D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Just Started, Some questions!

12:19 pm, April 1, 2018 Hello all, I am 99% new to game I played long ago when the game first came out but I don't remember like anything. A lot of content has been added. I started a pally character and chose a kit for i [..] View

Why do I have these classes/races unlocked?

11:19 pm, February 14, 2018 Hey there! I have some Races and Classes unlocked and don't know why. Maybe some of you can find reasons? So on April 2012 I created a DDO account and played it a bit, but just some characters up to [..] View

Returned player from long ago, very confused

11:19 pm, January 19, 2018 So I wanted to come back and check things out again, but I am very confused how to get started: 1) I have a lvl 20 dwarf cleric, a level 16 WF Wiz 14, Rog 2, and a low level drow twf paladin App [..] View

Is "premium" is still a thing?

11:19 pm, December 23, 2017 kind of returning player, in the past i had "premium" privileges on my account because i used to spend plenty of money on DDO points and stuff. (in the past is 2011-2012 and 2014) but whe [..] View

back after years...now wondering (cant remember) about "special feat"...

11:19 pm, December 20, 2017 Hello, I took a loooooong break from DDO since I decided to come back this Christmas. For now I am reading, managing to get into my characters after all this years - deciding to maybe reincarnate or [..] View

Have not played since 2011. No idea where to begin.

11:19 am, November 25, 2017 So, I used to play back in 2011. I reached end game on my Bard, and then quit due to lack of content/other games. Decided to come back because DDO Bard is probably my favorite MMO class of all time, a [..] View

Returning since Update 19

11:19 am, November 16, 2017 Used to play a bit during update 19, saw the new skill trees, but probably not all of the new content. Premium player, probably spent ~$80? So I read through the DDO wiki on updates since then, and am [..] View

Ideas for running favor farmers

12:19 am, October 14, 2017 I thought I would share some experiences from some recent runs I did while getting 100 favor in the servers I have never played on. One of the reasons I did this was a I got a little bored trying to [..] View

Ka is a Wheel: Next steps in TR Question

12:19 pm, October 4, 2017 So, here I am, returning to the game after a seven year hiatus... I am on a Premium (not FtP or VIP) account so have to be cautious with my Favor-earned DDO Points. I want to do a new TR and really [..] View

New Player Reaper Pointers

12:19 am, September 10, 2017 If you are new to the game, first - welcome! Now if you are done soloing and have decided to group up you might look at the LFM panel and wonder what is R1/Reaper. Reaper is the hardest difficulty mod [..] View

Community Rules Update

12:19 am, August 31, 2017 One of the things that has been a long-term project of mine is to update the Community Guidelines to better reflect the needs of Standing Stone Games, to more accurately describe the rules as we apply [..] View

melee build to one shot trash mobs in toee?

12:19 pm, August 23, 2017 note the question mark. when I first started playing and rolled up a bunch of different guys, at level 1, korthos, I went in and was oneshotting all the mobs. but I don't remember the race or class c [..] View

Three Years absence, trying a comeback!

12:19 pm, July 20, 2017 I've been playing Diablo III and Path of Exile the last three years after starting DDO in 2009 and left in 2014. I was really hardcore back in time doing every single content as a VIP, but stopped pla [..] View

Help choosing a class

12:19 am, July 19, 2017 I'm fairly new to the game but I played it a little bit years ago. I'm having a lot of trouble deciding what class to play. I remember playing a barb but he felt too boring and one dimensional. I've n [..] View

Lost client sound

12:19 pm, May 26, 2017 No particularly trigger for this that I can recall, but DDO client game sound has gone missing. I've checked the audio tab in the options menu and everything there is how I remember it. I fiddled wit [..] View

Need Help Picking Classes and Things

12:19 pm, May 20, 2017 I played this game a little bit, long ago. I left primarily because, as a free player, I didn't have many quests to choose from. I didn't like having to play through the same few quests quite so man [..] View

