D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Seeking advice from advanced Ariticifer experts

12:19 am, April 17, 2018 Hi, I've been playing DDO for over 10 years now and for the past 5 years at least I've specialised myself by pretty much exclusively playing an Articifer. Although I enjoy playing in a group, my main [..] View

Low-Mid Reaper **** Raid Guide

12:19 pm, April 5, 2018 I wish to make it clear before I start that this isn't a definitive guide for running ****. This guide is to build on existing guides for **** and assumes you know the basics of the raid, its progress [..] View

Want to spend some points in the DDO Store - advice needed!

11:19 am, February 24, 2018 Greetings! Some years ago I created an account, but never really played that much. Did not even reach Lvl 10 with a single character. Now I want to slip right back into DDO. Sometimes I'm playing so [..] View

Why do I have these classes/races unlocked?

11:19 pm, February 14, 2018 Hey there! I have some Races and Classes unlocked and don't know why. Maybe some of you can find reasons? So on April 2012 I created a DDO account and played it a bit, but just some characters up to [..] View

Question: Heroic TR & Racial TR - Do They Stack?

11:19 pm, January 7, 2018 Hello, Everyone! An old player - 2008 and onward! - literally and figuratively here with a question about Heroic TR and Racial TR. I was away for about 2 years and recently returned. Life got in the [..] View

Building an Eldritch Knight

11:19 pm, November 28, 2017 Hello again all! As always thanks for taking the time to read and thanks in advance for the thoughts and suggestions. Currently im ready to start my second life. Just got my ES warlock to 20 and my 3 [..] View

Spell power from enhancement trees - what stacks?

11:19 am, November 7, 2017 Hello I don't know what stacks. I undestand that if you have an item with universal spellpower and another with radiance that only the highest is taken into account. But how does it work with enhance [..] View

Movember 2017 and Team DDO!

11:19 pm, November 1, 2017 Hello everyone, and welcome to Movember 2017! This is now the fifth year that I've raised money publicly for men's health through the Movember Foundation in the Dungeons & Dragons Online comm [..] View

Need Help Picking Classes and Things

12:19 pm, May 20, 2017 I played this game a little bit, long ago. I left primarily because, as a free player, I didn't have many quests to choose from. I didn't like having to play through the same few quests quite so man [..] View

Introducing friend to ddo tomorrow

12:19 am, April 4, 2017 Hello Tomorrow i am gonna introduce a friend to ddo. If we are lucky we will get past korthos in one evening. He ones said that DDO was too "square" for him and the graphics wasn't good eno [..] View

Thinking of coming back, few questions pls

12:19 am, March 29, 2017 My wife and I are going to come back to do a TR and experience reaper settings and hopefully get back into raiding since there have been many since we left. With that just a few questions. We played [..] View

Returning from before expansions - build suggesttions and general tips

11:19 pm, February 4, 2017 Hi, I played DDO from beta until sometime before the first expansion hit and have been in other games since then. Now I decided to come back and experience what I have missed :) Logging in and seein [..] View

Newish duo advice : WF Healing

11:19 am, November 27, 2016 So I'm currently running as a duo with my boyfriend. He's brand-new to the game, while I've played very, very sporadically for a long while with another duo partner (highest level I've achieved is 12) [..] View

Team DDO and Movember 2016!

11:19 pm, November 1, 2016 Hello everyone, and welcome to Movember 2016! This is now the fourth year that I've raised money publicly for men's health through the Movember Foundation in the Dungeons & Dragons Online com [..] View

Very old returning player questions.

11:19 am, November 1, 2016 I have recently returned to the game, last time I player level 12 had just been released. I had a VIP account for several months at least, before I cancled it. Had to buy the game originally. I know [..] View

A few questions about nebulous game mechanics.

