D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Seeking advice from advanced Ariticifer experts

12:19 am, April 17, 2018 Hi, I've been playing DDO for over 10 years now and for the past 5 years at least I've specialised myself by pretty much exclusively playing an Articifer. Although I enjoy playing in a group, my main [..] View

DDO Store Sales: April 6th - 12th: "Select Low-Level Adventures"

12:19 am, April 6, 2018 For many new players, "What to buy?" is a common and often perplexing question. Everyone tells you to "Try to only buy when On Sale!" - and then a sale comes along, and you aren't [..] View

My personal monk build

12:19 am, April 1, 2018 I have been requested to post my build so here it is. Level 30 Lawful Neutral Halfling Female (20 Monk / 10 Epic) Hit Points: 512 Spell Points: 114 BAB: 15/15/20/25/25 Fortitude: 22 Refle [..] View

Questions on TR and crafting

11:19 pm, March 5, 2018 So I have a lvl13 Pally and I am going to hit twenty within the next few days What should I focus on doing before I TR my character? Which class would benefit most from an Asimar Pally past life? [..] View

Best Weapon advice

11:19 am, March 4, 2018 I'm wondering which weapon is better? My 14th level pally has a choice between Spinal Tap or a random drop ******* Sword with Electrifying (3d6) electrical damage. He has Improved Crit: Slashing wea [..] View

Reaper Melee Weapon Golf Bag

11:19 pm, February 28, 2018 Reaper Melee Weapon Golf Bag Any monster type champion can have: possible 2 of: resist blunt/pierce/slashing Ghostly skeleton (lvl 5 quest)/abishai (lvl 5 quest)/some demons/scourge champions: DR Goo [..] View

Vistani HP loss bug?

11:19 pm, February 24, 2018 I am using the following build. Currently she is at level 13, rank 63.3. She is a 32 point build. She was created as a level 10 character when Ravenloft came out. The issue I am encountering is t [..] View

Ranged weapons and.. FPS drops..?

11:19 am, February 18, 2018 So this is kind've weird and I maybe only found this by weird coincidence. I only just realized DDO had a built-in FPS limiter and, since my system is decently beefy, cranked it up to 120. Seems to be [..] View

Swashbuckler: Other Feats Better than Single-Weapon Fighting, Right

11:19 pm, February 6, 2018 I've started a Swashbuckling Elf Bard with the SWF feat (single-weapon fighting, not single white female) and considering the opportunity cost in losing out on other feats, I just don't see an advanta [..] View

Sentient weapon procs

11:19 pm, February 2, 2018 Quote: 3 Pieces: Assassin's Sentience: Melee and Missile attacks deal an additional 4d6 +1d6 per character epic level in acid damage. This effect will not stack with other Sentience [..] View

Can't take greater single weapon fighting

11:19 pm, January 27, 2018 For some reason I can't select the greater single weapon fighting feat at level 15. I have all the prerequisites, but the feat is greyed out as if I don't.https://imgur.com/a/qw9DI imgur link becaus [..] View

Swashbuckler so Hot? Eldrich Knight Sorcerer so Nerfy?

11:19 pm, January 26, 2018 Seeing a lot in comments that so purport. But is that really true? I've got an elf, 32-point build, with high Charisma and Dexterity, pretty high Intelligence (for disarming traps -- and jumping skill [..] View

More Feats Or Better Enhancements?

11:19 am, January 26, 2018 Hello all, I have been thinking of a ways to make my melee toons better, so I was thinking... should I splash them with Fighter 4 or 6 for more feats or Barbarian 4 (maybe 6) for better enhancements? [..] View

Can't Ever Use Dex Bonus to Hit w/ Scimitars? How about Improved Critical?

