D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Stuck on loading pre-reqs screen

11:19 am, February 10, 2018 I have tried the solutions I found when searching for this issue including toggeling the precache game logic and disabling Akamai net session. still stuck on this screen. running windows 10. Trying [..] View

Can't start the launcher, get internal error

11:19 pm, January 31, 2018 I havn't logged in to the game for a very long while, so I though it might be broken old file... Tried redownloading, didn't work. Tried adminestrator, didn't work. Tried the fix at https://help.sta [..] View

Random Loading Screen hangups

11:19 pm, January 8, 2018 It started yesterday for me.. I tried to zone into bank in The Market.. I get loading screen , zero bar progress. I let it wait a few minutes.. nothing.. It never even starts.. I closed out game [..] View

Stuck on loading screen in Gianthold.

11:19 am, January 7, 2018 Hello. While I am teleporting my player out of Gianthold to the marketplace, using the npc Vanyel, I get stuck on a loading screen that does not go away. I have had to reboot the game over 5 times so [..] View

Stuck on Loading Screen

11:19 pm, December 15, 2017 It only started today. I've been playing DDO for the past week and it's been pretty stable (outside of the random 2-3 sec lock ups every once and awhile, but that's another topic). Last night I was do [..] View

Strange UI issues

11:19 am, November 11, 2017 Hi SSG / others, Since about 3 weeks ago I've been having weird issues with my UI. Specifically: - When I load in I can run around just fine and see other characters move but chat doesn't load, and [..] View

Windows 10, Version 1709 feature update

11:19 am, November 8, 2017 So I have installed this update for a second time, with about 2 months between each attempt. As a result DDO will no longer properly launch within Steam a few hours after the update goes in. Last ti [..] View

DDO Store not loading In game.

12:19 am, October 6, 2017 Hey everyone, I need some help. I've just recently decided to come back to the game, and haven't been able to get the DDO store to open at all in game. When it opens all I get is a blank black page. I [..] View

dndclient crash; Game not loading

12:19 am, August 19, 2017 Hello all, I'm looking for some assistance on a recent problem. The issue started at the last server downtime and I can't seem to be able to log into the game. I can run dndclient normally, log into [..] View

ddo dont start after i set up the world to lauch - help

12:19 am, August 6, 2017 Hi. Since last week i cant enter the game. everything goes normal until i put the password and set up the world , when i press play (and normally the ddo screen shows up) i get a black screen like is [..] View

Downloading "XX Loading Screen X" takes too long

12:19 pm, July 15, 2017 Since U36 the launcher takes very long in the part Downloading "XX Loading Screen X" (ten screens per language). Any idea about how to minimize that? For instance, only downloading the scree [..] View

game isnt loading

12:19 am, June 2, 2017 ive been away for a year now , now im back , done all the updates which was fine , logging in with username and password is fine , but the problem is upon logging in the game will not load , does anyo [..] View

Connection with server Lost!

12:19 pm, April 20, 2017 Thank you for taking the time to read this. It's 3am and I have been spending the last 8 hours trying to get this resolved. After the server reboot yesterday I can no longer log into the game, there h [..] View

Stuck On Loading Screen For One Toon

12:19 pm, April 16, 2017 about once a week, one of my toons (can be any one of them) simply will not load. I can load any of my toons except the one that gets 'stuck'. Said toon stays stuck on the loading screen for several [..] View

Launcher Error while downloading new update

11:19 am, March 24, 2017 Like the title says. I havent played since before update 35 was released, and now find myself back in this loop of the launcher getting to between 65-95% finished on the final file before giving me a [..] View

Props to anyone who can work this out! Devs, I'm looking at you here!

11:19 am, March 22, 2017 So! One of my favorite quests was the Temple of Elemental Evil- Loved it. Was great. Farmed it. Made a nice Crossbow, success. Took some time away from the game, came back. Started playing again, ma [..] View

Please Help!

