D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Low-Mid Reaper **** Raid Guide

12:19 pm, April 5, 2018 I wish to make it clear before I start that this isn't a definitive guide for running ****. This guide is to build on existing guides for **** and assumes you know the basics of the raid, its progress [..] View

My personal monk build

12:19 am, April 1, 2018 I have been requested to post my build so here it is. Level 30 Lawful Neutral Halfling Female (20 Monk / 10 Epic) Hit Points: 512 Spell Points: 114 BAB: 15/15/20/25/25 Fortitude: 22 Refle [..] View

A Possible Past Life Guide

11:19 pm, February 9, 2018 DDO has so many facets, it can seem impossible to figure it out. After build options, I think figuring out past lives may be next most complex given the heroics, iconics, racials, epics, destinies, pa [..] View

Best Three Person Party Classes

11:19 pm, November 11, 2017 Hi All, I am looking at coming back with a few of my friends after a very long time away. Since so much has changed we are looking at starting new characters to try and get to the point where we can [..] View

Movember 2017 and Team DDO!

11:19 pm, November 1, 2017 Hello everyone, and welcome to Movember 2017! This is now the fifth year that I've raised money publicly for men's health through the Movember Foundation in the Dungeons & Dragons Online comm [..] View

Community Rules Update

12:19 am, August 31, 2017 One of the things that has been a long-term project of mine is to update the Community Guidelines to better reflect the needs of Standing Stone Games, to more accurately describe the rules as we apply [..] View

Can someone explain Guild Renown Decay?

12:19 am, July 28, 2017 Reading over the wiki and I can't quite figure out if I'm reading something wrong or if there's something weird about the way it's written. Here is the link I'm talking about. The very first sentence [..] View

Solo Cleric Leveling Build (War Priest), need advice

12:19 am, July 27, 2017 I'm new to the game. I started up a few years ago and quit because soloing the class I wanted (1 thief/7 mage) was really hard to level without hirelings (I didn't want to use them....) I am certain t [..] View

Warlock build advice?

12:19 am, July 12, 2017 Hello there. So, my friends and I decided that it's almost time to pursue our first heroic reincarnation, and will do so once we've finished up a few things. As such I wanted to try out a warlock, b [..] View

When to level-up a character?

12:19 am, June 6, 2017 To level-up, or not to level-up, a character that is the question I would like to get feed-back on. The details; I have about 1.5 years or more of DDO experience running many character classes on se [..] View

The DDO Players Council is now accepting applications!

12:19 pm, April 20, 2017 We are once again taking applications for the DDO Players Council! Please fill out the application completely, and email it to ddo@standingstonegames.com before 11:59pm Eastern on Thursday, April 27th [..] View

What are the rules for pocket guilds?

12:19 am, April 5, 2017 So I'm finally setting up a small guild after 11 years playing the game. Along the way it occurred to me that it might be wise to find out if there were any rules governing the number of pocket accou [..] View

Standing Stone Games seeks Content Designer for DDO

11:19 pm, March 2, 2017 Click here for the job ad on LinkedIn. We wanted to let the community know about this just in case the perfect person is already playing our game. If you've got the skill set and desire to make some [..] View

Totally Negligent Ticket System/Customer Service: Log In Issues Completely Ignored

11:19 pm, January 23, 2017 So it's come to this. The so-called "ticket system" is a complete joke. Be warned that Turbine completely abandoned this game back when they discontinued phone support and so far it doesn' [..] View

AutoHotKey HotBar Manager

11:19 am, January 13, 2017 The following is a script that is written to work with AutoHotKey, software which allows you to target inputs from the user from the keyboard, mouse, or otherwise and cause other things to happen as a [..] View

Heroic Vale of Twilight, few questions....

11:19 pm, December 21, 2016 So i bought the pack, decided to make some effort and craft greensteels. I have a few questions tho. 1. Is a whole pack, including raid is soloable? is Disable device / open Lock / abilities / skill [..] View

Haven't played in a year, came back to these ******

11:19 am, December 19, 2016 Came back, rolled a new toon. I did this at like... 2:30 AM in the morning so I know the server is a bit low. There's only the one group here in Korthos.... I asked one party member can i join? &quo [..] View

Team DDO and Movember 2016!

