D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Does Reincarnation Eliminate or Retain Tomes-based Stat-raises from Long Ago?

11:19 pm, January 22, 2018 I started a character in 2010, gave it a 32 point build, plus added Tomes for all and/or some Characteristic Stats (Strength, etc.). I've ignored doing a reincarnation and I now see that he's sufferi [..] View

How do I improve Will Saves and enchantment protection from Hold Monster spells

11:19 am, November 5, 2017 Hello, Have 9th level character who, often when does dies, is mostly because they have been hit several times in a row with HOLD MONSTER spell while swarmed by enemies. This character is;1 lvl rogue [..] View

Stealth: Acting, Even killing, in Plain Sight outside Assassinate

11:19 pm, March 15, 2015 With the upcoming buffs to the rogue trees there may be some renewed interest in stealth tactics. The following post is about acting independent of assassinate; one does not need to be a rogue assassi [..] View

Botched up - build/resolution advice appreciated

11:19 pm, January 9, 2015 Hey, short history: I played DDO a few years back up to about level 5 or so, which was enough to have me buy WF, monk, several adventure packs, veteran status, and 32 point builds. Took a long hiatus, [..] View

Planning for the future. What do I keep?

12:19 am, September 20, 2014 I've been playing DDO for about a year now. Some would say casually since I have not yet reached level 20 on any characters. I tend toward rangers, and rogues with a combination of two-weapon fighting [..] View

Update 23 and Saga XP Gems

12:19 am, August 22, 2014 Hello! We want to let you know about a change coming in Update 23 regarding an earlier bug with Saga XP gems, so that you have enough time to prepare for this fix. When Update 22 was released in June, [..] View


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