11:19 am, February 4, 2017 After updating with U34 just now I cannot get past Loading New Game data! It starts at like 5.4 Kb/s than degrades to 0.02 Kb/s and stays there. I have restarted my computer multiple times and no cha [..] View

Game won't stay in the forefront after?*U34

11:19 am, February 3, 2017 Got windows 10, and logged in a week ago fine, however now it minimizes and any time I try to switch to it, it minimizes again. When I try a different server, it has the 'you have too many characters [..] View

port triggering help

11:19 am, January 14, 2017 question: what do I put in the "target port" fields when setting up port triggering? Hello, play on a shared home connection with the wifey. Been having some connection issues after characte [..] View

Area will not load

11:19 pm, January 7, 2017 I've been having this problem occur more and more often. I will log in to the game and try to go in a quest, however, the area will not load, I am kept in the loading screen with the progress bar at 0 [..] View

constant zone crashes/other crashes

11:19 pm, December 27, 2016 i've returned to playing seriously after a while break where i would only log in occasionally...and since i've come back my crashing has gotten to the point it's really super frustrating. before i mos [..] View

downloading "en loading screen 1"

11:19 pm, November 28, 2016 my launcher is stuck on this msg, "downloading en loading screen 1" idk what happens, i change nothing in my computer. I was on, then i had to drop, 1 hour and a half after that, more or le [..] View

Toon Can't Log In. Help!

11:19 pm, November 17, 2016 Hey all I submitted a ticket, but wanna see if there is a "Quick fix" for me. On my server I have 9 toons total, and I can log into all of them except for my off-main. When I try logging in [..] View

Multiple Clients Running Issue

11:19 pm, November 13, 2016 Here is my problem in a nutshell. I can launch DDO without a problem and it runs just fine with little to no lag (lucky me) and I can switch toons and still not have many problems. For years I was abl [..] View

Download question

12:19 pm, October 12, 2016 I was thinking of downloading Lamania (after 10 years of playing). When I looked at downloading, it said save the client in a different place from my primary client. Question is that I tried downloa [..] View

Freezing on the loading screen. Error 205

12:19 pm, August 30, 2016 So I had this problem last night, then it worked for a while today, and now it's doing it again. The game will load, I'll select a character, it'll go to the load screen, the loading bar will load all [..] View

Loading Screen for multiple languages

12:19 am, August 26, 2016 Hi mates :cool: I need just one language - EN in game, so... :p How to prevent the Dungeons & Dragons download the German and French LoadingScreen every time before starting the game? be [..] View

Loads everything perfectly until after character selection

12:19 pm, July 23, 2016 Does anybody know why I can't get Dungeons and Dragons Online to work on Dell Inspiron 3451 on windows 10? It has intel graphics. I downloaded it perfectly fine, it selects each world perfectly and y [..] View

I'm New. Friends question.

12:19 pm, June 17, 2016 Hi a coworker told me about this game and after downloading it tonight, I'm trying to find him. The information he gave me is Charles.dunnigan1 but when I type in to add friend it won't show up. am I [..] View

Preloading the game at the Character Selection screen

12:19 pm, June 16, 2016 Am I the only one who has to do this (start the game, get to character selection, then alt-tab to the DDO preloader) in order to get the game to load under 30 seconds? My computer can run The Witcher [..] View

Attempting to Logon Server (x of 20) Error

12:19 pm, June 8, 2016 Hey, I was just playing on my laptop and closed out of game to switch rooms then turned it back on to load into an account and upon loading in i start seeing "Searching for logon server ... (atte [..] View

Ingame store Black screen "loading..." Forever

12:19 am, May 29, 2016 Everything was fine yesterday morning. I came home from work and loaded the game and the ingame store wont load at all. I tryed various things and looked at the troubleshooting and none of it is worki [..] View

High Disk Usage on Windows 10?

12:19 am, May 19, 2016 Hello, I recently upgraded my windows 7 to windows 10, and I noticed high disk usage when I launch ddo. I go through first loading screen, but when I attempt to log in with a character, disk usage go [..] View

Switched to Wifi now game crashes at 'Loading New Game Data'

12:19 am, May 18, 2016 I recently switched my PC from a wired internet connection to a wifi internet connection and now the game freezes/crashes at the "Launching New Game Data" "Connecting to Authentication [..] View

Cyclical Latency Issues

12:19 am, May 16, 2016 I’ve noticed some new, strange behavior in DDO over the past few days. Basically, I’ll experience (normal for me) latency of 50-80ms and then without explanation, DDO latency will [..] View

Returning player - Need help puzzling what my character was attempting!

