D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Seeking advice from advanced Ariticifer experts

12:19 am, April 17, 2018 Hi, I've been playing DDO for over 10 years now and for the past 5 years at least I've specialised myself by pretty much exclusively playing an Articifer. Although I enjoy playing in a group, my main [..] View

Opinions on Server

12:19 am, April 9, 2018 Hello, Just wanted to ask the community here in the advice forum questions regarding severs. Now I did do a search, but nothing that is really current in 2018, a lot of the threads I found was from [..] View

Suggestions, please!

12:19 pm, April 7, 2018 Hello everyone! I am still relatively new to DDO, having played off-and-on since 2009 according to my account, but I've never leveled a character past 16. I've been playing consistently for the last m [..] View

Low-Mid Reaper **** Raid Guide

12:19 pm, April 5, 2018 I wish to make it clear before I start that this isn't a definitive guide for running ****. This guide is to build on existing guides for **** and assumes you know the basics of the raid, its progress [..] View

Just Started, Some questions!

12:19 pm, April 1, 2018 Hello all, I am 99% new to game I played long ago when the game first came out but I don't remember like anything. A lot of content has been added. I started a pally character and chose a kit for i [..] View

Balth's 2018 DDO New Player's Guide

12:19 pm, April 1, 2018 Dungeons and Dragons Online is a 12-year old MMO set in the plane of Eberron (although other places have been added over time). It is based on the 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons ruleset. As a longtime Dun [..] View

Computer keeps crashing while playing DDO-kicked out of quests before I can re-log in

12:19 am, March 28, 2018 This only happens randomly, sometimes never, sometimes often, but it is especially a problem when soloing quests and having to start completely over because by the time I reboot and relog into the gam [..] View

Lost game sound

11:19 am, March 18, 2018 I was dual boxing, and found I had no sound on one account entirely, and only the GM Voice on the other. Next time I logged in, had nothing, not on any account, not even the dramatic intro music on th [..] View

Lesser Reincarnation at Level Cap?

11:19 pm, March 2, 2018 Edit: I realized that the title might be wrong. I don't mean level cap but XP cap... Disclaimer: I haven't played for a while, but I am still a fan of this game. I'm running a Cleric17/Fighter3/Epic1 [..] View

New Player - Need Assistance

11:19 pm, March 2, 2018 I just started playing today and would like someone to show me the basics if at all possible. I would also like to know which server best fits my region... I will be monitoring this thread for advice. View

Coming back after long absence

11:19 pm, February 26, 2018 Hello all - I just started back after a couple years away... part nostalgia, part just needing a break from playing other games(mainly Conan Exiles, which I loooove). I did Korthos Island and have c [..] View

Want to spend some points in the DDO Store - advice needed!

11:19 am, February 24, 2018 Greetings! Some years ago I created an account, but never really played that much. Did not even reach Lvl 10 with a single character. Now I want to slip right back into DDO. Sometimes I'm playing so [..] View

Black Screen Frozen Cursor

11:19 am, February 10, 2018 I've been having problems now for a few months that I've never had before and I've been playing DDO on and off since 2006. The issue is this: when I select my server and hit play, the game opens, bu [..] View

Direction in Life

11:19 pm, February 8, 2018 I have played ddo since Launch but I am in and out a lot. I have played many mmo but now that I am a father I dont play as much and DDO seems to fit what I want from gaming when I am able to play. T [..] View

Warlock splash for innate Shield?

11:19 pm, February 7, 2018 So I'm playing a shuriken-flinging Monk and enjoying it a lot, however I'm a little concerned about my survivability. Does anyone have experience or thoughts to share on respeccing to 18 Monk/ 2 Warlo [..] View

Todays Gear

11:19 pm, January 13, 2018 I have been back a month or so playing and leveling in the epic levels. This is a first life toon and I am still learning quest as I go. The issue I have is that its no longer just about stats on ge [..] View

Will this graphic card work?

