought a new router, TP-Link TD-W8951ND, and a new USB adapter, TP-Link TL-WN821N, and they work perfectly while web browsing, but I can no longer play DDO. Launcher works, I insert passwo [..] View

Using your Favour TP Correctly.

12:19 am, August 18, 2014 As you run Quests in this game you will earn Favour. Favour is given for 1st completion of each difficulty except Epic. A Standard Low Level quest gives 2 Favour on Casual, 3 on Normal, 6 on Hard and [..] View

Stuck after login, followed by disconnection

12:19 am, August 2, 2014 Hey everyone, Just started playing the game yesterday, been wanting to try it for some time but havent had the time. Some bugs in regards to waiting 10 sec before i could move and so after loging fi [..] View

Failed to login, Unable to Write

12:19 am, July 21, 2014 I'm unable to get past the login on the launcher. I've updated my password, even uninstalled and re-installed the game. When I hit the login button it goes Grey but nothing happens. It stays grey, [..] View

Launcher stuck at Downloading files from Akamai

8:21 am, July 1, 2014 So i downloaded the game about two weeks ago and it worked fine for about a week. Then i went to play one day and it was downloading updates, but it kept failing to update and giving an error saying & [..] View

PatchClientDLL::CheckDatFiles Failed. p22 launcher fails status 53

8:21 am, July 1, 2014 PatchClientDLL::CheckDatFiles Failed. [Unable to decrypt and de-serialize the datadownloaded from the server.] thrashes the hell out of the hd for about five minutes first though. and then Problem si [..] View

Your character is still being saved

8:21 am, July 1, 2014 I am unable to log into my character. He is currently level 8. I was interacting with the House K bank and putting beholder optic nerves from reincarnation cache into inventory and I got a 'Bank Fai [..] View


Unable to play or log in due to a ssd error

Mar 1, 2015, 3:28 am I can not log in on live or preview client keep getting this error about ssl context. every ticket i submit i get this message to contact account management. I am running on a hp pavilion a630n with [..] View

New router and unable to login

Dec 15, 2014, 8:29 pm I recently bought a new router, TP-Link TD-W8951ND, and a new USB adapter, TP-Link TL-WN821N, and they work perfectly while web browsing, but I can no longer play DDO. Launcher works, I insert passwo[..] View

Failed to login, Unable to Write

Dec 15, 2014, 12:54 am I'm unable to get past the login on the launcher. I've updated my password, even uninstalled and re-installed the game. When I hit the login button it goes Grey but nothing happens. It stays grey, [..] View

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