Current DDO Players Council Roster

12:19 pm, May 18, 2017 Here's the current membership of the DDO Players Council. Remember that the Council has a rotating membership, and will change over time. Aelonwy Ague Anastasius ArekDorun Arkantios Barecm Boeregard- [..] View

stopping vip for f2p help

12:19 am, April 4, 2017 I have been trying to find how/where to stop vip. I want to go to f2p when my vip expires. I do not want to have it automatically continue. I tried one thing, can't remember exactly what I did, but o [..] View

Problem finding happy11th items

11:19 am, March 2, 2017 They show up on the store window as being redeemed but can't find them in my backpack. I could of entered the redeem codes after or before I loaded a character, I can't remember for sure. I only hav [..] View

Returning Player - Should I?

11:19 pm, February 21, 2017 Hello everyone, I have been off DDO for about 2 years now or so (I can't really remember). Last I was very active, level cap was fresh 28 and The ShadowConspiracy expansion was out for a few months. [..] View

Former veteran player, back after 5 years hiatus. A few questions.

11:19 pm, January 17, 2017 Hey guys. Long time no see. A few of my college friends and I are starting a pre-made six-men party, to play once a week. I'm thinking of playing a bard. I used to play a dual-wielding dwarven Warcha [..] View

Best Solo with no hand me down gear?

11:19 pm, December 19, 2016 I've been away from the game for a few years and just picked it back up again, got the old itch. First up, ground rules. I am a filthy casual solo player. Family, preference etc make it so that I rar [..] View

Leveling Order and Feats.

11:19 pm, December 11, 2016 When it comes to leveling Order. and Picking feats, how do you know which way is best. Does it really matter? or is leveling Order one of the biggest things when building? with my years of playing, im [..] View

Using stat tomes early

11:19 am, November 24, 2016 Hello I bought myself a +6 stat tome the other day and applied it to my level 11 character. Didnt read the fine print and the bonus was only +3. Apparently were I level 15 it would have been +4 yada [..] View

Mysterious remnant tomes

11:19 am, November 20, 2016 Is there any way to tell what MR tomes have been consumed in the past? I know I ate one, just can't remember if it was PRR or Melee Power. They're both available from the vendor, and I can't find it l [..] View

Shield MRR

11:19 am, November 19, 2016 So the DDO wiki has some information regarding shields and MRR that is a little bit confusing. It says that heavy and tower shields have a multiplier for your MRR against attacks that allow a reflex [..] View

Very old returning player questions.

11:19 am, November 1, 2016 I have recently returned to the game, last time I player level 12 had just been released. I had a VIP account for several months at least, before I cancled it. Had to buy the game originally. I know [..] View

Need build advice. (Epic destiny)

12:19 am, September 27, 2016 Hye, guys. So, I'm not exactly new to the game, but I am way behind when compared to the elites and I have ever a question that's more about options than straight forward "which way should I go&q [..] View

Public Notice Board

12:19 pm, September 13, 2016 Below is a list of some of the Known Issues that we are aware of, and below that are features that are Working as Intended but may cause confusion. Should you come across any of these issues, there is [..] View


12:19 am, September 5, 2016 I see this literally every day in in-game chat:"Looking for Active Guild" But what does "Active" mean to you? To DDO/Turbine and pertaining to Guilds it means this account has logg [..] View

Party time

12:19 am, July 31, 2016 One thing i love is this new party experience, the reason is because now our characters are so strong it seems like nobody hardly teams up anymore and that's making DND a bit boring at times because j [..] View

DDO Free to Play Guide (minimal grind method)

12:19 am, June 27, 2016 DDO Free to Play Guide (minimal grind method)Intro It is certainly possible to play DDO completely for free. You may want to do this for budgetary reasons, but since cheap offers come around frequentl [..] View

It may be too late if you've already found these forums but....