12:19 pm, April 20, 2016 Hello magnificent DDO people. I have not played in a long time, not long after the new (or not new now) enhancements came out. Now on loading I've gone into my character and I am a wee bit puzzled as [..] View

Character stuck on loading, cannot relog

12:19 pm, April 19, 2016 Dear Turbine and forumites! My permagroup encountered a quite interesting and annoying phenomenon. We started reincarnating yesterday, and one of our members crashed, when he was on loading screen. [..] View

Issues launching through Steam, and the Launcher 02/04/2016

12:19 am, April 3, 2016 I downloaded the launcher on the website first, I launched it through the shortcut on the desktop, and nothing happened except a loading icon next to my mouse. I figured there was an issue with the sh [..] View

New Install - download locked up @ 86%, 100% of Sound file

12:19 am, March 29, 2016 New computer (yay), new install, Windows 10, went smooth for most of it, then... stopped. Upper (file) progress bar seems inactive, no white strip sliding across, reads... "Downloading client_sou [..] View

new character cannot log into harbor, 10 others on same account can

11:19 pm, March 25, 2016 I made a new character the other day using the level 7 veteran and head into the harbor after getting all my new gear, grab the green ingredients bag and run down to baudry to grab the red, game crash [..] View

New Install: PatchClientDLL: CheckDatFiles Failed

11:19 am, March 18, 2016 I'm trying to run DDO onto a new laptop. After installation, when I get to the "Check Product" screen, I get this error: Code: PatchClientDLL: CheckDatFiles Failed [Unable to decrypt a [..] View

Game/Clent freezes and crashes, and/or crashes in general....

11:19 am, March 18, 2016 ^^ When logging in under char previously made (from char select screen of course), it goes as far as 'loading screen, showing that char on screen', yet just a 'frozen screen' from there, until client [..] View

Computer shutting down

11:19 am, March 12, 2016 Hello everyone. So, I have a weird situation. Sometimes while playing DDO my computer will shut down in the middle of the game with no warning. This does not happen at any other time except when I am [..] View

Character Still Being Saved

11:19 pm, March 5, 2016 Bought warlock class to give it a try last night, start playing today in a group with son and wife and we go do some korthos quests and old sully grog quest bugs on my and my wife, meaning we buy the [..] View

The reason behind this latest patch game freezes.

11:19 am, March 3, 2016 It's video graphic driver failing that causes it. Currently with this latest update, there seem to be a bug in their coding that causes GPU to overheat dramatically. Mine goes up to 83 celcius and the [..] View

Client_sound.dat !

11:19 am, March 1, 2016 Why does the launcher freeze at points when downloading this file ? Tried to delete the dat file in the ddo filder to force it to download. Tried to manually download the dat file and place into the d [..] View

Cannot roll character, constant DC

11:19 am, February 19, 2016 I used to play DDO and recently decided to pick it up again to play with a friend. We've decided to roll on Argonnessen. For the last 4 hours I have been trying to roll a character. First off, just lo [..] View

Is anyone else having Logon Server issues?

11:19 pm, February 11, 2016 I was working fine this morning. Then I got stuck in a loading screen, where it eventually booted me from the game. Then, when I tried to log back in, it was giving 1 to 20 attempts trying to connect [..] View

Crashing DDO client after login and server/world selection

11:19 pm, February 2, 2016 Hi everyone, Maybe has a solution for this, but each time I login, choose a server/world, and actually the world should start to load, my system (Windows 7 now Win 10) just freezes and nothing can be [..] View

Black screen of DDO

11:19 pm, January 29, 2016 Think I know the answer already but thought I would toss it to the forums. I can launch the client and log in, but at the character selection screen, only the menu options, etc are shown, everything [..] View

Crashing after Loading

11:19 pm, January 22, 2016 When I select a character and start zoning into the world, the process slows for a long time. When I get to the character, it usually hangs before all the hotbars are visible, then then disconnects. [..] View

Crashes and more...