11:19 pm, January 21, 2018 Am I to understand that even though scimitars are classified as "light weapons," there is no way to use dexterity bonuses for their "to-hit" or damage? And how about improving the [..] View

Sentient weapon effects and warlock

11:19 pm, January 20, 2018 Hi, I was wondering if the effects such as: Quote: 3 Pieces: Assassin's Sentience: Melee and Missile attacks deal an additional 4d6 +1d6 per character epic level in acid damage. This [..] View

Human Adaptability and feats / feat respeccs

11:19 pm, January 9, 2018 Hello, lets say I started with a certain ability score and use Human Adaptability to raise that score. Example: - starting with 14DEX - raising to 15DEX Will this ability score now count as a met prer [..] View

******* Swords as 1-Handed Weapons

11:19 pm, January 5, 2018 From the snipets I have read, it seems that ******* swords are treated as one-handed weapons in all respects - so (if a character has no feats/enhancements that benefit a particular weapon) two ****** [..] View

Do Sneak attacks work if my enemies attack my hireling instead of me?

11:19 pm, January 4, 2018 I am currently playing as a Halfling paladin (dual wiedling + thrown weapons) at the moment, and I notice that the Halfling has some nice sneak attack bonuses in the race enhancements tree. So I am wo [..] View

Ghost Touch solution for level 10?

11:19 am, December 29, 2017 Came back to the game a couple months ago, been enjoying it a lot so far! I even managed to get a character up to max level and reincarnate her, something I've never actually done before. However, I'v [..] View

Nrcro packs @ 75% offf = 87 DDO Points! (also SFC & MotU, & more!)

11:19 am, December 29, 2017 (Public Service Announcement... from one Premium Player to any/all others...) @ New(ish) F2P & Premium Players - On Sale this week - all Necropolis packs, for only 87 DDO Points! (Yes, eighty- [..] View

Feats for Ranger

11:19 pm, December 27, 2017 Hello, Seeking forms input on what are best feats for two weapon fighting human ranger character. I recently started playing ranger class and have two rangers now, a human (lvl 10) and a drow (lvl 1 [..] View

So, does this arti build pass the smoke test?

11:19 am, December 14, 2017 So, I'm getting bored with my main BF paladin, and I wanted to try an artificer. I'm not playing much right now, and there are still a few things to wrap up before the TR, but with the current veteran [..] View

New jewel and weapon

11:19 am, December 7, 2017 Hi all :) Can anyone tell me how to get the weapon form the NPC to take the jewel of sentience that he also gave me please? Also, how do I feed named items to the jewel please? Thanks for your help a [..] View

Why Doesn't Dexterity Weapon Bonus Show-up in Details? I have "Tempest"

11:19 pm, December 5, 2017 (I'm an intermittent player.) I have a 12-Ranger, 1-Rogue player with the "Tempest" skill, and an 18 Dexterity that plays out to 24 with magical enhancement. Mainly, I'm using two rapiers [..] View

Server Transfer

11:19 pm, November 27, 2017 I'm moving my main character to another server. I've packed my carnifex, BTA endless wands, a bunch of useful clickies and a few BTA weapons. Any suggestions for other things to take with me? Collect [..] View

Strange UI issues

11:19 am, November 11, 2017 Hi SSG / others, Since about 3 weeks ago I've been having weird issues with my UI. Specifically: - When I load in I can run around just fine and see other characters move but chat doesn't load, and [..] View

Give up 2 lvls of Ranger for Monk to gain feats DODGE and DEFLECT ARROWS?

12:19 am, October 13, 2017 Give up 2 lvls of Ranger for Monk to gain feats DODGE and DEFLECT ARROWS? From other posts; https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...-heart-of-woodhttps://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...-ability-score [..] View

What gear from auction houses will increase character's wisdom ability score?

12:19 am, October 12, 2017 What are the names of gear that increase’s a character’s wisdom ability score found in auction houses? Would like to know what wording I should be searching for in auction houses [..] View

Lesser Reincarnation and +Lesser heart of wood

12:19 pm, October 7, 2017 Hello, Want to verify my understanding of lesser reincarnation and +lesser heart of wood usage purchased from DDO store. Want to reincarnate a Rogue to a Rogue/Ranger. I have a level 2 rogue chara [..] View

Do Two weapon fighting feats apply to an armed Drow Monk?