12:19 am, June 18, 2016 It seems there's some issues with the cost of DDO that may be putting new players off sticking with the game. A lot of this comes from new players not knowing what is a good buy for their first TP ear [..] View

Assistance Regarding Rogue Build

12:19 pm, April 30, 2016 Greetings, I just recently came back to DDO with two friends of mine, and we're trying to make a three man party that can cover the major aspects of a party. We did this ages ago, and I had a build I [..] View

Returning player - Need help puzzling what my character was attempting!

12:19 pm, April 20, 2016 Hello magnificent DDO people. I have not played in a long time, not long after the new (or not new now) enhancements came out. Now on loading I've gone into my character and I am a wee bit puzzled as [..] View

Customer Service Stories

12:19 am, April 5, 2016 Hey everyone, At some point or another we’ve all had to contact a customer service team. It may have been just a simple question, a major issue, or anything in between but something made u [..] View

Port Forwarding update and changes - Important

11:19 pm, March 8, 2016 After today's maintenance to relocate DDO to the new data center, the game will be using more ports with which to connect and communicate. If you previously setup port forwarding (or port triggering) [..] View

Simple question re game commands: auto-follow?

11:19 am, February 27, 2016 (Back after several years, and finding all kinds of things that either have changed, or I'm just not remembering...) Is there a /chat window /command that will cause your toon to follow another? I su [..] View

10th Anniversary celebrations

11:19 pm, February 26, 2016 Congratulations DDO! Happy 10th birthday Today is the day. To you on the beach! Jeets awaits, don’t delay! You're off on a quest! You're off and away! You have no time for bed. You [..] View

Crashing DDO client after login and server/world selection

11:19 pm, February 2, 2016 Hi everyone, Maybe has a solution for this, but each time I login, choose a server/world, and actually the world should start to load, my system (Windows 7 now Win 10) just freezes and nothing can be [..] View

Crafting trouble

11:19 pm, January 1, 2016 So I've done quite a bit of crafting in the past on a different character, but I just returned from a long absence from the game and I am playing on a new character. I saved a bunch of equipment from [..] View

LE Shroud, U29, 12/31/2015

11:19 am, December 31, 2015 Captain's Crew has pushed out 6 runs on live. 2 were tonight. Day one run was over 2 hours, but with some silly strategeriee we've got it down to a buck 15 average. ....my anecdotal thoughts......What [..] View

To Curse the Sky, one ****: A Video Guide

11:19 pm, December 26, 2015 Someone asked me how one does this quest, or really any quest, with minimum kills. It's 20% knowing the mechanics (sources of noise, what does and does not break sneak, knowing of extremely exploitabl [..] View

How to reincarnate 27 to 1 ?

11:19 pm, December 4, 2015 Just got back after year+ out. Got lvl 27 toon, I quite fancy relearning/restarting on that toon at level 1 again with different classes and racking up some past lives. I can remember hall of heroes [..] View

Returning Player Questions

11:19 pm, November 20, 2015 Hi all! I have been gone for a few years, but am very interested in coming back now that my son is old enough to join me. I remember really enjoying the game. However the reason that I left was that e [..] View

Best Mid-Level Bow?

11:19 pm, October 31, 2015 Hi Everyone, Difficulty to get/make not considered, what is the best mid level bow I can get? Here are a few suggestions I've heard: Lit II green steel bow Sinew Thornlord The Ascension Raid Bow [..] View

Sneak Attack Ranged Dmg

12:19 am, October 6, 2015 Been gone for 8 years. Yes, you read that correctly. Game is waaaay different than I remember. I'm figuring stuff out as I go but one thing seems to be confusing me. How do you KNOW you're sneak a [..] View

Returning player after ~1 year break. Need some advice and answer to some questions

12:19 am, October 4, 2015 Hi. I've been playing this game on and off over the last 4-5 years and I've decided to give it a shot once again(Last time I played was summer 2014). However I've never been very good at the mechanics [..] View

Maximizing your free-to-play experience

12:19 pm, August 30, 2015 DDO offers two embedded features that players can use to maximize their free-to-play (FTP) experience. By leveraging these two features it is possible to avoid spending real money on DDO. First, DDO [..] View

[Massive Help] Starting DDO Journey

12:19 pm, August 15, 2015 Greetings, adventurers! My name is Nervly and I would like to request your services to aid the beginning of my journey. Seriously though, I've played DDO before but I wasn't "playing correctly& [..] View

Returning Player: Spellcaster-build ?

