D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Opinions on Server

12:19 am, April 9, 2018 Hello, Just wanted to ask the community here in the advice forum questions regarding severs. Now I did do a search, but nothing that is really current in 2018, a lot of the threads I found was from [..] View

Just Started, Some questions!

12:19 pm, April 1, 2018 Hello all, I am 99% new to game I played long ago when the game first came out but I don't remember like anything. A lot of content has been added. I started a pally character and chose a kit for i [..] View

Balth's 2018 DDO New Player's Guide

12:19 pm, April 1, 2018 Dungeons and Dragons Online is a 12-year old MMO set in the plane of Eberron (although other places have been added over time). It is based on the 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons ruleset. As a longtime Dun [..] View

Questions on TR and crafting

11:19 pm, March 5, 2018 So I have a lvl13 Pally and I am going to hit twenty within the next few days What should I focus on doing before I TR my character? Which class would benefit most from an Asimar Pally past life? [..] View

12th Anniversary tips and tricks, questions and answers

11:19 pm, March 1, 2018 Heyo! I've been running the Kobolds in the 12th Anniversary (a lot) and have been able to do it very very reliably with a Rogue X / Barb 1 / Wiz 1 using very high stealth and a Quickened Invis spell- [..] View

A few questions from a returning newbie

11:19 pm, February 27, 2018 Hey there, I used to play on Thelanis but it seems to be really empty now. So I think I will restart on Cannith and my question is, what sort of build would I need to solo a lot of the games content [..] View

Coming back after long absence

11:19 pm, February 26, 2018 Hello all - I just started back after a couple years away... part nostalgia, part just needing a break from playing other games(mainly Conan Exiles, which I loooove). I did Korthos Island and have c [..] View

Questions on Cosmetic Gear

11:19 pm, February 22, 2018 The 12th anniversary brings cosmetic gear choice for every character that logs on over the next week or so. I request some clarifications on this. 1. Can my cosmetic gear be anything I like, regardl [..] View

Guard Items - Situation statuswise?

11:19 pm, February 17, 2018 So I have some questions about guard items. These came up when I got a 'Bracers of the Sun and Moon' which offer chance of 4d8 damage on being hit or missed to four damage types. Searching through va [..] View

Black Screen Frozen Cursor

11:19 am, February 10, 2018 I've been having problems now for a few months that I've never had before and I've been playing DDO on and off since 2006. The issue is this: when I select my server and hit play, the game opens, bu [..] View

Human Adaptability and feats / feat respeccs

11:19 pm, January 9, 2018 Hello, lets say I started with a certain ability score and use Human Adaptability to raise that score. Example: - starting with 14DEX - raising to 15DEX Will this ability score now count as a met prer [..] View

Nrcro packs @ 75% offf = 87 DDO Points! (also SFC & MotU, & more!)

11:19 am, December 29, 2017 (Public Service Announcement... from one Premium Player to any/all others...) @ New(ish) F2P & Premium Players - On Sale this week - all Necropolis packs, for only 87 DDO Points! (Yes, eighty- [..] View

Feats for Ranger

11:19 pm, December 27, 2017 Hello, Seeking forms input on what are best feats for two weapon fighting human ranger character. I recently started playing ranger class and have two rangers now, a human (lvl 10) and a drow (lvl 1 [..] View

Warlock questions

11:19 pm, November 22, 2017 Howdy, I just bought warlock with the sale. In the Enlightened Spirit enhancement tree, does the eldritch aura, eldritch burst and spirit blast enhancements have a dc save? I know the pact damage ha [..] View

Gearing questions for an AA primarily

11:19 pm, November 2, 2017 So I have been away for years and currently leveling an AA following Scrimton's Acid Archer build. I am curious about what type of gear to find and keep while leveling to increase my damage. My list c [..] View

Night Revel questions

12:19 pm, October 21, 2017 Few questions please. Do i need to purchase every item step all the way up to the 28 one to get it? Then if I want the lower versions for heroic TR's...so it all over again? Do the potions that say [..] View

A question about Character transfer and favor...

12:19 pm, September 14, 2017 Recently a couple of old friends came back to the game and one of them has not bought all of the goodies through VIP. Most of the things he has, he earned on another server via Favor. Essentially he [..] View


12:19 am, September 5, 2017 Hello! I wouldn't say I'm precisely new but I'm still in the process of leveling my first character to 20. I've asked a few questions here on the forums before, usually about small game mechanic clari [..] View

Need some help?