11:19 am, January 12, 2018 I have an AMD 7800 a10, 12g RAM, windows 8, but it's integrated graphics and keeps crashing after a few minutes when I get into the game. Ddo is the only game I play, so will the geforce GT 710 allow [..] View

In Game Store and Help Windows broken

11:19 am, January 12, 2018 I'm playing from China so I'm going to guess something was changed recently and now requires a service from google or googleapis for the store and help windows to work. They stopped working for me ab [..] View

Stuck on loading screen in Gianthold.

11:19 am, January 7, 2018 Hello. While I am teleporting my player out of Gianthold to the marketplace, using the npc Vanyel, I get stuck on a loading screen that does not go away. I have had to reboot the game over 5 times so [..] View

Do Sneak attacks work if my enemies attack my hireling instead of me?

11:19 pm, January 4, 2018 I am currently playing as a Halfling paladin (dual wiedling + thrown weapons) at the moment, and I notice that the Halfling has some nice sneak attack bonuses in the race enhancements tree. So I am wo [..] View

How does 'Melee Power' work?

11:19 pm, January 2, 2018 I'm currently playing a barbarian and I can't seem to make Vampiric Bond provide me with more than 20 hp. If I have 20 melee power and it scales with 200% melee power, isn't it supposed to give me 60 [..] View

Anyone help with class and playing advice?

11:19 am, January 1, 2018 Howdy yall!! I returned last week from a break since U27. I literally spent the past week sorting and organizing my mules. I had way too much stuff. Here is my dilema. I have 2 main toons and [..] View

Really fast leveling?

11:19 am, December 31, 2017 I was playing with a character by the name of Yumzie on the Sarlona server and he was a level 18 warlock. I played with him the next day and he was a pure level 18 sorcerer. Now i thought maybe he cou [..] View

Feats for Ranger

11:19 pm, December 27, 2017 Hello, Seeking forms input on what are best feats for two weapon fighting human ranger character. I recently started playing ranger class and have two rangers now, a human (lvl 10) and a drow (lvl 1 [..] View

Ramdom Crashing Windows 10

11:19 pm, December 19, 2017 Hello all, I hope you can help me with this. I reinstalled windows 10 and come back to ddo recently, but I can t really play because I have ramdom crashes. Sometimes I can play a couple of hours with [..] View

Stuck on Loading Screen

11:19 pm, December 15, 2017 It only started today. I've been playing DDO for the past week and it's been pretty stable (outside of the random 2-3 sec lock ups every once and awhile, but that's another topic). Last night I was do [..] View

So, does this arti build pass the smoke test?

11:19 am, December 14, 2017 So, I'm getting bored with my main BF paladin, and I wanted to try an artificer. I'm not playing much right now, and there are still a few things to wrap up before the TR, but with the current veteran [..] View

F1-F12 Function keys are not selecting properly

11:19 am, December 12, 2017 This is a recent bug for me - the game and my system have been working perfectly for 10 years. What is happening now is that my Function keys are no longer working as per the DDO mapping but are now [..] View

Random Freezes / lock ups

11:19 am, December 8, 2017 So whilst playing the game I get random freezes of anywhere between 2-8secs. This happens mainly on entering new areas, or whenever im below 30% health and there are enemies around :D Joke, its comp [..] View

Need bigger toolbars

11:19 pm, December 6, 2017 Before the last update, I used to have bigger toolbars. Now, I can not get them on my laptop. My computer runs 3d games and has 3d video card 1 or 2 gb with 16 gigs of ram for memory. I would like [..] View

Changing Ranger level from lvl 20 down to lvl 10

11:19 pm, November 26, 2017 I will be playing family (long distance) on Christmas day (family tradition), but they are all going to start at lvl 10. I do not have any level 10's but would like to use my level 20 ranger, {Shira [..] View

Have not played since 2011. No idea where to begin.

11:19 am, November 25, 2017 So, I used to play back in 2011. I reached end game on my Bard, and then quit due to lack of content/other games. Decided to come back because DDO Bard is probably my favorite MMO class of all time, a [..] View

Game Crashes

11:19 pm, November 19, 2017 Hello, last night I was playing without any issues and today after I went turning on the pc to play more, the game keeps crashing after the server selection. I've win 7 64b, dxdiag says ver 11 Now I [..] View

Returning since Update 19

11:19 am, November 16, 2017 Used to play a bit during update 19, saw the new skill trees, but probably not all of the new content. Premium player, probably spent ~$80? So I read through the DDO wiki on updates since then, and am [..] View

Win 10 messing me up?