12:19 pm, August 10, 2015 Anyone can help me again? I am playing with my old main character in team-up with my girlfriend. But we have very different working periods at the moment. So to avoid that our characters differ to [..] View

Returning player with a couple questions (bard build + what to do at level 15)

12:19 am, July 29, 2015 It has been a couple(few?) years since I played this game and I'd like to start playing again but the changes have been pretty huge. I have a level 15 bard/rogue and a couple hearts of wood on that c [..] View

Wife had to clean boot her Win8.1 system, now can't get DDO to launch

12:19 am, July 21, 2015 Had to do a clean boot on the wife's laptop. She is running Windows 8.1. Prior to the clean boot, DDO ran great, now....not so much. Got everything installed, the game boots up, but when you select [..] View

`Must-have's for each character

12:19 am, July 17, 2015 OK. I've done some research but there's little information on the internet about most things in DDO. I believe there are some in-game items/bonuses/rewards that every can benefit from. Such as tomes, [..] View

New issues since U26

12:19 am, July 1, 2015 Ok guys, neither I nor my hubby are particularly comp savvy so lets all try our best here, and I personally don't mind if you break down the steps as if you were giving instructions to a child because [..] View

A Reminder About Reincarnation

12:19 am, June 19, 2015 We want to remind people about something to keep in mind when undergoing a reincarnation (particularly a +Lesser Reincarnation): It is not possible to have more than three classes during a reincarnati [..] View

Returning Player after Stormreach level 12 Cap

12:19 pm, June 13, 2015 Hello all, I just recently downloaded DDO after not playing it for so long and now It seems like I have come to a new game. With these new level caps and new classes and me not remembering how to play [..] View

Returning Player - "I Don't Remember What These Eleven Shortcut Bars Are For"

12:19 pm, June 7, 2015 I left around Update 10 or so after burning out on ToD and Epic Lailat over and over again on my BRD16/FTR2/ROG2. I bought Underdark on release, but I only decided to come back now, a dozen updates la [..] View

Essential content packs

12:19 pm, May 30, 2015 Hello everyone I tried this game years ago but it never stuck. I remember buying some content packs but I can't remember what and I don't know to find out on my account page. What content packs are e [..] View

Currently play LotRO, looking for just something a little different in DDO

12:19 pm, May 19, 2015 Hello folks! I currently play LotRO and it was my first and only MMO. I'm looking to take a little break from that game and wanted to try DDO. I understand they're different games, with their own uni [..] View

+1 Keen Greatsword of Shattering

12:19 am, May 15, 2015 Earned this as an end reward. B.D.R. 18.00 Damage (5-25) 2[2d6] +1 Slash, Magic Crit roll (20%/10-50) 17-20/ x2 For the life of me I can't remember where or what quest. May have been in Giant hold [..] View

I got in! Victory! Assistance Please-

12:19 am, May 10, 2015 The 201 error was by using the 3 gig graphics option, had to delete from registry to get the choice to install without it. So - I am on Sardona? And I am at the quest with the Rogue - but I remember [..] View

New again sorta.

12:19 am, May 7, 2015 Hi all , I'm a returning player from way back, I dont even remember when.. Anyway, I was really impressed with the game again, so I opted for Vip and bought the 15th lvl watforge paladin. Ha ha m [..] View

Returning player

12:19 am, April 11, 2015 Hey there folks :) Been gone for a couple of years, and I have a few questions to get back back up to speed. The toon I am playing right now is a PM/rogue. While I was gone, the enhancement trees were [..] View

A tip: Avoid redundancy in your gear

12:19 am, April 7, 2015 Always check the gear you have on and see if it's duplicated in other gear or through feats/enhancements. I find this to be one of the big reasons new players have difficulties maximizing their chara [..] View

Crystal Cove: Lighting the Path (For Kobolds)

12:19 am, April 7, 2015 Y'arr, greetings, DDO Community. Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas, ForgettableNPC here! (Skip down a bit if you want to actually get to the Guide part, most of the introduction is just me rambling [..] View

Damage Calculator, or which weapons would be better?