12:19 am, September 19, 2016 Hey all! I had a few questions that have been stumping my friends and I who started playing together a few months back. Most of us know way more than we should about PnP D&D, but we're having [..] View

Public Notice Board

12:19 pm, September 13, 2016 Below is a list of some of the Known Issues that we are aware of, and below that are features that are Working as Intended but may cause confusion. Should you come across any of these issues, there is [..] View

Heroic only sorcerer

12:19 am, August 1, 2016 I have 6 past lives: Barbarian/Bard/Pally/Warlock/Ranger/Druid, and 4 EPL feats (3 Brace and 1 Fast Healing). I am looking for a heroic only sorc, and I would like it to be warforged. I don't care if [..] View

Arty Problems

12:19 am, May 22, 2016 What kind of gear would YOU have on YOUR pure Arty @ lvl 19? Where would you get THAT particular item? What stats should you have @ that lvl? This Arty has a good UMD and can trap well enough to ge [..] View

Returning Player: Epics and past Lives and that stuff...

12:19 pm, April 4, 2016 OK, so long time player, recently returning (about 3 months now?) I finally got completionist, which has been a long term goal for me. Anyway, my old "Epics experience" was around when Epic [..] View

quick question on heal repair and spellcraft skills

12:19 pm, April 1, 2016 Hello, Just starting to play DDO and had a question about a couple skills First, I am going to play a halfling Artificer with range and casting as my core Heal - I see it can revive a character but [..] View

Video guide to soloing DDO

12:19 am, March 28, 2016 I played DDO quite a bit, TRed a toon and then stop playing for a while. Eventually, I got back into the game and TRed my toon a second time. I like doing projects while I play DDO and I've done sever [..] View

Not sure what I need to buy

11:19 am, January 4, 2016 Hello, I have a fairly old account, and haven't played in a long time. I think since just about before the underdark was about to release. I came back this evening and bought the 3 packs on steam (sta [..] View

Decent Docents...?

11:19 am, December 9, 2015 Been playing for a while* but am now getting somewhat jaded with how fast my WF Artificer dies, once she gets into melee it's pretty much instagib time. Now for the first seven (level 7 vet) levels I [..] View

Just returning to game and looking for a good caster 1st life soloist

12:19 am, September 13, 2015 Hello all, im returning to game after 3 years out, and im looking to play a caster (arcane or divine since i own fvs), 1st life, 32 pt possible... i own warforged too and played sorc wf for long time [..] View

Returning player looking for some guidance

12:19 am, September 8, 2015 Hello all, after like 2.5~3 years without play DDO im thinking about start again but the server where i had most of my chars(argonassen, i think the name is that) seens pretty dead now... so, as im st [..] View

Another noob seeking a build

12:19 pm, August 17, 2015 Greetings DDO-types I just started playing a few days ago & like most other noobs I've made a mistake or 12 already (deleted first character to try again on my second build losing all my noob [..] View

Need advice for third life

12:19 am, August 13, 2015 Hi guys ! I need you because I dunno what to do next. I just hit 20 and I'm thinking about next life. I'll have 2 pally past life and +4 supreme tome. I own everything but warforged, monk, artificer [..] View

[Solo build help] Newcomer

12:19 am, August 6, 2015 Hi all! I came back to the game after 4 or 5 years and I would like to play a bit again. I'm actually playing a Fighter with TWF but I'm looking forward to build another character soon. At the mome [..] View

Returning player ... cannot play my level 17 warforged Oo

12:19 pm, June 5, 2015 It's been years since I played DDO. I believe I purchased the game before it was free to play. After logging in I've discovered I cannot play my Warforged as it says "You do not have access to th [..] View

New To Epic

12:19 pm, March 30, 2015 A few weeks ago, I returned to DDO and my level 16 character on Khyber after a year-long hiatus. I've been flying solo since no other members of my (very tiny) guild have played in about the same amo [..] View

Yet another returning player.

11:19 pm, March 25, 2015 Hello all, yet another returning Euro player (non English speaking, doing my best). After 4 years I am back, going VIP and buying the expansions so having access to lot of content, about 11k TP stock [..] View

question on tring into iconic bladeforged

11:19 pm, March 12, 2015 I've played DDO for about 2 years .Took a 2 1/2 year break and now I'm back and a lot has changed. I currently have a legend warforged 3 past life barb 3 past life fighter and 2 past life pally (worki [..] View

A few noob questions

11:19 pm, February 12, 2015 Hi all, I'm fairly new (started playing in Dec, 2014), and still learning a lot despite reading lots on these forums and DDOWiki. I have a few questions I'd appreciate any responses on. I've played [..] View

