D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Seeking Advice for New Graphics Card

12:19 am, August 31, 2017 Good Morning~ My graphics card is not optimal for gaming, and I'd like to upgrade it without making any expensive mistakes! I'm aware it has to be compatible with other parts of my system in certain [..] View

Props to anyone who can work this out! Devs, I'm looking at you here!

11:19 am, March 22, 2017 So! One of my favorite quests was the Temple of Elemental Evil- Loved it. Was great. Farmed it. Made a nice Crossbow, success. Took some time away from the game, came back. Started playing again, ma [..] View

Minimum Clericality or Paladinishness

11:19 pm, January 24, 2017 I'm a noob. I played just to lv20 once, years ago, so the basics are familiar and I'm looking at the wiki. I hate the undead. I don't want to be a rogue, but I hate locked doors... Thinking about a H [..] View

Forgotten Realms (DDO)

12:19 am, September 14, 2016 Is there enough Forgotten Realms content to get from level 1-20+? I seem to recall it was originally linked to a story arc from Eberron.... that bridged you over at around level 15-16 ish if Im not [..] View

General Guidance Needed... I'm a bit lost.

12:19 am, August 27, 2016 My son and I found some decent builds... We're making good progress. I have some general questions: Backpack: I recall with faction you used to get a reward that expanded pack or bank slots. Can s [..] View

DDO's Celebrating 10 Years!

11:19 am, February 25, 2016 Dungeons & Dragons Online will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary starting on Thursday with a series of events, bonuses, and public broadcasts! Starting late morning Eastern on Thursday and r [..] View

Please help me understand many things

11:19 pm, January 4, 2016 So my first confusion is with hireling I have a permanent one and she is a cleric the wikipedia says permanent level 3 cleric does that mean she will forever be level 3? Second how long does it tak [..] View

VIP cant enter forgotten realms quest?

11:19 am, December 13, 2015 I popped over to FR to do some Wheloon quests that I had read about and it said I need to purchase the pack. I am a vip member, verified that it had not run out on the character sheet. Do I need to [..] View

Returning Player Questions (More)

11:19 am, November 21, 2015 First I want to thank folks for their help with my previous thread. OK so I have been gone since before Menace of the Underdark. (Stormreach era?) I am trying to figure out how the Campaign situation [..] View

Returning Player needing help

12:19 am, October 15, 2015 Hi all, I was just seeing if anyone could give me with some small advice on what I should do. I played for a long time and had to quit about 4 years ago. The first expansion was about to come out. I [..] View

Crash to Desktop (CTD)

12:19 am, August 19, 2015 So I recently got a new laptop and was having issues during the install of the game. The first two times I did the normal install then play option and both times when it said the install had been comp [..] View

Confused about Expansion Packs

12:19 am, May 23, 2015 I'm a little confused about what I need in order to access the Shadowfell Conspiracy expansion. 1. Do I need to purchase a Hall of Heroes Passport if I want to access SC (or any other Forgotten Real [..] View

Interested in checking out DDO

12:19 am, May 5, 2015 Hello all - I am a huge RPG MMO fan. I have not had a note worthy experience since Dark Age of Camelot, which I played for a solid 8 years. It had a diverse arrangement between, establishing yourse [..] View

Returning player, looking for some quick info

11:19 pm, March 9, 2015 Hello all, I've been away from this game for a long while. I had a full subscription and played fairly regularly, but my group of friends all burned out and we decided to jump around trying other MM [..] View

Champion Hunter Week! Now – Feb 4th

11:19 pm, January 30, 2015 New prizes have been added for a limited time to the Champion Hunters in the Hall of Heroes! Now through February 4th Collect Mysterious Remnants by defeating Monster Champions in Hard & Elit [..] View

New player looking for (rather specific) builds

11:19 pm, October 27, 2014 Hello everyone, I am completely new to the game and to the world of Eberron, if not to D&D and the Forgotten Realms. I know new players can do a lot of bad stuff when creating characters, s [..] View


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