11:19 am, January 14, 2016 Hey peeps. I need some help from you experts out there. I suppose I should start of by saying I am technologically illiterate. Like, absolutely woeful with this sort of stuff. Anyway...My troubles are [..] View

Specific character on Thelanis fails to load when all others work fine....

11:19 pm, January 2, 2016 I am able to load any other character on Thelanis just fine and I can load and play characters on other servers just fine but ever since I attempted to step into a quest I was given a long load screen [..] View

DDO hangs on first loading screen

11:19 pm, December 10, 2015 I've recently run into a problem where DDO hangs after a few seconds into the first loading screen after choosing the server. I don't know what's causing it, but since I launch the game from Steam I t [..] View

Windows 10 upgrade - MSCVP100.dll error

11:19 pm, November 12, 2015 Just an FYI, I upgraded to 10 and have been playing just fine, but about 3 days into 10 life, I started getting this MSCVP100.dll missing error message when starting DDO. I Googled how to fix and was [..] View

Frezzing and disconnect on loading screen

11:19 pm, November 11, 2015 Yesterday, while zoning the game froze on the loading screen. It would not let me back into the game for about an hour. I would get to character screen and when character was chosen would freeze up a [..] View

Unable to log in on one character.

11:19 am, November 10, 2015 Just made a cleric on Argonnessen today, returning after a lengthy break.. Went to Korthos as per usual, entering the first dungeon where you meet Cellimas the loading screen broke and refused to, wel [..] View

I can't see my characters on loading screen?

12:19 am, October 25, 2015 So I uninstalled and installed DDO yesterday, and now I can't see my characters. When I try to enter Khyber, the blue bar on the Loading Screen doesn't progress and the game hangs. Thoughts? Elibolas View

Getting disconnected when logging in

12:19 am, October 23, 2015 Hi guys, just asking for help on the long loading times and getting stuck and disconnected when logging in. i downloaded the preloader file from that forum post and it helped alot by reducing the loa [..] View

Chronic network issues

12:19 pm, October 9, 2015 For some reason, at about 9 or 10 at night central time on Argonesson, I start getting a very weird network problem. The game starts to get more and more delayed, until eventually everything stops mov [..] View

All Worlds 'Closed'

12:19 pm, October 8, 2015 Evening all, I have been following various steps in the support FAQs and even submitted a ticket, but figured I would also try a post here. I am a returning player, using my account from 5 months ago [..] View

Games not launching.

12:19 pm, October 6, 2015 I've had major issues since yesterday and can't figure out what I'm missing. Any of my game launchers work just fine but once I press ''play'' none works. This includes DDO(of course) fallowed by any [..] View

Weird noises when logging in (win7 and 10)

12:19 pm, September 25, 2015 I get weird noises. It wouldn't let me post the info, so I will just say since getting a new machine, I get weird noises on the initial loading screens, to the character select screen. After selecti [..] View

Game Error [201] Can't open data files...

12:19 pm, September 24, 2015 Check that they exist and that you have permission to write to them. The program will now exit. I just spent all day downloading, and this is the result I get- any ideas for someone who is not terrib [..] View

please tell me there is a faster way to get an activaion key

12:19 am, September 23, 2015 So I joined Turbine back on 2012 and play lord of the rings online, I did download DDO around the same time as well, but for some reason I could load lord of the rings but not DDO. don't know why jus [..] View

Windows 10 compatibility issues

12:19 am, September 20, 2015 I don't have the definitive problem nailed down, but there are certainly early symptoms of "something" not quite right with the DDO Client operating on Windows 10. Here's a couple things so [..] View

Eyefinity/enhancement problems?

12:19 pm, August 29, 2015 I've recently started having an issue when trying to select any enhancements that have multiple selections. The window to select between the options never appears. I suspect that this is caused by my [..] View

Can't play the game.