New Duo Combo looking for some advice

11:19 am, February 11, 2015 Hello DDO Community, My wife and I have picked up DDO for the first time together, and are looking for some advice pertaining to builds and any basic tips. To start off with [..] View

Need some help choosing

11:19 pm, February 7, 2015 So just an FYI you guys have been great with all the advice. My wife, son, and I have a nice casual 3 man team we take out all WF pallie, arti, and pallie and we have a pretty good time playing casua [..] View

Need some advice/opinions on this build

11:19 am, January 29, 2015 Code: Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.23.01DDO Character Planner Home PageStrikerix The Beast Level 28 Chaotic Good Warforged Male (2 Rogue \ 18 Wizard \ 8 Epic) Hit Points: 4 [..] View

Warforged Artificer build, from ground up?

11:19 pm, January 27, 2015 I just purchased VIP membership. I have read quite a bit about DDO on the forums. I have played a few characters to 7th-8th level. I am looking for a build I can mostly solo with (with cleric hireling [..] View

Game server not responding

11:19 am, January 11, 2015 I can get through server select and character select, but then the Loading bar doesn't move for a very long time. If I wait long enough, the city loads and I have a red X icon at the top of my screen. [..] View

Sort of new f2p player needs advice

11:19 am, December 15, 2014 Played this game on and off for years, finally want to make the march to level 20. Starting on a new server (Khyber) have Premium account, as well as access to Warforged race and Artificer class. More [..] View

New to warforged,docents look different

11:19 am, November 16, 2014 New to warforged and my toon always look different when using named items than what is shown on Wiki. I farmed the Docent of tombs but it look like loot gen,not whats on wiki. Also the pink one from [..] View

Always Customise your Character!

12:19 am, October 22, 2014 While doing some favor farming I decided to check out a couple of the "pre-made" Fighter Paths - Vanguard and Stalwart. These are TERRIBLE! Human Vanguard chooses the feats - Two Handed Fi [..] View

Sorcerer information - wiki status.

12:19 am, October 12, 2014 Returning player here. I've been leveling a TRed WF sorc after leaving around the time of the first expansion and noticed that the "starting a sorcerer" wiki page was mostly unchanged sinc [..] View

Artificer's iron pet and stealth

12:19 am, September 15, 2014 The pet has the ability to perform sneak attacks in its enchantments. Does it have the ability to stealth? I would very much like to play rogue-ish with my warforged artificer. On some maps I solo I [..] View

Using your Favour TP Correctly.

12:19 am, August 18, 2014 As you run Quests in this game you will earn Favour. Favour is given for 1st completion of each difficulty except Epic. A Standard Low Level quest gives 2 Favour on Casual, 3 on Normal, 6 on Hard and [..] View

New TR multi class idea need feedback

12:19 pm, July 13, 2014 I am about to be on my 5th TR now and i want some feed back on a new mutliclass idea. I was thinking of doing a warforged melee buff class. I would take 2 rouge/11 wizard/7 fighter I want to be a big [..] View

Old returning player - Looking for Advice

12:19 am, July 4, 2014 So, I reinstalled DDO since I feel like an MMO/RPG is missing in my life and back when I played I had alot of fun with it. Currently I believe most of my characters are still on Thelanis, and I playe [..] View

Pimp my gimps!

8:21 am, July 1, 2014 Pimp my gimps! [TL:DR] - anybody have some modern builds (for the woefully unequipped) for the following: WF 20 sorc - basic blaster with some CC options (the blasting being the main parts). tempes [..] View

wiz/sor melee build?

8:21 am, July 1, 2014 Hi there! I keep seeing videos of a warforged that is either a wiz/sor but melee's with a two handed weapon and seems to do quite well oh and they also can trap. I notice they cast displacement/hast [..] View


Warforged Artificer build, from ground up?

Jan 28, 2015, 9:50 am I just purchased VIP membership. I have read quite a bit about DDO on the forums. I have played a few characters to 7th-8th level. I am looking for a build I can mostly solo with (with cleric hireling[..] View

New to warforged,docents look different

Dec 5, 2014, 1:37 pm New to warforged and my toon always look different when using named items than what is shown on Wiki. I farmed the Docent of tombs but it look like loot gen,not whats on wiki. Also the pink one from[..] View

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