11:19 pm, November 15, 2017 Hi, I know it is Weds world resets, however, this seems different. I get the game to open, however once I choose my world I see the message getting in line to connect and the client just ends. I did a [..] View

Black Screen after Server selection

11:19 am, November 14, 2017 So I haven’t played DDO in close to two years, and felt like returning recently. I downloaded the game, logged in, chose my server and was excited to play. The problem is, after the game sta [..] View

FPS Stuttering

11:19 pm, November 1, 2017 I've been experiencing quite a lot of FPS issues since I've started playing again in the past 2 weeks. Using a Nvidia GTX 970, I was getting around 40 FPS max, on low graphic settings, but a consisten [..] View

Taking Breaks From DDO Guide

12:19 pm, October 22, 2017 So, if you are like me, you want to take breaks from DDO so this way you can stay interested n the game when you are getting back. Taking breaks from a game is (in my opinion) needed this way you st [..] View

Ideas for running favor farmers

12:19 am, October 14, 2017 I thought I would share some experiences from some recent runs I did while getting 100 favor in the servers I have never played on. One of the reasons I did this was a I got a little bored trying to [..] View

Bad Image

12:19 am, October 8, 2017 I been playing the game just fine on same computer for years.. then all of a sudden the game no longer works When i click on my icon I get this errorhttps://imgur.com/a/cxRRi I deleted the game and [..] View

Human vs Half Elf. Both are versatile for any class, but what are the differences?

12:19 am, October 3, 2017 Hi all, I have been playing DDO as a human and half-elf, mainly because I admire their versatility to play as any class. No matter what class(es) you pick, both races can do it well. So now, I have be [..] View

How to Survive Super Monster Champions?

12:19 am, September 27, 2017 The short version: What can I do to increase my chances of surviving an encounter with a "Super Monster Champion"? By "Super Monster Champion", I mean the 1 in 50 Monster Champio [..] View

A little advice

12:19 pm, September 25, 2017 I enjoy playing my barbarian but can't quite figure out the reincarnation stuff. I don't understand past lives. I did one reincarnation and have barbarian as a past life once so I will have it again w [..] View

New Player Reaper Pointers

12:19 am, September 10, 2017 If you are new to the game, first - welcome! Now if you are done soloing and have decided to group up you might look at the LFM panel and wonder what is R1/Reaper. Reaper is the hardest difficulty mod [..] View

Community Rules Update

12:19 am, August 31, 2017 One of the things that has been a long-term project of mine is to update the Community Guidelines to better reflect the needs of Standing Stone Games, to more accurately describe the rules as we apply [..] View

melee build to one shot trash mobs in toee?

12:19 pm, August 23, 2017 note the question mark. when I first started playing and rolled up a bunch of different guys, at level 1, korthos, I went in and was oneshotting all the mobs. but I don't remember the race or class c [..] View

Leveling Question

12:19 pm, August 21, 2017 Hello, I have been playing a month or so. I have not had much luck finding a good solo leveling guide. I mainly just like to solo, get on, **** a few things and have a little fun. Can I get some rec [..] View

So, i finally got my first lvl 20 and thinking about a TR...

12:19 pm, August 2, 2017 Only took four years :D... (a few weeks of play, a boredomquit, a few months of not playing) Picking out a wizard (roughly following Pale Trapper thread) as a first life was a mistake. While I still l [..] View

wont launch after Windows 10 update

12:19 pm, July 22, 2017 Been playing for months on Windows 10. I launch directly (not through steam). I know windows pushed an update on me last night, maybe it was the 'creators update', but not sure. Now, can't launch, [..] View

(Returning Player) What are the preffered classes for end game content?