12:19 am, October 6, 2017 Hello, I have a Drow monk (Lvl:1 = Rogue, Lvl:2 = Fighter, Lvls: 3-10 = Monk) with fests “Whirling Steel Strike” & “Two Weapon Fighting” & &am [..] View

Does character enhancement AWARENESS stack from different trees?

12:19 pm, September 30, 2017 Hello, Having fun with my paladin/artificer and warlock/artificer characters. Still struggling with Monk/rogue/fighter but have not given up. My play style is 99% solo, two weapons, with a hireling [..] View

A newb question

12:19 pm, September 25, 2017 Hello, I am fairly new to this game and have a lot of question. For now I just wanted to know if the enhancement from thief acrobats staff training stacks with the kensei focus: druidic weapon from t [..] View

New Player Reaper Pointers

12:19 am, September 10, 2017 If you are new to the game, first - welcome! Now if you are done soloing and have decided to group up you might look at the LFM panel and wonder what is R1/Reaper. Reaper is the hardest difficulty mod [..] View

Shield Bash procs Question

12:19 am, September 8, 2017 I'm curious as to whether the secondary shield bashes that you can build for a high rate of will proc some of these things(do secondary bashes count as "Attacks"): Pale Master Forms: Vampir [..] View

Does Eldritch Blast always count as a spell?

12:19 pm, August 18, 2017 I'm about to TR into a Warlock for the first time. I'm fairly familiar with the class in general, but not at all in depth. I can't find a source which says if Eldritch Blast counts as a spell one wa [..] View

PDK Swashbuckler question.

12:19 pm, August 16, 2017 Just wondering, does anyone know if the PDK Charisma to hit and Damage ability stack with the damage from Different Tack: Smooth Flourishes: You get Charisma to Damage with weapon attacks while Sing [..] View

Dragonborn Eldritch Knight/Swashbuckler viable?

12:19 pm, August 2, 2017 I was looking over the enhancements for the Eldritch Knight, and saw that it gets an automatic cleave with extra damage on it, and a lot of shield boosts, and light armor. So with taking Bard levels a [..] View

Solo Cleric Leveling Build (War Priest), need advice

12:19 am, July 27, 2017 I'm new to the game. I started up a few years ago and quit because soloing the class I wanted (1 thief/7 mage) was really hard to level without hirelings (I didn't want to use them....) I am certain t [..] View

What does "Scale with..." mean

12:19 pm, July 14, 2017 From the release notes. When it says " Rune Arm shots now scale with 100% Spell Power. Rune Arm weapon imbues now scale with 200% Melee or Ranged Power (whichever is higher)." I don't und [..] View

Epic TR Dilemma

12:19 pm, June 29, 2017 I am a 3rd life monk and I'm trying to do my first ever epic tr, however due to inherent tomes not being applied etc, I am unable to take the feats that I previously had (Improved Two Weapon Fighting [..] View

Looking for adive on this build. Dragonborn Artie.

12:19 pm, June 23, 2017 Hi there you helpful bunch! I have a buddy who has returned to the game after a 2 year absence, (He was waiting for Kobolds) however I told him the Dragonborn were just tall kobolds. He bought it hook [..] View

Artificier & Wizard: Inscribe spell level vs. Spell level vs. Caster level

12:19 am, June 16, 2017 Okay, I know I am not the only one confused about this, and it is VERY frustrating. What is the formula for figuring out which level inscription material you need to inscribe a spell? For example, th [..] View

Cannith crafter equipment advice

12:19 pm, June 13, 2017 Hi! I've finally reached a high enough level to craft myself a ML20 equipment with cannith crafting. However, I thought I'd ask your advice on which enchantments to seek. I'm currently a fire sorcer [..] View

When to level-up a character?