11:19 pm, November 1, 2016 Hello everyone, and welcome to Movember 2016! This is now the fourth year that I've raised money publicly for men's health through the Movember Foundation in the Dungeons & Dragons Online com [..] View

The DDO Chronicle: Issue 200!

12:19 am, August 3, 2016 Thank you for reading the DDO Chronicle! It's been something like 350 weeks that I've had to come up with a weekly question, and I couldn't be paid to do something that dumb without you! :) We hope y [..] View

Party time

12:19 am, July 31, 2016 One thing i love is this new party experience, the reason is because now our characters are so strong it seems like nobody hardly teams up anymore and that's making DND a bit boring at times because j [..] View

Help with My Half Elf Pure Bard

12:19 pm, July 21, 2016 Code: Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 4.31.203DDO Character Planner Home PageVaerii Synast Level 20 Chaotic Good Half-Elf Female (20 Bard) Hit Points: 200 Spell Points: 670 [..] View

Chat Aliases for DDO veterans

12:19 pm, July 14, 2016 I built a list of 40 chat aliases that give useful information through commands in chat like:Raid completionsXP cap and Quests by levelShadow Crypt instance pathsThe Pit wheelsDISCLAIMER: this is inte [..] View

A Little Help?

12:19 pm, July 3, 2016 Hey Guys! I am a relatively new player to DDO and just recently understood the entire game (at least i hope). This is the character that i build when i was completely a new player and did not understa [..] View

It may be too late if you've already found these forums but....

12:19 am, June 18, 2016 It seems there's some issues with the cost of DDO that may be putting new players off sticking with the game. A lot of this comes from new players not knowing what is a good buy for their first TP ear [..] View

Things you may not know you did not know about DDO (in installments)

12:19 am, June 14, 2016 Reincarnation (first installment) • This game allows you to reincarnate after you reach level 20 on heroic life or level 30 on iconic life. Reincarnation (or True Reincarnation) is starting [..] View

Free-to-Play Accounts and Bravery Streak

12:19 am, April 28, 2016 Greetings! So a friend and I randomly decided to give this game another go recently. I personally haven't played since the game very first switched over to free-to-play (I originally played when the [..] View

Ingredient bag item weight- tip to reducing bag weight

12:19 pm, April 11, 2016 One method I use to reduce the carry weight I am holding is to minimize the weight of the bags I carry. Personally, I store heavy items inside my spare bags and place them in my bank (share bank if th [..] View

warlock build advice

12:19 am, April 3, 2016 first time really building something from scratch. this is gearless so obviously going to have holes until you can get them covered. This is also a PDK but could also be a human. though I'm sure with [..] View

Windows 8 issue with laptop usig AMD APU

11:19 pm, March 23, 2016 Trying to help a person who installed the game on his laptop with an AMD E300 APU, 4 GB RAM, and Windows 8.1. He gets the game installed and can get to the login screen/character creation but he has [..] View

New Install: PatchClientDLL: CheckDatFiles Failed

11:19 am, March 18, 2016 I'm trying to run DDO onto a new laptop. After installation, when I get to the "Check Product" screen, I get this error: Code: PatchClientDLL: CheckDatFiles Failed [Unable to decrypt a [..] View

The reason behind this latest patch game freezes.

11:19 am, March 3, 2016 It's video graphic driver failing that causes it. Currently with this latest update, there seem to be a bug in their coding that causes GPU to overheat dramatically. Mine goes up to 83 celcius and the [..] View

Comprehensive DC breakdown for all classes

11:19 am, February 14, 2016 This is a much improved version of my first thread, with less mistakes, better organization, and in a subforum where hopefully more people will see it. This will break down the DC for every class and [..] View

What server is best for a newbie...

11:19 am, January 11, 2016 I played years ago for like 2 days and now im back and want to get into it the way I could not before. Any help and guidance is welcome thank you What is best server now for new person? Also I woul [..] View

To Curse the Sky, one ****: A Video Guide

11:19 pm, December 26, 2015 Someone asked me how one does this quest, or really any quest, with minimum kills. It's 20% knowing the mechanics (sources of noise, what does and does not break sneak, knowing of extremely exploitabl [..] View

Which are the collectables that I shouldn't be throwing away?