12:19 pm, July 21, 2017 Hello, I'm a returning player who just got an old WF Arti character to 20. The build is messy and I intend to TR him asap into something better for end game EE and maybe legendary content. I was wonde [..] View

Three Years absence, trying a comeback!

12:19 pm, July 20, 2017 I've been playing Diablo III and Path of Exile the last three years after starting DDO in 2009 and left in 2014. I was really hardcore back in time doing every single content as a VIP, but stopped pla [..] View

Help choosing a class

12:19 am, July 19, 2017 I'm fairly new to the game but I played it a little bit years ago. I'm having a lot of trouble deciding what class to play. I remember playing a barb but he felt too boring and one dimensional. I've n [..] View

Spellcaster Druid or Spellsinger?

12:19 am, June 22, 2017 I am not a new player by any means, but I am having a tough call deciding between which to have as my final life and am looking for input. The toon is a Heroic Completionist and I'll be using this bu [..] View

Compendium Lite

12:19 am, June 16, 2017 I wrote a compendium to take the place of the spreadsheet I've been using ever since I started playing. That spreadsheet has evolved to be quite advanced over the years, but it was still lacking in so [..] View

What's worth collecting these days?

12:19 am, June 15, 2017 Hi, returning player after probably 5 years away. Man, things are a bit different. I was wondering what a new character can collect and try to sell for some extra money. Back when I was playing, a l [..] View

When to level-up a character?

12:19 am, June 6, 2017 To level-up, or not to level-up, a character that is the question I would like to get feed-back on. The details; I have about 1.5 years or more of DDO experience running many character classes on se [..] View

Reincarnate to fix a small mistake-

12:19 pm, May 29, 2017 Hello, first of all I have googled this and I'm still a little confused and terrified to make a mistake on my character with reincarnation. When I started playing I never looked into build guides or c [..] View

Returning player looking for Reaper capable build suggestions

12:19 am, May 27, 2017 Hey all, returning player here looking to TR my current character and try my luck at reaper difficulty on my next life (roughly half a level to go till 30). I have a few various tomes between +2 and [..] View

Need Help Picking Classes and Things

12:19 pm, May 20, 2017 I played this game a little bit, long ago. I left primarily because, as a free player, I didn't have many quests to choose from. I didn't like having to play through the same few quests quite so man [..] View

change language when using steam lcient for ddo

12:19 am, May 13, 2017 Hi all, a guildie of mine plays ddo via steam and she likes to play in english but some month back, as she was playing the game via the launcher she tried out another language. And although she says [..] View

How do you get/make celestial chainmail?

12:19 am, May 7, 2017 cant for the life of me find anything about it when i google it. my s/o bought some for 40k off the AH about 2/3wks ago and ive been searching for some ever since and cant find a n y. i found it on th [..] View

Barbarian Tank build??

12:19 am, May 7, 2017 I'm playing around on my competition from 2 years ago and with all the gear upgrades and items i'm currently baffled on the gear to get too many options out there and wanted to see what y'all recommen [..] View

Annoying micro stutters after patch update!!!

12:19 pm, May 6, 2017 Since the last update, the game is for now almost unplayable!!! :mad: I was trying to do the slayers at Orchard of the Macabre and when there are more than 5 mobs attacking me the game goes very very [..] View

help with some questions please just starting out in ddo

12:19 am, April 20, 2017 ok basically im going rogue, for my beginning class my question is weather duel wielding is better at end game as apposed to two handed weapons - such as quarterstaff's i have seen the builds of ro [..] View

Stuck On Loading Screen For One Toon

12:19 pm, April 16, 2017 about once a week, one of my toons (can be any one of them) simply will not load. I can load any of my toons except the one that gets 'stuck'. Said toon stays stuck on the loading screen for several [..] View

Help fitting a class?

12:19 am, April 15, 2017 Hi guys, I'm looking for a little guidance. For all intensive purposes I am new to DDO. I played a wiz and a fight to cap over 8 years ago and haven't played since. A few friends and I are looking t [..] View

What are the rules for pocket guilds?

