D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Is this the game, or my connection?

11:19 am, December 21, 2017 I've been having a problem for about two months now where my connection seems to freeze in game, but only for uploaded information. I can see everything moving around me, I can get damaged, on my cle [..] View

Sound "crashes" a few seconds after the game launch

12:19 am, September 11, 2017 Hey, Last time I played was around a month ago, everything was fine. I took a little break, and now, when I log in, the sound works for a few seconds while I'm in the character selection screen, the [..] View

Community Rules Update

12:19 am, August 31, 2017 One of the things that has been a long-term project of mine is to update the Community Guidelines to better reflect the needs of Standing Stone Games, to more accurately describe the rules as we apply [..] View

Cant connect to game or ddo.com

12:19 pm, May 28, 2017 I am accessing this forum through a free proxy server. A few days ago I could no longer log in game or access anything related to ddo. I tried a number of things and I think it has to do with a host [..] View

Two different recent problems, two different threads

12:19 am, April 22, 2017 Greetings everyone! Reading recent threads, I recognized two different problems: 1) About some players that have some difficult to log into one or more servers. There are 4 or 5 recent threads abo [..] View

Can't get past the load screen after character selection

11:19 am, March 22, 2017 I tried restarting the game, resetting my internet, turning the pc off, and as a last resort i uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Still having the same issue. Any advice would be appreciated. Is an [..] View

Game wont load past server select screen help!!!!!

11:19 pm, March 20, 2017 I havnt played in three years i really want to start playing again, i finally got decent internet again and decent gamming computer but i can get the game to load past the server select screen WHAT a [..] View

Timing out connection

11:19 am, March 14, 2017 Been playing for most of the night as normal. I had iTR'd last night and was set to be doing a whole host of solo elite running, with some music in the background.. and probably eventually get grabbed [..] View

Launcher freeze on "Instaling pre-req"

11:19 pm, November 22, 2016 Hello, guys. Today my launcher stoped working for no aparent reason. I tried to contact the support through the website but seems like it's not working. Anyway... My launcher is freezing in the &q [..] View

Requesting some help to fix newfound issue

11:19 pm, November 5, 2016 Hello everyone! I come to this forum to request some assistance with what seems to be a huge problem to me... It started about a week ago, I will log onto DDO and a some intervals 20 seconds or so [..] View

Constant Internet Disconnects

12:19 pm, October 4, 2016 Hey guys it started maybe a month ago where i disconnect for one or two minutes and then everything works perfectly fine for a little while maybe a couple hours until i disconnect again and so on. It [..] View


12:19 am, July 4, 2016 So...starting a few days ago, I have started crashing in between instances or while entering a quest. Computer is clean and tight, Internet connection is solid. Thought it may have been a potential is [..] View

Attempting to Logon Server (x of 20) Error

12:19 pm, June 8, 2016 Hey, I was just playing on my laptop and closed out of game to switch rooms then turned it back on to load into an account and upon loading in i start seeing "Searching for logon server ... (atte [..] View

Switched to Wifi now game crashes at 'Loading New Game Data'

12:19 am, May 18, 2016 I recently switched my PC from a wired internet connection to a wifi internet connection and now the game freezes/crashes at the "Launching New Game Data" "Connecting to Authentication [..] View

Cyclical Latency Issues

12:19 am, May 16, 2016 I’ve noticed some new, strange behavior in DDO over the past few days. Basically, I’ll experience (normal for me) latency of 50-80ms and then without explanation, DDO latency will [..] View

Launcher closes but game doesnt start

12:19 am, May 14, 2016 Please excuse me, im a little bit frustrated right now and it is getting late for me, i will try to give as much informations as i can till i have to go to sleep because of late hours here in EU (need [..] View

windows issue

12:19 pm, April 29, 2016 So, I just bought a new laptop. It is the latest in good graphics, etc. Has a touchscreen, but I use a mouse. I'm having an issue. When I log into the game, everything works great.... until.... I [..] View

Port Forwarding update and changes - Important

11:19 pm, March 8, 2016 After today's maintenance to relocate DDO to the new data center, the game will be using more ports with which to connect and communicate. If you previously setup port forwarding (or port triggering) [..] View

Client will not load

11:19 am, February 15, 2016 I have been playing fine till I tried to get in today. My rig has a core i7, 16 gigs of ram, nvidia dedicated card, a 1TB HDD and runs Windows 10 (which has had no problems with ddo till today). I hav [..] View

Crashes and more...