11:19 pm, December 15, 2015 I used to play some years ago and have a few things left over from then. I've tried to sort through my old stuff and sell the most valuable things and junk the rest. I think I've made some mistakes in [..] View

EE DoJ. The Captain's Crew Method.

11:19 am, December 3, 2015 Bladeroom Melees in one group along a pre-designated safe spot, Ranged behind them on another. (Note: Raid leader to corner. Raid leader calls for final buffs such as displacement, tough skin, meld, e [..] View

How do I unload "bind to character" equipment / aim shurikens / re-accept quest?

11:19 am, December 2, 2015 How do I remove from my inventory equipment/gear/loot that is "Binds to character on acquire permanently"? I am new to DDO (maybe 12 hours play time to date), and by ignorance and/or mistake [..] View

Support Cordovan and Team Turbine this Movember!

11:19 pm, November 1, 2015 Hello everyone! I am once again hoping to get the DDO community involved in raising money for some important work this "Movember". The Movember Foundation conducts its largest annual fundrai [..] View

New Store Launches Today

12:19 am, October 23, 2015 In addition to today's game patch, today’s down time will allow us to open the new DDO Store. You can find out more about the store design and features by clicking here. To celebrate the new [..] View

Playing game for (basically) first time, best solo class?

12:19 pm, October 19, 2015 Not technically first time, I did play back in 2010, but I have nothing left to show for it other than a dusty old fighter level 3. I've looked around, most of the posts seem to be at least a year old [..] View

Key of Destiny: How does it work?

12:19 pm, October 15, 2015 Have TR'd from a Barbarian to a Paladin and am going through the pain of needing to work all the way over from Fury of the Wild to Divine Crusader and was thinking of using the Key of Destiny to short [..] View

Thelanis Tome Giveaway

12:19 pm, October 7, 2015 I will be giving a full set of +2 Tomes away on Thelanis to one new player (new to game please, not new to server) who has taken the time to type up a well written Bio. If I get more then one person [..] View

charicter concerns.

12:19 am, September 3, 2015 Hello, I'm glad to be here, dungeons and dragons has been a hobby of mine since I was quit young and to have a game like ddo available to me for free is just awesome in my onion. A few years ago I ha [..] View

EE DoJ and that fun thing called Lag.

12:19 am, August 25, 2015 First I would like to give a heads up to the fact that this isn't a fix all. We have however had a lot of success with a few small changes. Basically we smashed our faces into the lag wall and then ma [..] View

DDO Buddy Weekend! Get More XP For Playing With Friends!

12:19 pm, August 21, 2015 This weekend, DDO bonus days brings you a bonus to your questing XP when you fill up your party! Each person above 1 adds an extra 10% to your dungeon experience (non-raid). So that means depending on [..] View

Another noob seeking a build

12:19 pm, August 17, 2015 Greetings DDO-types I just started playing a few days ago & like most other noobs I've made a mistake or 12 already (deleted first character to try again on my second build losing all my noob [..] View

Gear Planner Spreadsheet

12:19 am, August 3, 2015 Hello everyone! I've been working on this for the last few months, inputting all of the named items in ddo into a spreadsheet. I imagine, like myself, there are people out there who just enjoy making [..] View

New issues since U26

12:19 am, July 1, 2015 Ok guys, neither I nor my hubby are particularly comp savvy so lets all try our best here, and I personally don't mind if you break down the steps as if you were giving instructions to a child because [..] View

Epic Destinies / Twists of Fate

12:19 pm, May 9, 2015 Beware, wall of text incoming. It is a confusing and complex subject and I don't think being more terse will help me communicate my questions accurately. I recently hit L20 and got to pick an Epic D [..] View

Default Server?

12:19 am, April 18, 2015 I play on Thelanis but apparently most new players are being sent to a different server because it has been designated as the "default" server. It's nearly impossible to meet new players and [..] View

Do Not install Weatherblink !