12:19 am, June 6, 2017 To level-up, or not to level-up, a character that is the question I would like to get feed-back on. The details; I have about 1.5 years or more of DDO experience running many character classes on se [..] View

Do Crafted Light Damage Weapons Cause Blindness?

12:19 am, May 23, 2017 I am just starting to explore crafting and I don't want to waste any components or essences. Before I craft a "Shard of Disappointment" I want to know if I add a shard of light damage to a [..] View

Need Help Picking Classes and Things

12:19 pm, May 20, 2017 I played this game a little bit, long ago. I left primarily because, as a free player, I didn't have many quests to choose from. I didn't like having to play through the same few quests quite so man [..] View

Zen archery works with a crossbow?

12:19 pm, May 12, 2017 I made a character that is rogue leve 12, artificer level 4 ( to get endless fusilade) and ranger level f4 (to get terror arrows). So it is based on wis (now is 64) I use dex to hit and damage witha [..] View

The "MT OLYMPUS" Build

12:19 pm, April 29, 2017 "Mt OLYMPUS" Build 10 Paladin / 8 Fighter / 2 Warlock [2 Handed Weapon DPS PDK Pally] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [..] View

Rogue enhancment?

12:19 am, April 25, 2017 i have a lvl 5 halfling rogue, trying out assassin tree. i took envenomed blades and it seems like i'm not getting the damage from it, have kukri in main and dagger in off hand. am i not seeing it rig [..] View

help with some questions please just starting out in ddo

12:19 am, April 20, 2017 ok basically im going rogue, for my beginning class my question is weather duel wielding is better at end game as apposed to two handed weapons - such as quarterstaff's i have seen the builds of ro [..] View

What is sentient weapons?

12:19 am, April 6, 2017 Hello In update 37 which should come in 2017 i see that sentient weapons should be added to the game. But i don't undestand what they are. Could someone explain to me what they are? Are they items w [..] View

Please compare these weapon alternatives.

12:19 am, April 1, 2017 Which of these two weapon alternatives would generate the highest average damage: TWO WEAPONS: Right Hand DMG 1.8[1d8] + 18; Bonus +16; Left Hand: DMG 1.8[1d8] +13; Bonus + 12 - or - TWO-HANDED weapo [..] View

Dealing with metallic monsters with melee.

11:19 am, March 12, 2017 in the quest Brothers of the Forge that i'm trying to do to gain Canith favor on EE my weapon always break and even with many weapons i feel that there is something missing here. Is there is a secret [..] View

Make my Favorite Build Less Squishy

11:19 pm, March 9, 2017 I'm out of ideas, so I've come to plead for ideas to improve my one-and-only character. First, I'm a bit of a flower-sniffer and I'm quite content running slightly under-level HN to have some fun. S [..] View

Weapon Bonus Question

11:19 pm, March 4, 2017 My +1 Vorpal Longbow of Incite 7 has another number on the stat sheet. Right above "Equips to Main Hand" is "+5." What does this number refer to? I assume the +1 is to hit and dama [..] View

Paralyzing weapons

11:19 pm, March 3, 2017 Hey all, is there anywhere you can craft a paralyzing crossbow/great crossbow/heavy repeater? And barring that, are there any named items in the game that can be farmed? Been searching the wiki for [..] View

Please rate these two weapons.

11:19 am, February 17, 2017 Please advise which of the following weapons would do more consistent damage against Undead such as found in Delara's: #1 +3 Greatsword of Doublestrike 3 (5-15) [2d6] +3 [..] View

Returning from before expansions - build suggesttions and general tips

11:19 pm, February 4, 2017 Hi, I played DDO from beta until sometime before the first expansion hit and have been in other games since then. Now I decided to come back and experience what I have missed :) Logging in and seein [..] View

Few noobish questions...