12:19 am, April 5, 2017 So I'm finally setting up a small guild after 11 years playing the game. Along the way it occurred to me that it might be wise to find out if there were any rules governing the number of pocket accou [..] View

Spring, summer, autumn, winter... spring?

12:19 pm, March 31, 2017 I've had some thoughts rattlin' around in light of certain circumstances, thoughts a new consumer of this game 'oughta know. I wouldn't call this advice by any means, but it is no less useful to you [..] View

+20 hearts and iconic class

12:19 pm, March 29, 2017 So playing a Morning Lord 2 cleric/18 warlock to level 30 eventually. Want the past life feats of sun elf and wizard (maybe). If I use a +20 heart of wood at level 30 to change to all wizard levels, [..] View

Warlock TRing

12:19 am, March 29, 2017 I'm currently playing as a 32pts Human Fiend Warlock. I'm going to TR this toon to a goo or fey warlock. My doubt is: Which of these races would be the best to do so? 1- Drow (with this one i'm wor [..] View

Heroic Elite Kicking my tail even being a lvl higher than it

12:19 pm, March 27, 2017 Ok folks here goes i love playing melees and i love the game however i have noticed and i am on a 5th life and have noticed to do elite i have to be 2 lvls higher than the quest meaning if its 6 on ba [..] View

Launcher Error while downloading new update

11:19 am, March 24, 2017 Like the title says. I havent played since before update 35 was released, and now find myself back in this loop of the launcher getting to between 65-95% finished on the final file before giving me a [..] View

Props to anyone who can work this out! Devs, I'm looking at you here!

11:19 am, March 22, 2017 So! One of my favorite quests was the Temple of Elemental Evil- Loved it. Was great. Farmed it. Made a nice Crossbow, success. Took some time away from the game, came back. Started playing again, ma [..] View

Game wont load past server select screen help!!!!!

11:19 pm, March 20, 2017 I havnt played in three years i really want to start playing again, i finally got decent internet again and decent gamming computer but i can get the game to load past the server select screen WHAT a [..] View

i'm confused

11:19 am, March 17, 2017 Been playing for a few weeks on different servers (as either a rogue or fighter) and keep getting into groups with classes that can heal but don't and I end up dead (and not just from taking a lot of [..] View

Timing out connection

11:19 am, March 14, 2017 Been playing for most of the night as normal. I had iTR'd last night and was set to be doing a whole host of solo elite running, with some music in the background.. and probably eventually get grabbed [..] View

Returning player with loot questions

11:19 am, March 6, 2017 I've recently returned after not playing consistently for a few years. (more off than on) I was here for the beginning and have a few characters that are up there in level and favor. One thing, I've n [..] View

Game freezes computer

11:19 am, March 3, 2017 I don't even know if this is a ddo specific issue, but it's been happening more than normally the last few days. Once in a while when I'm playing ddo, the game lags for half a second and my computer f [..] View

Standing Stone Games seeks Content Designer for DDO

11:19 pm, March 2, 2017 Click here for the job ad on LinkedIn. We wanted to let the community know about this just in case the perfect person is already playing our game. If you've got the skill set and desire to make some [..] View

Quest Order

11:19 pm, February 28, 2017 I did the quests on Korthos Island and arrived in the harbor at 3rd level. Then I ate 2 birthday cakes and found myself to be 8th level. What should I be focusing on? Lower level quests on elite/reape [..] View

Noob question on spell-like effects

11:19 pm, February 27, 2017 Hi all. New to DDO, but loving it. Quick question on spell-like effects. I did some forum searching, but haven't found this one yet. Apologies if this is a redundant post. For spell-like effect [..] View

Question about difference of level

11:19 pm, February 27, 2017 So I've got a friend that it's gonna give DDO a try, he's used once the Anniversary cake on a newly created character, and has reached iirc level 5, which is cool but I daresay still insufficient in o [..] View

2 Questions

11:19 pm, February 26, 2017 1. Does the permanent cleric hireling from the starter kit scale in level or does she become useless at some point? 2. If I created a character with a premium class and race through VIP membership, w [..] View

How to get past traps on a non-trapper build?