12:19 pm, June 17, 2017 I am a returning player and I am trying for my first Epic TR then my first Heroic TR I am currently running a Barb and I have a few non class specific questions. I have MOTU and Shadowfall and I am a [..] View

Returning player looking for information...

12:19 am, May 27, 2017 Have been away for a while... left just after Epic levels were introduced. So the new Enhancement trees, Epic Destinies and the majority of the Epic content is new to me. Some questions: 1. What st [..] View

Elemental resistance from items and guard from items

12:19 pm, May 12, 2017 Two questions: 1) When an item grants for example "acid resistance +15" then what does it exactly mean and how does it work together with Elemental Resistance spell? 2) Some wearables (lik [..] View

2 questions regarading necro 4

12:19 am, May 11, 2017 1) I want to buy the necro 4 adventure pack and run it. However, do i have to purchase and complete the previous 3 necro packs to gain acces to the fourth? 2)Can I upgrade the emerald claw/silver fla [..] View

ioun stones spinning around character head?

12:19 am, May 6, 2017 I may not be new, but I still have questions. For now that is ... I've seen characters with a little light orbiting their head. I figured out this is an "ioun stone", a type of trinket you [..] View

New to game, TR questions

12:19 pm, April 23, 2017 So i decided to use Voodus tank lock build as my first go through and so far its working great. My ? is should i go to level 20 TR, level 20 TR, then level 20 TR again for the 3 stack lock bonus u get [..] View

help with some questions please just starting out in ddo

12:19 am, April 20, 2017 ok basically im going rogue, for my beginning class my question is weather duel wielding is better at end game as apposed to two handed weapons - such as quarterstaff's i have seen the builds of ro [..] View

chest ransack in wilderness

12:19 pm, April 14, 2017 Now i've been trying to collect Tapestries and Tomes in Necro 4 but due to soloing most of the time and necro 4 quests have anti solo mechanics "thanks alot Devs" i've been running the rare [..] View

Thinking of coming back, few questions pls

12:19 am, March 29, 2017 My wife and I are going to come back to do a TR and experience reaper settings and hopefully get back into raiding since there have been many since we left. With that just a few questions. We played [..] View

3 TR questions.

11:19 pm, March 21, 2017 I now play as a Paladin and did a TR and wanted to ask some things. 1- let's say that i want to do 3 barbarians lives next to get these 30 HP then do some fighter lives when i do this will i need to [..] View

Hi there new player with some questions about classes

11:19 pm, March 9, 2017 So basically I scoped out the forums and played around with a few classes and I really like the wiz/rouge combo. However as a new player would it be more beneficial to start off from a base class or s [..] View

Returning player with loot questions

11:19 am, March 6, 2017 I've recently returned after not playing consistently for a few years. (more off than on) I was here for the beginning and have a few characters that are up there in level and favor. One thing, I've n [..] View

2 Questions

11:19 pm, February 26, 2017 1. Does the permanent cleric hireling from the starter kit scale in level or does she become useless at some point? 2. If I created a character with a premium class and race through VIP membership, w [..] View

Few noobish questions...

11:19 pm, February 3, 2017 Are wooden weapons resistant to ooze acid, or did I get something wrong? I'm asking because i use wooden blunt weapon on oozes on one of my toons and it breaks as fast as metal ones. Plus question ab [..] View

Brave New Server

11:19 am, January 23, 2017 I've bound myself to Argo for the better part of three years, because I've been able to give my characters the best gear without actually having to work for it through the shared bank. Feeling bold a [..] View

Former veteran player, back after 5 years hiatus. A few questions.

11:19 pm, January 17, 2017 Hey guys. Long time no see. A few of my college friends and I are starting a pre-made six-men party, to play once a week. I'm thinking of playing a bard. I used to play a dual-wielding dwarven Warcha [..] View

AutoHotKey HotBar Manager

11:19 am, January 13, 2017 The following is a script that is written to work with AutoHotKey, software which allows you to target inputs from the user from the keyboard, mouse, or otherwise and cause other things to happen as a [..] View

What Exactly Does Ultimate Enlightenment do?

11:19 am, December 31, 2016 i just started playing a 1st life warlock about a week ago now and am level 17, nearly 18 so i decided to look through the trees to decide how i want to finish out. i feel most drawn to the enlightene [..] View

Heroic Vale of Twilight, few questions....