11:19 pm, February 3, 2017 Are wooden weapons resistant to ooze acid, or did I get something wrong? I'm asking because i use wooden blunt weapon on oozes on one of my toons and it breaks as fast as metal ones. Plus question ab [..] View

Bear/wolf form and Ninja Poison

11:19 am, January 7, 2017 I want to know if the Ninja Poison stance will work in Bear form. I know from another thread i looked up that in the past it definitely did not work, because you are unarmed and it needs a weapon. Ho [..] View

Which eleent type is best for a heroic TOEE weapon?

11:19 am, January 3, 2017 out of the options which is best? fire I think is bad because so many things have resistances or are immune. I think electric or cold is best, cold has a will save, which is lowest generally on most m [..] View

Gearing Help

11:19 pm, December 31, 2016 Heya, I played back in 2010 although that was only for a few levels. I just recently got into the game and just reached Epic levels yesterday. I am having some issues gearing my character, I just do [..] View

What Exactly Does Ultimate Enlightenment do?

11:19 am, December 31, 2016 i just started playing a 1st life warlock about a week ago now and am level 17, nearly 18 so i decided to look through the trees to decide how i want to finish out. i feel most drawn to the enlightene [..] View

+20 Incite Helm, What does it do?

11:19 am, December 18, 2016 Im confused. Just came back after 2 years. See there is a whole new system again for magic items. So as the title says...... I find this Helm- Incite +20= +20 Enhancement bonus to increased threa [..] View

Thrower Question

11:19 am, December 5, 2016 Is the only way to get dex to damage for throwing weapons with a halfling or a bard? I don't see anything else, but I've never made a thrower build before. I suppose I should also ask if this is a b [..] View

Ranger AA imbue question about thrown weapons

11:19 pm, November 26, 2016 not a new player, but looking to try something new. I have seen people using crossbows as a ranger and benefiting from the AA tree imbues for the bolts, does this work with thrown weapons as well, or [..] View

Strategic Combat II

11:19 pm, November 23, 2016 Strategic Combat II states: You can use your Intelligence modifier for damage with Melee and Missile weapons. Does this mean your intelligence modifier is added to the weapons, or does your int modif [..] View

Overwhelming Critical feat and Perfect Two Handed Fighting

11:19 am, November 19, 2016 Planning build for half-orc two handed weapon barbarian that will be played 98% solo. Is it worth giving up feat "Epic Fortitude" or "Epic Damage Reduction" to obtain "Overw [..] View

Looking for some build advice

11:19 pm, November 10, 2016 I'm not sure where the best spot to post this is, but advice & guidance seemed to be the right place. If not please let me know. Anyway, ever since the deity update I've been looking at a maul [..] View

Lost in Crafting

11:19 pm, October 31, 2016 Hello, I have problem catch something from basic crafting. I would be happy If anyone can point me to right way. I would like to craft weapon from picture: But I haven't idea, where to get starti [..] View

does tempest enhancement stack with weapon finesse

12:19 am, October 29, 2016 just working on a duel wield ranger/rogue build, and I notice the level 3 ranger tempest enhancement says that scimitars are now treated as light weapons, but I wanted to ask if it would stack with we [..] View

greataxe or greatsword? which is superior?

12:19 pm, October 19, 2016 first post haha. just returning to the game. it kind of occurred to me to just take a big weapon and run over and just the thing! anything! everything! but what is best? I figured looking at both weap [..] View

Feat; Oversized Two Weapon Fighting - has it been Deprecated?

12:19 pm, October 3, 2016 Feat; Oversized Two Weapon Fighting - has it been Deprecated? I like fighting with two weapons simultaneously (one in each hand) in DDO. I understand that feat "two weapon fighting" only c [..] View

Some questions on melee feats

12:19 am, September 25, 2016 Hi all, I'm about to start into some melee lives, and would like a little advice about feats to take. I'm pretty much decided on TWF Khopesh, just for context. I'll be multi-classing and have a few [..] View

Add to Monk what; 1 lvl of Rogue or 1 lvl of Artificer?