11:19 pm, February 21, 2017 I want to try playing a solo life as a pure class (non-trapper, probably sorcerer) and would like advice on how to get past or survive the traps in the various dungeons. Some of them seem able to be p [..] View

Returning Player - Should I?

11:19 pm, February 21, 2017 Hello everyone, I have been off DDO for about 2 years now or so (I can't really remember). Last I was very active, level cap was fresh 28 and The ShadowConspiracy expansion was out for a few months. [..] View

Tips for Healing

11:19 am, February 13, 2017 I've been playing a healer quite a bit for years now, and decided I'd post some of my tips and insights. I'll try and separate this out into several titles, that way it's easy to tell different sectio [..] View

is "Tanking" a thing?

11:19 pm, January 27, 2017 Returning player here (played beta/release , then a little while before druids became a thing) , wanting to create a tank character (played a tank or healer in most MMOs) and was wondering if anyone h [..] View

Menace of the Underdark purchase

11:19 am, January 23, 2017 Hi everyone, started playing free till lvl4-5 then began with Shan-to-Kar(ddo points). I wanted to know if purchasing the Menace of the Underdark will automatically add onto game content because I [..] View

(Excel Sheet) EPICS - 1st time completions bonus XP tracker

11:19 pm, January 20, 2017 I've been playing multiple toons for a long time now and sometimes it is a headache to keep track of quest completions. More importantly... 1st time completion bonus XP! Here is a simple Google Doc [..] View

Former veteran player, back after 5 years hiatus. A few questions.

11:19 pm, January 17, 2017 Hey guys. Long time no see. A few of my college friends and I are starting a pre-made six-men party, to play once a week. I'm thinking of playing a bard. I used to play a dual-wielding dwarven Warcha [..] View

Gearing Help

11:19 pm, December 31, 2016 Heya, I played back in 2010 although that was only for a few levels. I just recently got into the game and just reached Epic levels yesterday. I am having some issues gearing my character, I just do [..] View

What Exactly Does Ultimate Enlightenment do?

11:19 am, December 31, 2016 i just started playing a 1st life warlock about a week ago now and am level 17, nearly 18 so i decided to look through the trees to decide how i want to finish out. i feel most drawn to the enlightene [..] View

constant zone crashes/other crashes

11:19 pm, December 27, 2016 i've returned to playing seriously after a while break where i would only log in occasionally...and since i've come back my crashing has gotten to the point it's really super frustrating. before i mos [..] View

SSD "Can't open teh data files"

11:19 pm, December 23, 2016 I'll preface this by saying i'm an old man with limited IT skills .... I stopped playing DDO a while back when the lag monster ate everything in site. I'm under the understanding that the situation i [..] View

Standing Stone Games - A message from Rob Ciccolini

11:19 pm, December 19, 2016 Greetings, Today we have some momentous news! The game teams responsible for The Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) and Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO) are now moving from Turbine to Standing St [..] View

Leveling Order and Feats.

11:19 pm, December 11, 2016 When it comes to leveling Order. and Picking feats, how do you know which way is best. Does it really matter? or is leveling Order one of the biggest things when building? with my years of playing, im [..] View

new install won't update

11:19 pm, November 27, 2016 I am trying to do a new install from the download. When i do this it will update to 88% and then stop. I let it stay there for hours, and it will not progress. I even stopped it and had it try again, [..] View

Newish duo advice : WF Healing

11:19 am, November 27, 2016 So I'm currently running as a duo with my boyfriend. He's brand-new to the game, while I've played very, very sporadically for a long while with another duo partner (highest level I've achieved is 12) [..] View

A Question about tomes

11:19 am, November 22, 2016 I just started playing and am a mighty level 4. Due to the sale today I purchased a "+6 tome of Supreme ability" I was wondering if I used this now how it would work. Would I only receive +1 [..] View

Overwhelming Critical feat and Perfect Two Handed Fighting

11:19 am, November 19, 2016 Planning build for half-orc two handed weapon barbarian that will be played 98% solo. Is it worth giving up feat "Epic Fortitude" or "Epic Damage Reduction" to obtain "Overw [..] View


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