11:19 pm, December 21, 2016 So i bought the pack, decided to make some effort and craft greensteels. I have a few questions tho. 1. Is a whole pack, including raid is soloable? is Disable device / open Lock / abilities / skill [..] View

Need help on Sarlona? Let me know!

11:19 am, December 17, 2016 Whether you are a new player or a veteran player just returning or even a veteran player just looking for a little help, I am more than happy to help you in any way I can. I do a LOT of leveling in t [..] View

Very old returning player questions.

11:19 am, November 1, 2016 I have recently returned to the game, last time I player level 12 had just been released. I had a VIP account for several months at least, before I cancled it. Had to buy the game originally. I know [..] View

Update 33 Livestream Preview: Thursday, October 13th at 5:00 PM Eastern

12:19 am, October 13, 2016 Join us on Thursday, October 13th at 5:00 PM Eastern for our Update 33 Livestream Preview and Q&A! Nohbob, No Worries, and Steelstar will join Cordovan to talk about Update 33 and answer your [..] View

Some questions on melee feats

12:19 am, September 25, 2016 Hi all, I'm about to start into some melee lives, and would like a little advice about feats to take. I'm pretty much decided on TWF Khopesh, just for context. I'll be multi-classing and have a few [..] View

A few questions about nebulous game mechanics.

12:19 am, September 19, 2016 Hey all! I had a few questions that have been stumping my friends and I who started playing together a few months back. Most of us know way more than we should about PnP D&D, but we're having [..] View

Questions About Building an Iconic Toon

12:19 am, September 16, 2016 So I am considering doing a bladeforged 2 monk/18 fighter build, and I have a few questions -- 1) How does this process work? What I have read is that I need to go through the normal process to 15, [..] View

Wizard Questions

12:19 pm, September 10, 2016 My situation: One of my two main characters is a Human Wizard (Pure) Arch-mage and I intend to keep her so. As of today she has 4 Epic Past Life Feats, one in each sphere, and she will soon acquire [..] View

Shradi Wizard Questions

12:19 pm, September 9, 2016 Hello there. So I was looking around for non PM wizard builds, and I've seen the term "Shiradi" pop up very frequently. I did some quick research and found out it's an epic Enhancement tree, [..] View

Guild/ship buff questions

12:19 am, September 2, 2016 This might just be an embarrassing case of having missed an answer right in front of my nose, but here goes... I looked at the list of buffs available via guild ship amenities, via ddo.com and ddowik [..] View

General Guidance Needed... I'm a bit lost.

12:19 am, August 27, 2016 My son and I found some decent builds... We're making good progress. I have some general questions: Backpack: I recall with faction you used to get a reward that expanded pack or bank slots. Can s [..] View

Returning after a break and I am missing Items

12:19 pm, August 21, 2016 Hello, I'm returning after a 7 or 8 month break. My Toon is there, as I left it, but it's missing a lot of gear that I thought I had in inventory. Hard won gear that I had to do a lot of grinding for [..] View

Which is best to obtain proficiency exotic weapon kama?

12:19 am, August 16, 2016 Hello, I am seeking advice around questions;1. As you level-up a Rogue, are you ever given the opportunity to choose feat exotic weapon kama? If yes, at what level? 2. As you level-up a Druid, are y [..] View

A question about adding characters to your guild

12:19 am, July 23, 2016 Hi, I started a guild for friends who are moving from Dragons of Alantis to DDO and I have a few questions. 1. I have characters on a lot of different servers...is there a way to move them over to ot [..] View

Sorta kinda a new player advice

12:19 am, July 5, 2016 So I started playing DDO. And got VIP couse I liked it ALOT! And then I played around with a monk, used to be my favorite during our manly pen and paper sessions... BUT! I am in desperate need of l [..] View

More questions

12:19 pm, July 1, 2016 Hi guys, so i bought starter pack, and it came with steam pack, what is that? 2) if i make a toon on another server, does he get the bonus permanent hireling, or is that just for one character only. [..] View

Noobie need help

12:19 pm, June 19, 2016 Hi. Need advice please I am a new player building my first character. I am trying an artificer and like his play style a lot, i have managed to get to level 10 starting in Korthos Island then Stormr [..] View

5/20-6/1/2016 - Online offer maintenance

12:19 am, May 20, 2016 We want to announce that at 12:00pm EDT 5/20/2016, we’ll be temporarily interrupting our DLC/Offer sales on Steam, store.turbine.com, and Amazon. We plan to turn these back on June 1st, 2016 [..] View

Fighter kensai unarmed/wolf questions

12:19 am, May 15, 2016 Hi I was looking at the new kensai enhancements and started wondering about a few things. Does Weapon Group Specialization apply to unarmed. as in monk or wolf form? Does Strike With No Thought an [..] View

returned kind of and have questions.

