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So, does this arti build pass the smoke test?

11:19 am, December 14, 2017 So, I'm getting bored with my main BF paladin, and I wanted to try an artificer. I'm not playing much right now, and there are still a few things to wrap up before the TR, but with the current veteran [..] View

Feat Respec Token - Artificer bonus feat - Fred the mindfryer

12:19 pm, June 26, 2016 Hello, I just read on ddo wiki that ability stats points applied by enhancements trees do not count towards the pre-reqs for feats. Example, character needs STR of 13+ to be able to pick feat &quo [..] View

Confused about Spell Like Abilities

12:19 am, April 21, 2016 So, the idea of a Spell Like Ability is that it's a spell that costs the same amount of SP, no matter how much you empower it via metamagic right? Sounds great, but... It's not a spell right? Or is [..] View

Do Metamagic feats affect AA enhancements?

11:19 am, February 24, 2016 I was just wondering which, if any, metamagic feats affect the AA enhancements. I know that both spell focus: Enchantment and greater spell focus: Enchantment work on certain things, but do any of the [..] View

Comprehensive Spell Power, Crit Chance, Crit Damage Breakdowns

11:19 pm, February 19, 2016 Thread is what it says on the tin. Since max DC and max spellpower build are usually exclusive to each other, this will be its own thread. Also I can't edit thread titles. Once again I invite everyone [..] View

Do monsters now have maximize metamagic feat?

12:19 am, September 24, 2015 Greetings, I was under impression that monster's don't have any euipment, nor use any metamagic feats. Is this still true? Was there some recent change? (Well, i'm very casual player, recent may be i [..] View

A (Terrible) Idea... The Wartificer™

12:19 am, July 5, 2015 So I originally opened my account in 2010, and played till about 2012 when stuff and things drew me away from the game. About a week ago I began playing again, but I've always just kinda been a casual [..] View

Basic wizard for new players

11:19 pm, November 9, 2014 Basic Wizard A wizard gets okay dps, good survivability, good self-healing. They have low defense and hp okay saves For a more advanced version that takes a lot more work look athttps://www.ddo.co [..] View

Epic Destiny and Epic Feat SLAs can salvage a poor caster life in epics

12:19 am, September 12, 2014 I recently had a dramatic experience when I finally capped my 10 Monk/10 Wizard. I started as a monk but decided mid-stream that I wanted the wizard past life and thinking that shiradi would make u [..] View

Eldritch knight enhancements and metamagic feats.

12:19 am, July 17, 2014 Are the elemental damage skills from the EK enhancements tree (like eldritch strike and spellsword) affected by metamagic feats (especially empower and maximize)? View


Eldritch knight enhancements and metamagic feats.

Nov 29, 2014, 1:32 am Are the elemental damage skills from the EK enhancements tree (like eldritch strike and spellsword) affected by metamagic feats (especially empower and maximize)?[..] View

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