11:19 am, January 14, 2016 Hey peeps. I need some help from you experts out there. I suppose I should start of by saying I am technologically illiterate. Like, absolutely woeful with this sort of stuff. Anyway...My troubles are [..] View

Client Launcher not connecting

11:19 pm, January 11, 2016 My client launcher is not connecting. It brings up the window, then nothing else. It just says "Retrieving content list from Akamai" and nothing happens. Is there a server issue? I can con [..] View

Need help with graphics issue

11:19 pm, January 8, 2016 Hi, I am stumped. I have a graphics issue. About a week ago, my DDO game went from operating perfectly to jerky movements. I can't solve it, the game is unplayable. Any help is greatly appreciated at [..] View

Getting disconnected when logging in

12:19 am, October 23, 2015 Hi guys, just asking for help on the long loading times and getting stuck and disconnected when logging in. i downloaded the preloader file from that forum post and it helped alot by reducing the loa [..] View

Chronic network issues

12:19 pm, October 9, 2015 For some reason, at about 9 or 10 at night central time on Argonesson, I start getting a very weird network problem. The game starts to get more and more delayed, until eventually everything stops mov [..] View

Looking for help - out of ideas

12:19 am, October 3, 2015 Hey guys, I've been experiencing so much lag and I've already tried so many things to fix this issue that I'm already getting despaired about all this nonsense. Wish someone have any clue about someth [..] View

How does one Navigate the Demonweb?

12:19 pm, September 10, 2015 Over the last 6 months I have tried to navigate the Demonweb about 10 times and spent at least that many hours exploring it. On one occasion I made it to the entrance for The Deal and the Demon*, but [..] View

Turbine launcher duplicate itself at launch and keeps my bandwich choked !!

12:19 am, September 7, 2015 So, after one of the last update i noticed that something went wrong on my bandwich usage... wierd clue is that once i launch the turbinelauncher, once the game begin to bring me to the server, anothe [..] View

I have a German language problem loading the game- trying to figure out what it is:

12:19 am, August 9, 2015 Well, several, actually: A) Not being terribly technical myself, I am not sure what is going on so well, even in English. B) The computer is German, and so are all the messages (and it is not my fi [..] View

Gear Planner Spreadsheet

12:19 am, August 3, 2015 Hello everyone! I've been working on this for the last few months, inputting all of the named items in ddo into a spreadsheet. I imagine, like myself, there are people out there who just enjoy making [..] View

What is happening with the servers?

12:19 pm, July 22, 2015 I am lagging all the time in Argonessen, twice today I froze in marketplace, and can t fix it with relogs, restart etc. I ve been trying like 15 minutes and I am still frozen in the same spot.. Intern [..] View

`Must-have's for each character

12:19 am, July 17, 2015 OK. I've done some research but there's little information on the internet about most things in DDO. I believe there are some in-game items/bonuses/rewards that every can benefit from. Such as tomes, [..] View

Unsustainable packet loss, just at times.

12:19 pm, July 15, 2015 Hi, like the title says, I sometimes observe an extreme amount of lost packets, like 40%, paired with 3000-4000 ms lag. I play on a laptop: win 8.1 64bit, 8GB ram, i7 4210U, nvidia 840M. This noteboo [..] View

New issues since U26

12:19 am, July 1, 2015 Ok guys, neither I nor my hubby are particularly comp savvy so lets all try our best here, and I personally don't mind if you break down the steps as if you were giving instructions to a child because [..] View

Help cant log in

12:19 am, June 29, 2015 Hello, I just returned from vacation and I cant log into game. It freezes on a screen saying "Installing pre-reqs". There is no progress bar. Wont progress past this point. PC sat for [..] View

System freezing for 8-10 seconds

12:19 am, June 29, 2015 I have an i7 980 CPU - i.e. 12 cores. If I close down everything that I can, when I run DDO I always get one core (the specific one varies each time I run DDO) running at close to 100%. Every so often [..] View

No sound from headphones

12:19 am, April 20, 2015 I installed DDO on my Dell laptop with Intel Core i5 CPU and Windows 7. My issue is that sound from DDO will come from the laptop speaker(s) but not from the headphones but if I play something from t [..] View

Launcher fail at getting in line to connect...