12:19 am, May 3, 2016 I never really went away I just had long periods where I was unable to play. so I am now playing for and hours or so every day just getting back in the swing. my ALTS are still very playable, but I ha [..] View

Confused about Spell Like Abilities

12:19 am, April 21, 2016 So, the idea of a Spell Like Ability is that it's a spell that costs the same amount of SP, no matter how much you empower it via metamagic right? Sounds great, but... It's not a spell right? Or is [..] View

Melee defensive stats-PPR, MMR

12:19 am, April 6, 2016 Hi all, Hopefully this is not too stupid a question. I enjoy playing this game but I do tend to get clobbered when on elite level quests, and I have not had the best showing on the 2 or 3 raids that I [..] View

Returning Player: Epics and past Lives and that stuff...

12:19 pm, April 4, 2016 OK, so long time player, recently returning (about 3 months now?) I finally got completionist, which has been a long term goal for me. Anyway, my old "Epics experience" was around when Epic [..] View

Best augment for Epic Return to Sender?

12:19 am, April 2, 2016 I unexpectantly picked up http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Epic_Return_to_Sender while doing my daily farm run of Tavern Brawl to try and get my end game boots. What would be a good augment for the orange [..] View

Dragonshard Fragments----

11:19 am, March 18, 2016 OK, Newbie again. Is there somewhere that really explains the Dragonshard Fragments. I know there are so many different types and values and wanted to educate myself on where and how to use them? T [..] View

Need build help: Fighter/Rogue?

11:19 pm, February 23, 2016 I had the thought of doing a TWF 18 Fighter / 2 Rogue build, that focused on INT dipping into the Harper's Agent to give int to hit and damage. There are just so many feats and stuff for a newb like m [..] View

1st Time Assassin 1st Time Playing

11:19 am, February 23, 2016 Recently hit 19, and am getting excited to run harder challenges with my brothers guild. In order to prepare I've been going through the seemingly endless gear options (Auction House). I'm overwhelmed [..] View

Ability scores/stats, upgrade tomes, and attack tables

11:19 am, February 17, 2016 Looking for help in understand; Ability scores/stats, upgrade tomes, and attack tables. What I understand is that a +6 ability upgrade tome works over time, giving an additional +1 at levels; 3, 7, 1 [..] View

two very basic questions about airships

11:19 pm, February 13, 2016 Both of these questions seem really basic, but for some reason I can't hunt down clear answers anywhere. So here goes: 1. Do airship buffs that boost abilities (e.g. Floating Rock Garden, +2 to STR [..] View

Just came back after long absence, question about expansions and old characters?

11:19 am, February 13, 2016 Hey guys, Been a long time, decided to pop back in and see what's new around here. I'm wondering: I left right before the expansions (which I think are Underdark and Shadowfell?). I have four characte [..] View

Completionist questions

11:19 pm, February 12, 2016 So, you don't need full 20 lvl of each class for completionist? Only a majority in the class you want (or tied, alphabetically)? I am life 3, life 1 was a pure (pun intended) paladin, and 2 was pure [..] View

Attack chains / base attack bonuses / multiclassing how does it add up?

11:19 pm, February 7, 2016 Hi there, can someone sort a few things in my head as to how these work. I have looked on the net and have yet to find an explanation. So since my search-fu is so woefully inadequate can someone ans [..] View

Artificer or Rogue?

11:19 am, February 6, 2016 Are Artificer and Rogue equal in ability to find traps, disable devices, and pick locks? I am wanting to build a Wizard with a multi-class minor with those skills. I see that Wizards and Artific [..] View

We are now accepting applications for the 2016 DDO Players Council!

11:19 pm, January 12, 2016 We are now taking applications for the 2016 DDO Players Council! We'll be taking your applications through the end of the day on Tuesday, January 19th, 2016. Thanks, and good luck!Click here to learn [..] View

TF t2 choice for TWF Barb.

11:19 pm, December 4, 2015 Hello all, sorry, If such thread was discussed before, my search skill is lower than 10(I'm barbarian). I'm playing not for so long, and finally I can craft my t2 TF weapons(i have 2 t1 dwarven warax [..] View

How do I unload "bind to character" equipment / aim shurikens / re-accept quest?

