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So, does this arti build pass the smoke test?

11:19 am, December 14, 2017 So, I'm getting bored with my main BF paladin, and I wanted to try an artificer. I'm not playing much right now, and there are still a few things to wrap up before the TR, but with the current veteran [..] View

How do i grind for the silver slinger?

11:19 pm, November 15, 2017 Hello I am currently on a repeater life and have all scrolls, shards and seals needed for making an epic version. Currently i have only one silver slinger - my brother was kind enough to give one to [..] View

New Player Reaper Pointers

12:19 am, September 10, 2017 If you are new to the game, first - welcome! Now if you are done soloing and have decided to group up you might look at the LFM panel and wonder what is R1/Reaper. Reaper is the hardest difficulty mod [..] View

How do I improve results with knock scrolls?

12:19 pm, April 6, 2017 My UMD is definitely higher than what's needed for using the scrolls but in the second roll it only gives me a +3. How do I raise that number? Do I need to have an open lock item on me or is there som [..] View

Farshifter's Chambers

11:19 pm, January 17, 2017 Looking at getting this amenity, but can't find much data in tons of searching of google, etc. Aside from something about it being similar to the old T3 Farshifter amenity, which I can't find anything [..] View

Add to Monk what; 1 lvl of Rogue or 1 lvl of Artificer?

12:19 am, September 20, 2016 Add to 4th lvl Monk what; 1 lvl of Rogue or 1 lvl of Artificer to deal with traps and locks? Returned to my second made character in DDO and found I can drive a Monk a little better than before after [..] View

Are you a player in need of Platinum?

12:19 am, September 16, 2016 Maybe you need to contribute big towards a guild ship. Maybe you need money to buy better gear on the AH. Maybe potions/scrolls/etc are still a major cost to you. Whatever the reason, opportunity i [..] View

It's worth checking out UMD (Use Magic Device)

12:19 am, June 22, 2016 Heya I keep bumping into players who have not thought about this awesome skill. And when I thought back I don't think I realised what this strange thing at the bottom of the skills table was until so [..] View

This morning Chains of Flame

11:19 pm, February 11, 2016 I was rerunning the quests for Zawabi this morning, having forgotten about the raid timer (sue me, that's why I am posting in the new player forum) thinking that maybe I had to repeat all the quests. [..] View

A rather minor Risia tip when doing the Harbor jumps from the WORST JUMPER EVER

11:19 pm, January 22, 2016 I use teleport scrolls and put two shortcuts on my hotbar: The first is the teleport scroll, the second is the harbor location. Click scroll shortcut to equip, then click the harbor icon and you are b [..] View

To Curse the Sky, one ****: A Video Guide

11:19 pm, December 26, 2015 Someone asked me how one does this quest, or really any quest, with minimum kills. It's 20% knowing the mechanics (sources of noise, what does and does not break sneak, knowing of extremely exploitabl [..] View

Weave in the Fade: Limited-use Assassin Technique

11:19 pm, November 22, 2015 The basics: Stay permanently invisible and in Shadow WalkScrolls are good (SD's shadow walk only lasts one minute whereas scrolled shadowwalk lasts about 8ish minutes; scrolled invis is good for 3min) [..] View

Saving the Social Window, Friends Tab Data

11:19 pm, November 11, 2015 I seem to have lost all Comments after an eTR. Is there a way to back this up like can be done with the UI layout? And speaking of which my UI restore does give me the hotbar layout I was using, but [..] View

Stealth Guide slideshow: EE Old Tomb, New Tenants

12:19 am, August 5, 2015 Old Tomb, New Tenants is a fun, easy quest to stealth. It can be added easily to xp runs after Spies in the House. Practice on EN and farm on EH. EE for Saga reward!Required and suggested skills, dest [..] View

Trapping Souls and UMD advice?

12:19 am, July 6, 2015 Hello! Me again. Was wondering how do you get the Soul Gems that you use for crafting? So for instance if I wanted to make a Holy Greataxe of Greater Undead Bane it says I need a soul gem. Where and [..] View

TR'ing 34 point build what should I focus on?

12:19 pm, July 3, 2015 Hello all: I am almost ready to TR to my next character. This will be my first serious TR and I'm quite nervous. I'm a lvl 21 dex based twf rogue. I bought a ddo surpreme tome for 1000TP as it was on [..] View

Arcane Spell Failure for Scrolls

12:19 pm, June 27, 2015 On wikihttp://ddowiki.com/page/Arcane_spell_failure I see thisA Bard wearing light armor has no chance of Arcane Spell Failure when casting Greater Heroism as a spell, but is susceptible to failure wh [..] View

Now for my next question

12:19 am, May 7, 2015 Thankyou all for your help on the overly dark dungeons. I am now smashing my way through them. However I am now a level 7 wizard and I am looking for level 4 spell components. I have hen hearts and g [..] View

How much UMD I need to use wands and scrolls?

12:19 am, May 3, 2015 I want to know how much total (all modifies included) UMD I need for wands to work. I'm new in game and I'm working on a build of pure fighter with enhancements on Kensei tree and Stalwart Defender (I [..] View

Help re: Scroll 7 on the High Road in Eveningstar

12:19 pm, April 24, 2015 Hello I understand that to get to this scroll I basically need to find the Rebels 1 and 2. I managed to hit rebels 1 before I knew that I needed it for the scroll. Problem was, I didn't see the bow [..] View

Similar enhancements stack?

11:19 pm, March 22, 2015 What happens if I put points into multiple similar enhancements from different trees? Like if I'm an Artificer/Cleric, and I have put 3 points into Wand and Scroll Mastery from the Arcanotechnician tr [..] View

Melee Master Vampires: Oh Dual-Fang Runts of the PM Tree UNITE!

11:19 pm, March 21, 2015 Disclaimer: This is a work in progress. I am no expert on PMs so please post your suggestions. There have been a number of threads recently with players proposing vampire builds. I also was intrigued [..] View

Help with artificer repeater/caster

11:19 pm, January 22, 2015 Hi I think i wanna make an artificer in my next life. I have tried them before but i still have a couple of questions: 1) Does spell power apply to wands/scrolls or did they fix this "bug" [..] View

Glancing Blows with sun blades

11:19 am, November 7, 2014 I have seen tons of posts in various threads about the ability to get glancing blows with Star of Day and Celestia but when I actually look for what is necessary to get the glancing blows I came back [..] View

Other uses for Epic Scrolls (of the scroll/seal/shard type)?

8:21 am, July 1, 2014 As title--are there any other uses for epic scrolls other than crafting the specific item into its epic form? I know that the Sands scrolls can be exchanged for other scrolls but apparently no such ex [..] View


Other uses for Epic Scrolls (of the scroll/seal/shard type)?

Dec 29, 2014, 8:13 am As title--are there any other uses for epic scrolls other than <a href="http://ddowiki.com/page/Epic_Crafting" target="_blank">crafting the specific item into its epic form</a>? I know that the Sands [..] View

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