12:19 pm, April 16, 2015 It is a sidesite hijacking tool. Quite legal I guess?, but your computer will really not like it when scanned !..and ya'll will not like it removing your google personal search screen and replacing i [..] View

Crystal Cove: Lighting the Path (For Kobolds)

12:19 am, April 7, 2015 Y'arr, greetings, DDO Community. Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas, ForgettableNPC here! (Skip down a bit if you want to actually get to the Guide part, most of the introduction is just me rambling [..] View

The 2015 DDO Players Council Member List

11:19 am, February 18, 2015 Hello! The 2015 DDO Players Council is now underway, and the following participants are already giving us feedback on various topics that are in a particularly early state of development. If you want [..] View

DDO freezing up after Friday's hotfix

11:19 pm, February 2, 2015 Prior to Friday's hotfix I had no issues with the game. Worked just fine on my machine. After Friday's hotfix, the game is freezing/locking up on my constantly. This seems to average happening about [..] View

New Player Character Build (easy mode)

11:19 pm, January 1, 2015 Let's face it... a lot of new players have trouble building a character that can stay alive and go toe to toe with enemies. However, it is simple to ruin a first time player's enjoyment due to the rob [..] View

Scenery blocking the camera

11:19 pm, December 11, 2014 There are some dungeons where the scenery blocks the living wombats out of your camera. Is there a way to fix this, other than mouse-wheeling your camera back into a 1st person perspective (or num-ke [..] View

Concidering returning

11:19 pm, December 6, 2014 Hello everyone, as the topic title states im concidering returning to ddo after a fairly long break. not sure how long it's been but last thing i remember was giant hold had just become epic last time [..] View

DirectX Issue

11:19 am, November 26, 2014 I have a new laptop and after installing DDO it will load to the Server choice, then I get a 104 Error saying DirectUpdate (or some other DirectX thing) isnt working. Having looked in to it one perso [..] View

Collection of Awesome Items to Glamer!

11:19 pm, October 30, 2014 Hey guys I think it would be a cool idea to make a well collection of awesome items to glamor including weapons since their coming soon..I'll post a couple myself but please post your own and I'll add [..] View

Always Customise your Character!

12:19 am, October 22, 2014 While doing some favor farming I decided to check out a couple of the "pre-made" Fighter Paths - Vanguard and Stalwart. These are TERRIBLE! Human Vanguard chooses the feats - Two Handed Fi [..] View

Stormreach Shadows: A Comprehensive Stealth Guide

12:19 pm, September 15, 2014 Update 19's revamp to the stealth system stoked me, especially when hearing it personally from Tolero and Producer Glin last year at GenCon Indy. I've enjoyed pushing the new abilities through Kiricl [..] View

Past Lives

12:19 pm, August 26, 2014 Yesterday a person I was pugging with asked me, "should I just focus on past lives that will improve my final build?" He was fairly new to the game. Only on his third life. It's a good quest [..] View

First life solo advice

12:19 am, August 17, 2014 Good day to ye kind sirs perusing this post. I've been playing DDO on and off for a few years now, but had always been fascinated by all the combinations I could try and as a result had never really g [..] View

NEED HELP - Sorcerer multiclassing on second life - go FvS?

12:19 am, August 9, 2014 So I am a level 20 pure sorc and I am ready to TR as a sorc and would like some advice about making this character more survivable. I am thinking about going Fire Savant Sorc/FvS 18/2 or 16/4 to max o [..] View

Potential new player: ranged builds?

12:19 am, August 9, 2014 With my dad and friends playing the game, I figured I might start playing. Mostly because I looked over his shoulder when he was playing and saw that ranged attacks were actually aimed. That seems lik [..] View

Grouping and wolf healer?

12:19 pm, July 30, 2014 Hi guys, I have two super noobish questions that I'd really appreciate answers to.Is there a lot of grouping involved later on? So far haven't seen many people and mostly just solo everything but I i [..] View

DDO Mobile Character Planner App

12:19 am, July 3, 2014 OK, so, about a year ago, I had wondered about a DDO application for iPad (possibly on iPhone/Android??) that I could use to plan my character builds. After doing a little bit of forum searching, I'd [..] View


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