11:19 am, December 2, 2015 How do I remove from my inventory equipment/gear/loot that is "Binds to character on acquire permanently"? I am new to DDO (maybe 12 hours play time to date), and by ignorance and/or mistake [..] View

Returning Player Questions (More)

11:19 am, November 21, 2015 First I want to thank folks for their help with my previous thread. OK so I have been gone since before Menace of the Underdark. (Stormreach era?) I am trying to figure out how the Campaign situation [..] View

Returning Player Questions

11:19 pm, November 20, 2015 Hi all! I have been gone for a few years, but am very interested in coming back now that my son is old enough to join me. I remember really enjoying the game. However the reason that I left was that e [..] View

Dear Cordovan: The default" Thread Display Options" are discouraging EU visitors

11:19 pm, November 17, 2015 Hello DDO Team, hello Cordovan, Could you alter the default "Thread Display Options" of the German, France, Rekrutierung and Wayfinder section to “from beginning” or at [..] View

Support Cordovan and Team Turbine this Movember!

11:19 pm, November 1, 2015 Hello everyone! I am once again hoping to get the DDO community involved in raising money for some important work this "Movember". The Movember Foundation conducts its largest annual fundrai [..] View

Key of Destiny: How does it work?

12:19 pm, October 15, 2015 Have TR'd from a Barbarian to a Paladin and am going through the pain of needing to work all the way over from Fury of the Wild to Divine Crusader and was thinking of using the Key of Destiny to short [..] View

Dwarf Paladin. How to proceed?

12:19 am, October 12, 2015 So, I got my paladin to 20, pure. He's a third lifer (my first) and I've been trying to take a more active roll in actually making the character work well. For heroics, I did THF with KotC and some [..] View

Returning player after ~1 year break. Need some advice and answer to some questions

12:19 am, October 4, 2015 Hi. I've been playing this game on and off over the last 4-5 years and I've decided to give it a shot once again(Last time I played was summer 2014). However I've never been very good at the mechanics [..] View

Crystal Cove event question

12:19 am, September 30, 2015 I participated in the event and have a couple of questions remaining. Are doubloons good for anything else? I picked up a pirate hat that has features that are able to be configured. How do I confi [..] View

Did you miss me?

12:19 pm, September 16, 2015 Will heloo there. Been a long time since i posted a question here and of course we can't let that happen:D Again it's good to use your knowledge of the game so thanx in advance for any help...to the q [..] View

3 general questions.

12:19 am, September 15, 2015 1 - So i'm now level 23 "very close to level 24" as a S&B paladin and next i'll take an extra feat and i want to know what's best to take. This is the build i'm following "grea [..] View

Some annoying questions

12:19 pm, September 6, 2015 So let's annoy the board again....but don't think i'm just chatty because i actually use this information "level 19 only 1 rank to 20...Yay:o" So i'm following the build in this thread by [..] View

questions about ship buffs

12:19 pm, August 28, 2015 So Today i joined a nice guild and went to the guild ship and got the buffs. Now i've 2 questions regarding these buffs. 1- I don't know how many buffs i got but i guess it's too much because i couldn [..] View

Stuck on The Crucible

12:19 pm, August 26, 2015 So i've been stuck on this quest in the first part. I got the 3 crests but lost my way and can't find the cage anymore. Now 3 questions here 1- Does this quest need more than 1 player and a hirelin [..] View

Brand New Player questions

12:19 am, August 26, 2015 OK new player, learning the game and it seems to be fun. Couple questions I want to ask before I get too far in to re-roll a char. 1. Are all servers equal population? It seems no one is playing in [..] View

When to start crafting?

12:19 am, August 21, 2015 New player "ok fairly new:p" Never visited the crafting halls and my highest level toon just level 12 with nearly 80K plat total. How long can one start crafting? From what i did read it [..] View

[Massive Help] Starting DDO Journey

12:19 pm, August 15, 2015 Greetings, adventurers! My name is Nervly and I would like to request your services to aid the beginning of my journey. Seriously though, I've played DDO before but I wasn't "playing correctly& [..] View

How to use +X Lesser Reincarnation to change old multiclass

12:19 am, August 13, 2015 Hello Community: Came back to game after long break (2010). after few weeks of learning the changes, new features through googling and leveling up some of my level 15 toons, now I have some understan [..] View

