D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




DDO dependancies

11:19 pm, December 31, 2017 I have seen lots of issues about the game not working after reinstalling or patching. I have had the issue myself at times. And one thing I have had to do just about every time is reinstall the game [..] View

So, does this arti build pass the smoke test?

11:19 am, December 14, 2017 So, I'm getting bored with my main BF paladin, and I wanted to try an artificer. I'm not playing much right now, and there are still a few things to wrap up before the TR, but with the current veteran [..] View

Strange UI issues

11:19 am, November 11, 2017 Hi SSG / others, Since about 3 weeks ago I've been having weird issues with my UI. Specifically: - When I load in I can run around just fine and see other characters move but chat doesn't load, and [..] View

PSA: Where is the Game Client Executable? SOLUTION

11:19 am, December 22, 2016 Since many people having the same problem here is the solution: Go here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/down...ng=en&id=26347 and install this version of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistr [..] View

Game won't load after server select, keeps installing C++ Visual every time I start.

12:19 pm, October 12, 2016 Hello. I just reinstalled DDO after about a year break and having major issues starting the game. First, the client keeps wanting to reinstall C++ Visual Redistributable 2005 no matter how many time [..] View

Public Notice Board

12:19 pm, September 13, 2016 Below is a list of some of the Known Issues that we are aware of, and below that are features that are Working as Intended but may cause confusion. Should you come across any of these issues, there is [..] View

Launcher closes but game doesnt start

12:19 am, May 14, 2016 Please excuse me, im a little bit frustrated right now and it is getting late for me, i will try to give as much informations as i can till i have to go to sleep because of late hours here in EU (need [..] View

Video guide to soloing DDO

12:19 am, March 28, 2016 I played DDO quite a bit, TRed a toon and then stop playing for a while. Eventually, I got back into the game and TRed my toon a second time. I like doing projects while I play DDO and I've done sever [..] View

Very slow character log on - Windows 10

11:19 pm, January 26, 2016 I have a very annoying issue. The first character I log on with after launching the game takes a very long time to load. Splash screen takes a fair bit of time before the progress bar moves and then t [..] View

A Completionist Goes First Life - A Visual Guide For First Life Soloing

11:19 pm, January 19, 2016 We all know Mr. Cow here, and for the most part thanks to him a lot of us were able to solo lives with ease once we were tipped off to his hints and tricks through his forum posts (much credit to him) [..] View

Sneak Attack Ranged Dmg

12:19 am, October 6, 2015 Been gone for 8 years. Yes, you read that correctly. Game is waaaay different than I remember. I'm figuring stuff out as I go but one thing seems to be confusing me. How do you KNOW you're sneak a [..] View

DDO Visual Error/No Clip Mode

12:19 pm, September 14, 2015 Everyone that has been in a group with me lately has probably heard me complaining about an extremely annoying visual glitch that has been plaguing me for the last six months, it used to occur maybe o [..] View

Installing Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)

12:19 pm, August 24, 2015 Why do I keep getting this every time I start the game? I know this has been asked before but the search function is apparently fubared too? I keep getting this "connection to [..] View

Visual C++ downloads with every launch

12:19 pm, August 12, 2015 Last week I tried the Windows 10 upgrade which was a complete failure in every respect (DDO launcher would not even run let alone connect, and don't even get started on how horrid Edge is) so I rebuil [..] View

Gear Planner Spreadsheet

12:19 am, August 3, 2015 Hello everyone! I've been working on this for the last few months, inputting all of the named items in ddo into a spreadsheet. I imagine, like myself, there are people out there who just enjoy making [..] View

new to this game, and in need some tech support (chat and friends)

12:19 am, May 4, 2015 first of all, the reason i started this game in the first place was to play with some co-workers. so far the game is good, but: general, and party chat do not work at all for me (but tells work just [..] View

Windows 8.1 microsoft visual c++ 2005 sp1 redistributable package x64

12:19 am, March 31, 2015 This downloads and installs every time I launch DDO. I have downloaded microsoft visual c++ 2005 sp1 redistributable package x64 directly from Microsoft and installed it as administrator to no avail. [..] View

Update 24: Heart of Madness

2:38 am, March 5, 2015 Get ready for the mania of the latest update to Dungeons & Dragons Online: Update 24, Heart of Madness! Yalthoon the Mindflayer, and the Daelkyr demon lords, are back with their denizens of Xo [..] View

How can a small update cmpletely screw the game?

11:19 pm, February 1, 2015 Ok, so Friday morning before the update, all is fine, smashing Stormcleave and most other lvl 8 quests. I was afk when the server booted everyone, so was auto disconnected, but ever since the update, [..] View

Failed to load patchclient [Cannot load library patchclient: ]

12:19 am, July 20, 2014 I tried to install the game for the first time in ages, on my new Windows 8.1 box. I downloaded the standalone install, but after hitting this issue I also tried to install through Steam. Same issue [..] View


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