12:19 pm, April 5, 2015 I remember seeing in the forums some site that you can test combat for DDO. Lamina, or something like that. I am interested because I can't figure out which weapons are better. I have a duel-wielding [..] View

Back after several years.

12:19 am, April 4, 2015 I played extensively several years ago, but stopped when the baby came. I've always gotten the emails from DDO, so I decided to fire up the game again. Downloaded and installed, and my old user ID an [..] View

How do you replay the Threnal Arena?

12:19 am, March 31, 2015 So the first time I did all the Threnal quests I must have missed the ceremonial dagger. I decided to go back and try the arena because I was trying to find a nice place to **** rust monsters, and th [..] View

Yet another returning player.

11:19 pm, March 25, 2015 Hello all, yet another returning Euro player (non English speaking, doing my best). After 4 years I am back, going VIP and buying the expansions so having access to lot of content, about 11k TP stock [..] View

Returning Player-with several questions!

11:19 pm, March 20, 2015 I have just come back to DDO having left soon after MotU and unsurprisingly things seems to have changed a lot. So I was hoping that those of you who have been around since then might be able to ans [..] View

Yet another returning player

11:19 pm, March 11, 2015 Hello all. First, let me thank you in advance for any help that you offer this returning player. I remember this as being one of the best communities that I have ever been a part of, I hope it is stil [..] View

DDO doesn't remember audio choice

11:19 pm, March 11, 2015 Hi. I have a new computer and I have the sound connected to both my stereo (aux), and a headset. I have the default sound on the computer to run through the speakers/ stereo, but I play ddo using the [..] View

Summoners or Savants?

11:19 am, March 11, 2015 Coming back to the game (as I try to do about once a year...) and looking to build something fun. I'm going to TR one of my old 20's that's never been TR'd before (old batman style build) and I'm thin [..] View

Problem: missing graphic effects of dying enemies

11:19 am, March 1, 2015 Here is my problem: You know the animation when enemies ****** by ice damage are turning white and shatter? I remember that I *REALLY* enjoyed it back in the game when I was using cold damage. Now, af [..] View

THF FvS build

11:19 pm, December 30, 2014 Hey all, I am looking for a FvS THW build, and so far, I have had no luck finding the same. I certainly have no reservations about multiclassing. After years of trying, I finally was able to bui [..] View

How to get.. 'in' DDO?

11:19 pm, December 17, 2014 Hello all. I've recently returned to DDO (Have a TR1 lvl 18 Sorc on Thelanis) after playing years ago. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to get back "in" to DDO? I've forgotten [..] View

Concidering returning

11:19 pm, December 6, 2014 Hello everyone, as the topic title states im concidering returning to ddo after a fairly long break. not sure how long it's been but last thing i remember was giant hold had just become epic last time [..] View

Vote for our 200th DDO Screenshot of the Week!

11:19 pm, December 3, 2014 It's time for our 200th DDO Screenshot of the Week! Thank you to everyone who has sent in great screenshots every week, and thank you to everyone who checks out our images. For our 200th screenshot, w [..] View

looking for way to get into portable hole (I t hink that is the name) to buy spells..

11:19 am, November 17, 2014 can anyone tell me how I might do this? I read somewhere t hat you should go and get all the lvl 1/2 spells that you could afford but I can't find it again nor do I remember if they said how. help if [..] View

trouble with mouse

11:19 pm, October 31, 2014 i have been away from ddo for 2 years and am just returning to find a very different game, hopefully as enjoyable as i remember, my first major snag though is my mouse no longer works in game, i am cu [..] View

Hi, it's me.