12:19 am, September 20, 2016 Add to 4th lvl Monk what; 1 lvl of Rogue or 1 lvl of Artificer to deal with traps and locks? Returned to my second made character in DDO and found I can drive a Monk a little better than before after [..] View

Full Unarmed Monk

12:19 am, September 20, 2016 I'm a new player when it comes to melee characters, who wants to build a monk toon. But I've got no idea on what stats to invest my points (32pts), on what skills to invest, what feats and enchantment [..] View

A few questions about nebulous game mechanics.

12:19 am, September 19, 2016 Hey all! I had a few questions that have been stumping my friends and I who started playing together a few months back. Most of us know way more than we should about PnP D&D, but we're having [..] View

Fun build if you guys want to help with it (Lich King Theme)

12:19 am, September 14, 2016 I made a Lich King like build. I have a level 18 Wizard with most of this already, but I wanted to improve on it by making it a Greatsword build. When making this build, I wanted the Harper enhanceme [..] View

Public Notice Board

12:19 pm, September 13, 2016 Below is a list of some of the Known Issues that we are aware of, and below that are features that are Working as Intended but may cause confusion. Should you come across any of these issues, there is [..] View

Weapon proficiency and “to hit” for multi-class characters (rogue/ranger/bard)

12:19 am, September 13, 2016 Weapon proficiency and “to hit” for multi-class characters (rogue/ranger/bard) I have a multi-class character started that is at rogue 2/ ranger 2/ bard 2 with all remaining levels [..] View

Playing a 5 year old build, what to do?

12:19 am, August 27, 2016 I haven't played in years until recently (and didn't play long back then)https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...=1#post2799105 I was following this build and it was added to the thread in 2011 then he [..] View

How to work out what gear to use?

12:19 am, August 19, 2016 How do you know if gear is an upgrade? I mean I can get dex is more than one slot but afaik more than one item with dex don't stack in D&D? So i'd have a choice of like don't use the new item [..] View

stuck trying to work out what to play

12:19 pm, August 17, 2016 Any advice for a noob with no idea what viable builds are? I've always liked the idea of dual wielding longsword xD I like the idea of dual wielding the same weapon in both hands in general. I like [..] View

Which is best to obtain proficiency exotic weapon kama?

12:19 am, August 16, 2016 Hello, I am seeking advice around questions;1. As you level-up a Rogue, are you ever given the opportunity to choose feat exotic weapon kama? If yes, at what level? 2. As you level-up a Druid, are y [..] View

How do I get a TWF set to work on my hotbar?

12:19 pm, August 6, 2016 Been trying for days to figure this out. I have a ranger that just wants to click on my hot bar to switch from a bow to his two weapon set, but it doesnt seem to let me put more than one weapon in a b [..] View

How do +spell damage items work?

12:19 am, July 27, 2016 I keep seeing spell damage on not-typically-spellcaster gear, like kamas and tower shields. I know with feats and multiclassing there's no particular reason to say a spellcaster can't be using that it [..] View

Help with My Half Elf Pure Bard

12:19 pm, July 21, 2016 Code: Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 4.31.203DDO Character Planner Home PageVaerii Synast Level 20 Chaotic Good Half-Elf Female (20 Bard) Hit Points: 200 Spell Points: 670 [..] View

Fighter Enhancements

12:19 pm, July 16, 2016 Some help PLease... I am trying to pick a few enhancements (12 level fighter). I selected one that says I need "greater weapon focus- Slashing weapons" I can't find Greater Weapon Focus t [..] View

Quick question about Flameblade

12:19 pm, July 10, 2016 I've checked all the other posts that have anything to do with the druid spell Flameblade and I have noticed that while people ask whether or not feats or enchantments that improve other weapons apply [..] View

A Little Help?