12:19 pm, August 28, 2015 Hey guys I'm back with another technical issue. So if I run the game normally the game won't save my keybinds when I log out but the game runs fine normally. If I run the game in Administrator mode th [..] View

EE DoJ and that fun thing called Lag.

12:19 am, August 25, 2015 First I would like to give a heads up to the fact that this isn't a fix all. We have however had a lot of success with a few small changes. Basically we smashed our faces into the lag wall and then ma [..] View

A new problem for me

12:19 am, August 16, 2015 I upgraded to Win10, had a couple issues but got them sorted out. Now I'm having a new issue. I can log in to the game, select a server, select a character. it takes forever to load (it has for a w [..] View

I have a German language problem loading the game- trying to figure out what it is:

12:19 am, August 9, 2015 Well, several, actually: A) Not being terribly technical myself, I am not sure what is going on so well, even in English. B) The computer is German, and so are all the messages (and it is not my fi [..] View

PlayOnLinux Mint DDO Store / Help not loading

12:19 am, August 4, 2015 Hi all! I'm a returning customer after a year hiatus, previously using windows but now forced on linux mint. I followed the instructions here https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManag...sion&iId= [..] View

Gear Planner Spreadsheet

12:19 am, August 3, 2015 Hello everyone! I've been working on this for the last few months, inputting all of the named items in ddo into a spreadsheet. I imagine, like myself, there are people out there who just enjoy making [..] View

So.. Windows 10 and DirectX 12.. DDO compatible?

12:19 am, July 30, 2015 My son is downloading Windows 10 today.. I am a little hesitant ... My machine is still windows 7 and works just fine.. wasn't a fan of Windows 8.. but.. Windows 10 is here... the real question i [..] View

DDO Store not loading

12:19 am, July 26, 2015 Yesterday it worked fine, but for the last 20 hours or so DDO Store not loading on my WinXP 32bit computer. It works fine on Win 8.1 though. I restarted DDO client many times, also restarted compute [..] View

What is happening with the servers?

12:19 pm, July 22, 2015 I am lagging all the time in Argonessen, twice today I froze in marketplace, and can t fix it with relogs, restart etc. I ve been trying like 15 minutes and I am still frozen in the same spot.. Intern [..] View

Stuck in loading screen 'Connection with server has been lost'

12:19 am, July 16, 2015 Hey there! This has just started occurring recently and I have no idea why. Here's the problem: 1. When I select a character and try to play I often get stuck on the loading screen. The bar never mo [..] View

Download of the Live or Preview client will not complete

12:19 am, June 28, 2015 I have had to re-install my windows and went to re-install both the live game and preview game neither will complete the loading of game files even if i run them as admin not sure what needs to be d [..] View

Issues with logging in since U26

12:19 am, June 27, 2015 Since U26 I've had a few problems logging in. First I had to **** a client while stuck in a loading screen, and I couldn't get back in after that: Different problems, from stuck at "getting in li [..] View

Cannot get past logging in since downloading update

12:19 am, June 23, 2015 I can log in, and the program starts loading, I expect to be able to see my characters ... and the screen goes away. I cannot play the game since downloading the update. I have Windows 8.1 64-bit with [..] View

DDO cannot be installed any longer

12:19 pm, June 13, 2015 The DDO installer is now broken. It just hangs on something called Akami, with the message "Downloading game files from Akami..." This never happens. Nothing is downloaded. The program just [..] View

Launcher download stuck at Client_Sound.dat [solved]

12:19 pm, May 31, 2015 I have solved this by myself, but I'm posting this in case someone, like me, gets to bang their head repeatedly due to this issue through trying to install the game as there seems to be nowhere else t [..] View

Update - Unknown Error: 0xffffffff80043012

12:19 am, May 7, 2015 ca 34% downloading the new files of the patch / update... I get this error. Deinstalling / Reinstalling does not change anything. Firewall / Antivirus on-off does not change anything. Starting the [..] View

Losing connection when logging in

12:19 am, April 24, 2015 So, I can create and play new characters just fine, not an issue logging in (as soon as I log in on a new tool, the "connection status" thingy goes yellow, but disappears almost imediatly), [..] View

Can't log in after Update 25

12:19 pm, April 7, 2015 Been trying for almost an hour to log into the game after update 25. Can get to character screen no problem but then it hangs on the loading screen for ages, then crashes with red connection. Done t [..] View


11:19 pm, March 8, 2015 Got a laptop from a coworker and whenever i exit the game my keymaps reset to default. I got administrative rights and using wind8 on a 1 core pc that is severely underperforming. On main pc i have no [..] View

Stuck on loading screen...Please help!