11:19 am, October 30, 2014 Yay! now I can post. Thank you, Turbine support people. I'm not exactly new, but I don't play lots because stuff, right? Okay I forgot what I was going to ask os I'll just go to sleep and maybe ask t [..] View

Can the Thicker hotbar be the default hotbar, for every character?

11:19 pm, October 28, 2014 You know how one hotbar is different from all the rest? It has the thicker border and the up-down arrows on the far right side of the bar? Each time I add a new hotbar to the screen the game changes [..] View

returning player and might as well be a newbie

11:19 am, October 28, 2014 Hello everyone, Just returning to DDO from a multi year break. I remember very little from my time playing ddo and what i do remember is most likely out of date and useless. Before leaving ddo i lvle [..] View

Always Customise your Character!

12:19 am, October 22, 2014 While doing some favor farming I decided to check out a couple of the "pre-made" Fighter Paths - Vanguard and Stalwart. These are TERRIBLE! Human Vanguard chooses the feats - Two Handed Fi [..] View

Sorcerer information - wiki status.

12:19 am, October 12, 2014 Returning player here. I've been leveling a TRed WF sorc after leaving around the time of the first expansion and noticed that the "starting a sorcerer" wiki page was mostly unchanged sinc [..] View

Able Learner feat

12:19 pm, October 7, 2014 i did a forum search and the last posted discussion of it seemed to be back in 2011. has there been any talk of an Able Learner's feat being added? are there other mechanics that Turbine has implemen [..] View

Build taloring

12:19 am, September 19, 2014 Good morning, i'm an old DDO player who's left the game for few years. I'm coming back in these days and i want to start all over with a new charachter. In my past days i've played a tanky fighter [..] View

Adventure Pack woes

12:19 am, September 5, 2014 I've noticed that all adventure packs are %20 off now and am thinking maybe now is a good time to spend these 1950 fakedollars I have. Should I do so, or would I find a bigger discount if I wait some [..] View

How do I know I am ready to group up?

12:19 pm, August 23, 2014 Hey all, Don't be fooled by my join date... I've played this game on and off for years now, but my highest leveled character is 16, which is a bard. I've got a cleric at 15, a barbarian at 14, and I [..] View

Using your Favour TP Correctly.

12:19 am, August 18, 2014 As you run Quests in this game you will earn Favour. Favour is given for 1st completion of each difficulty except Epic. A Standard Low Level quest gives 2 Favour on Casual, 3 on Normal, 6 on Hard and [..] View

Error Logging in! Connection closed or greyed out 'login' button - Solved(?)

12:19 am, July 29, 2014 Hello all, if any of you have encountered the issue in the subject "Failed to launch client: Error logging in! Connection closed" error or simply a grayed out "Login" button that n [..] View

Returning Newb Seeking Advice and Guidance

12:19 am, July 19, 2014 Howdy vets, I'm a player returning to the game after a two-year absence (I think the last thing I did was buy the MotU expansion). I've been poking around my account and have come to the conclusion [..] View

Newbie coming back after long hiatus, simplify for me please.

12:19 am, July 11, 2014 I remember roughly 2 years ago playing this game and being confused and/or overwhelmed on how to build a strong character. I stuck with melee classes last time, but this time I want to come at it diff [..] View

Greensteel Guards

12:19 am, July 7, 2014 Hello again. i post this topic to ask for a Guide on GS guards, about the exact numbers of the procs chances etc i remember there was one but i cant find it now. any help appreciated, thnx for your [..] View

Old returning player - Looking for Advice

12:19 am, July 4, 2014 So, I reinstalled DDO since I feel like an MMO/RPG is missing in my life and back when I played I had alot of fun with it. Currently I believe most of my characters are still on Thelanis, and I playe [..] View


DDO doesn't remember audio choice

Mar 11, 2015, 11:31 pm Hi.<br><br> I have a new computer and I have the sound connected to both my stereo (aux), and a headset. I have the default sound on the computer to run through the speakers/ stereo, but I play ddo u[..] View

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