12:19 pm, July 3, 2016 Hey Guys! I am a relatively new player to DDO and just recently understood the entire game (at least i hope). This is the character that i build when i was completely a new player and did not understa [..] View

Feat Respec Token - Artificer bonus feat - Fred the mindfryer

12:19 pm, June 26, 2016 Hello, I just read on ddo wiki that ability stats points applied by enhancements trees do not count towards the pre-reqs for feats. Example, character needs STR of 13+ to be able to pick feat &quo [..] View

Question: Improved Critical feat and special weapons

12:19 pm, June 15, 2016 Hello. I just came back after a long while of not playing ddo. i'm a bit rusty when it comes to thia kind of things. So I understand what the Improved Critical do to normal weapons but for example a [..] View

Fighter kensai unarmed/wolf questions

12:19 am, May 15, 2016 Hi I was looking at the new kensai enhancements and started wondering about a few things. Does Weapon Group Specialization apply to unarmed. as in monk or wolf form? Does Strike With No Thought an [..] View

Trying to Add FEAT: "Single Weapon Fighting" but shows as "not available"

12:19 am, May 8, 2016 My toon is a level 6 Bard on the Swashbuckler path with "Skirmisher". I understand that Skirmisher allows me to use a buckler but still have access to single weapon feats. I want to add Si [..] View

returned kind of and have questions.

12:19 am, May 3, 2016 I never really went away I just had long periods where I was unable to play. so I am now playing for and hours or so every day just getting back in the swing. my ALTS are still very playable, but I ha [..] View

Weapon Comparison Spreadsheet

12:19 am, April 15, 2016 I was commenting on janave's post about a new end game maul when I decided to do some weapon comparisons. I quickly found the old ESOS vs. TF Falchion thread from September 2015 and started adapting [..] View

Images of weapons for glammering

12:19 am, April 12, 2016 Is there a list or database somewhere that shows images of all the DDO weapons? I'm looking to glammer my weapons and I hoping there's a better way to find images other than typing names into DDO wiki [..] View

warlock build advice

12:19 am, April 3, 2016 first time really building something from scratch. this is gearless so obviously going to have holes until you can get them covered. This is also a PDK but could also be a human. though I'm sure with [..] View

Best augment for Epic Return to Sender?

12:19 am, April 2, 2016 I unexpectantly picked up http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Epic_Return_to_Sender while doing my daily farm run of Tavern Brawl to try and get my end game boots. What would be a good augment for the orange [..] View

Weapon and Shield??

11:19 pm, March 25, 2016 Hi, I am trying to decide what the best option is for max damage. I use a shield and ******* sword now which helps my AC. However, is it better to go with 2 ******* Swords?? Is there a combination [..] View


Seeking Rogue Weapon Help

May 8, 2015, 10:24 pm I have three level 17 Rogues, all primarily specialized in the Assassin tree. They now have the ability to assassinate, and also the top level skill that increases the critical threat range of dagger[..] View

18Barb/2Rouge Single Weapon wielding pick user

Mar 23, 2015, 12:05 am I saw a build from 5 years ago that discussed a dual wielding pick using barbarian/rouge with evasion. I would like to switch it to SWF. I am going to get the SWF feats, and improved crit,. Any other [..] View

Which of these two weapons would you choose for your wolf form?

Mar 19, 2015, 3:27 pm One has overall goodness, but one hits really hard if a critical is scored. <br><br> 6RA/1F/2Dr 23 strength improved crit:bludgeon improved two weapon fighting, improved one weapon fighting<br>[..] View

what weapon enhancement bonusses do stack?

Jan 29, 2015, 6:28 am I'm trying to figure out what enhancement bonusses don't stack on increasing weapon damage, is there anything below that does NOT stack with eachother? +3 epic (arcane) Past life enhancement bonus +[..] View

Question re: Ranger and Two Weapon Fighting

Dec 30, 2014, 8:18 pm Hello It seems there is a penalty to try to move while two weapon fighting - the swinging slows down. Is that right? If so, does turning also cause the penalty? Or does simply moving forward and b[..] View

Thrown Weapons

Nov 29, 2014, 8:46 am Does the single weapon fighting tree increase the attack speed of thrown weapons? Are there any (other) thing(s) that increase thrown weapon attack speed that are not specific to a certain class?[..] View

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