11:19 pm, March 4, 2015 I need help. I run Windows 7 64 bit. I have a great cable connection and my PC is hard wired directly to my router which is a new Linksys. Here is my problem... I start the DDO launcher. Enter my [..] View

Returning Player! :D

11:19 pm, February 27, 2015 Hello all! I decided to come back to DDO because i am an old school D&D nerd so i have always been in love with this type of game. I mean, when i was a kid i would think " O man! Would [..] View

'Dowloading "Microsoft C++ 2005 SP 1 Redistributable Package (x86)"...' Problem

11:19 pm, February 16, 2015 Hello, recently I upgraded my my pc from win7 32bit to win7 64bit. I then fresh install DDO. I can play the game fine and no problem with login and stuff. One thing that annoys me, its not quiet a pro [..] View

I can't log in!

11:19 pm, February 16, 2015 My Laptop decided to force me to reset back to factory settings yesterday and having redownloaded/reinstalled DDO I'm having serious trouble logging in. 1) What the heck is VCREDI~3.EXE? A Check box [..] View

How can a small update cmpletely screw the game?

11:19 pm, February 1, 2015 Ok, so Friday morning before the update, all is fine, smashing Stormcleave and most other lvl 8 quests. I was afk when the server booted everyone, so was auto disconnected, but ever since the update, [..] View

Uploading pictures as attachment - Help

11:19 pm, January 24, 2015 Hi I have been trying to upload pictures as attachments. I am only allowed to do it in "New player advice and guidance" but still. When i select an image from my computer and press upload n [..] View

Stuck at "Loading... Please Wait"

11:19 pm, January 13, 2015 My son has a new computer with windows 7. I have DL'd DDO and tried the option of downloading it all and playing. I have tried the option of play while downloading. He logs in. He chooses Server. [..] View

Game server not responding

11:19 am, January 11, 2015 I can get through server select and character select, but then the Loading bar doesn't move for a very long time. If I wait long enough, the city loads and I have a red X icon at the top of my screen. [..] View

keep crashing after U24 update

11:19 pm, December 31, 2014 i am playing on my laptop and have never had this problem like this i would crash every once in a while like loading in to the sands but now it is happening all the time today i logged in did a MoD ra [..] View

Frequent DC from loading pages

11:19 am, December 27, 2014 This problem only started happening (at least with any frequency) in the past few months. Every once in a while when on a loading screen the client will disconnect. The blue progress bar at the bottom [..] View

launcher download stuck at akamai

11:19 pm, December 12, 2014 as the title says, the ddo launcher gets stuck at the exact same spot while downloading nsextensionmanager from akamai. Nothing in the turbine knowledge base answers this problem so I'm trying here fo [..] View

Happy Cloud?!?

11:19 am, December 10, 2014 So I was re-downloading DDO and clicked on the install before play for PC and it it gave me the DDOProgressive.exe file and installed "Happy Cloud" automatically trying to download the DDO f [..] View

windows 8.1 issue

11:19 pm, December 6, 2014 Anyone else having issues with this game and windows 8.1? Can't reinstall the game with Akamai. It just sits there downloading nothing. I believe its the last windows security update because I can [..] View

Sound Drops

11:19 am, December 5, 2014 About five minutes after loading my character and getting into the game, my sound in game drops. Mic test works and sometimes voice chat does too, but all other game sounds, noises fail. I have ch [..] View


Stuck on loading screen...Please help!