11:19 pm, February 28, 2015 My father was trying to play the game for the first time in a long while. He downloaded and installed everything. Once it was finished he opened the launcher, entered his username and password, chose [..] View

Launcher Hangs at Checking Dat Files 77%

11:19 am, February 24, 2015 Currently traveling for work, have the hotels highspeed/enhanced internet. both DDO and LOTRO Launchers hang up at Checking Dat Files 77% complete. Anyone have any thoughts? Already tried recopying [..] View

Uploading pictures as attachment - Help

11:19 pm, January 24, 2015 Hi I have been trying to upload pictures as attachments. I am only allowed to do it in "New player advice and guidance" but still. When i select an image from my computer and press upload n [..] View

Windows says I am connected to the router and internet but no dice

11:19 pm, January 24, 2015 So a few days ago the network went to saying no internet access. I tried several things and finally uninstalled the driver for the LAN connection and rebooted for windows to install it. It now says th [..] View

No Internet Connection when installing

11:19 am, December 5, 2014 Hey, So I'm trying to install DDO on my PC but whenever I tried to, it would say that there's no internet connection, when there clearly is. Even with the play instantly one, it would say that the Ha [..] View

New router and unable to login

12:19 am, October 6, 2014 I recently bought a new router, TP-Link TD-W8951ND, and a new USB adapter, TP-Link TL-WN821N, and they work perfectly while web browsing, but I can no longer play DDO. Launcher works, I insert passwo [..] View

Searching for logon server

12:19 am, August 26, 2014 I've been having an issue when trying to connect. I'll open the launcher and log in - All worlds are listed as "Up". I choose Cannith and start the game, only to see a "Loading New Game [..] View

Error Logging in! Connection closed or greyed out 'login' button - Solved(?)

12:19 am, July 29, 2014 Hello all, if any of you have encountered the issue in the subject "Failed to launch client: Error logging in! Connection closed" error or simply a grayed out "Login" button that n [..] View

Initial Install Destroys Internet Connection

12:19 am, July 26, 2014 I'm having problems doing the initial install of DDO. I used to play a few years ago, took a break, and now I'm getting back into it. The client's been long uninstalled and formatted over in the pas [..] View

Internet Browser Not Working? No Problem!

12:19 am, July 8, 2014 If your internet browser is not working and you want to get on in game, I made a way to get to Google/Gmail from inside the game. With that virtually anywhere else u can get to by searching. Just fol [..] View

DDO Mobile Character Planner App

12:19 am, July 3, 2014 OK, so, about a year ago, I had wondered about a DDO application for iPad (possibly on iPhone/Android??) that I could use to plan my character builds. After doing a little bit of forum searching, I'd [..] View


Windows says I am connected to the router and internet but no dice

Jan 25, 2015, 7:31 pm So a few days ago the network went to saying no internet access. I tried several things and finally uninstalled the driver for the LAN connection and rebooted for windows to install it. It now says th[..] View

Initial Install Destroys Internet Connection

Dec 15, 2014, 12:32 am I'm having problems doing the initial install of DDO. I used to play a few years ago, took a break, and now I'm getting back into it. The client's been long uninstalled and formatted over in the pas[..] View

Internet Browser Not Working? No Problem!

Dec 14, 2014, 11:57 pm If your internet browser is not working and you want to get on in game, I made a way to get to Google/Gmail from inside the game. With that virtually anywhere else u can get to by searching. Just fol[..] View

No Internet Connection when installing

Dec 6, 2014, 10:18 am Hey, So I'm trying to install DDO on my PC but whenever I tried to, it would say that there's no internet connection, when there clearly is. Even with the play instantly one, it would say that the Ha[..] View

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