Mar 5, 2015, 2:11 am I need help. I run Windows 7 64 bit. I have a great cable connection and my PC is hard wired directly to my router which is a new Linksys. Here is my problem...<br> I start the DDO launcher. Enter[..] View

'Dowloading "Microsoft C++ 2005 SP 1 Redistributable Package (x86)"...' Problem

Feb 17, 2015, 2:21 pm Hello, recently I upgraded my my pc from win7 32bit to win7 64bit. I then fresh install DDO. I can play the game fine and no problem with login and stuff. One thing that annoys me, its not quiet a pro[..] View

Laucher is closing up before fully loading.

Feb 4, 2015, 4:09 pm The game laucher starts a process, ui visible for 2-3seconds then abruptly closes up, each new attempt starts similar processes. **It seems to lock up after finished fetching the akamai download list*[..] View

Uploading pictures as attachment - Help

Jan 25, 2015, 7:23 pm Hi I have been trying to upload pictures as attachments. I am only allowed to do it in "New player advice and guidance" but still. When i select an image from my computer and press upload nothing hap[..] View

Stuck at "Loading... Please Wait"

Jan 17, 2015, 6:14 pm My son has a new computer with windows 7. I have DL'd DDO and tried the option of downloading it all and playing. I have tried the option of play while downloading. He logs in. He chooses Server.[..] View

Eternal loading after character select

Jan 11, 2015, 6:29 pm I'm trying to get DDO running on a new machine. I reach character select without issue. I log in. The loading starts, and sits at zero percent for some time. My character is standing around in the[..] View

Frequent DC from loading pages

Dec 28, 2014, 9:16 am This problem only started happening (at least with any frequency) in the past few months. Every once in a while when on a loading screen the client will disconnect. The blue progress bar at the bottom[..] View

Downloading screen.... Why over and over again?

Dec 15, 2014, 9:36 pm Every time I start up DDO, I have to go through all those "language thingies" (EN, DE and FR) ... Why is that? It is really annoying and sometimes takes only seconds, but most of the time several minu[..] View

loading screen crashes

Dec 15, 2014, 9:00 pm ok this is the third time i've left a message about this. now i'm at the point i can't even play anymore because of this. its extremely frustrating. I was loaded in cove on my pally/monk went to harbo[..] View

Instance loading screen doesn't load

Dec 15, 2014, 5:14 pm I log in and often the 1st instance I hit, the loading bar doesn't fill in with any blue and just hangs forever. Could be a teleport, stepping off the boat, etc. Sometimes its the 2nd instance I hit. [..] View

Getting rekt when loading up ddo.

Dec 15, 2014, 3:37 am Today, I tried loading up DDO, with and without the preloader, only for something to crash. Log in, slecet server, select character, the sit at loading screen with two outcomes. With Preloader, DDO[..] View

Freezing/Not loading

Dec 15, 2014, 12:41 am I have a decent gaming rig with windows 7 ultimate 64 bit and ddo fails to load initially usually even when i run in admin mode can someone tell me if the game just doesn't like my OS or what?[..] View

Loading DDO Issue

Dec 3, 2014, 8:20 pm I have started getting a a regular issue loading DDO. The launcher starts fine, world selection is fine, and then the problem occurs either during the loading screen or on character selection screen. [..] View

Login timeout and connection frequently lost during the screen "Loading ... Pls Wait"

Dec 3, 2014, 3:06 pm I'm premium and I play on Wayfinder server. Ever since the Crystal Cove event came back during these past few days, I've been experiencing increased lag and crashes while moving from one area to anoth[..] View

Load screens not loading and game crashing

Nov 29, 2014, 3:40 am Okay, I generally don't have a lot of issues with the game. My system may not be the world's greatest, but it hasn't really had huge issues dealing with the game, especially since I got an SSD. In th[..] View

Happy Cloud downloading DDO in the background

Nov 29, 2014, 12:45 am When I click on the DDO shortcut, it opens the HappyCloud downloader, which says the game is 100% downloaded. It brings up the regular launcher just fine, but when I close the HappyCloud window, I ge[..] View

Launcher stuck at Downloading files from Akamai

Nov 28, 2014, 8:50 pm So i downloaded the game about two weeks ago and it worked fine for about a week. Then i went to play one day and it was downloading updates, but it kept failing to update and giving an error saying "[..] View

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