TWF: Weapon type and crafting

12:19 am, August 8, 2015 I've previously only run sword and board, but I'd like to go with TWF for my next life. I have a few questions. 1) Is there a preferred weapon type for TWF? I really don't think I'll have the feat [..] View

Questions about multiclassing

12:19 pm, August 6, 2015 Yes, I've read the wiki site :) I have a rogue that is level 5. If I go and speak with the fighter trainer will that set me on the path for level 6 being a fighter or does my current level become a [..] View

fighter questions

12:19 am, August 6, 2015 I have lots of old ******* swords lying around. Wondering how well they work with two weapon fighting? Worth it? So far, seems to hit hard, but real slow, then again, I just came from an epic single w [..] View

Returning player with a couple questions (bard build + what to do at level 15)

12:19 am, July 29, 2015 It has been a couple(few?) years since I played this game and I'd like to start playing again but the changes have been pretty huge. I have a level 15 bard/rogue and a couple hearts of wood on that c [..] View

Ref save or big weapon

12:19 am, July 14, 2015 So Mr derpy build here is back with more stupid questions Playing my evasion (not tank, so dont worry) build xx fig/4 rog with a focus on vanguard enhancements. So i max out dex and take finesse f [..] View

Trying to return have questions

12:19 am, July 10, 2015 Hello all! So like many I am a player who has been in and out of DDO over the years I love the game I think the mobs have some of the best AI of many newer Mmorpg games. My issue is I'm not [..] View

Shadowfell Expansion

12:19 am, June 7, 2015 I returned to DDO a couple of months ago and was thinking of purchasing the Shadowfell expansion. Am I right in thinking that I get better value from the collector's edition if I buy it from the DDO M [..] View

Reincarnation Questions

12:19 pm, May 16, 2015 This week, I reached the level cap for the first time with two characters. The DDO Wiki describes reincarnation in great detail, but I find myself with lingering questions and so come here for help. [..] View

Human versatility: Damage boost

12:19 pm, May 10, 2015 Three questions about the Human Versatility: Damage Boost. 1. It gives +20% weapon damage. In what way is this different than the Action Boost: Melee Power from class enhancement trees? Several abil [..] View

Epic Destinies / Twists of Fate

12:19 pm, May 9, 2015 Beware, wall of text incoming. It is a confusing and complex subject and I don't think being more terse will help me communicate my questions accurately. I recently hit L20 and got to pick an Epic D [..] View

Two questions about Iconics

12:19 am, April 16, 2015 Two questions about iconics before I buy them: 1. Can you retrain that first level with a +1 heart of wood? Like if I want to be a pure barb with a Purple Dragon Knight? 2. Are iconics able to eTR a [..] View


Just a couple of quick questions.

Mar 22, 2015, 7:58 pm 1. How's the game populations these days? Is the game still thriving?<br><br> 2. I want to take up CC spells, like charming, stunning, sleeping, etc. I know I'd have to deal damage as well, but would[..] View

Returning Player-with several questions!

Mar 21, 2015, 6:20 pm I have just come back to DDO having left soon after MotU and unsurprisingly things seems to have changed a lot. So I was hoping that those of you who have been around since then might be able to ans[..] View

Otto's Box Questions

Mar 16, 2015, 12:44 pm So, if you're a level 15 toon and use the box, what happens to all the leftover unused XP ???<br><br> If take that toon to 20 then TR will the remaining XP reappear ???<br><br> Can you apply any of [..] View

Tempus Trapmonkey Questions

Mar 10, 2015, 1:05 pm I currently have about 20 of these builds spread out over all the servers. <a href="https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/423116-Tempest-Trapmonkey-for-new-players?highlight=tempest+trapmonkey" t[..] View

A few noob questions

Feb 13, 2015, 5:49 pm Hi all,<br><br> I'm fairly new (started playing in Dec, 2014), and still learning a lot despite reading lots on these forums and <br> DDOWiki. I have a few questions I'd appreciate any responses on. [..] View

Bank shared, beginner questions

Jan 29, 2015, 11:57 pm I began researching on shared bank seeking some information about its operation and limitations and found many complaints about problems. So I have two questions. 1) The shared bank still continues [..] View

just about to hit 20 - epic xp questions

Dec 30, 2014, 4:46 pm I am about to hit level 20 this weekend and noticed there are not that many epic quests and quite a lot of XP required to rank up. What are the most optimal quests to run - solo, if possible? Are th[..] View

New Player Questions

Dec 30, 2014, 9:48 am Hello, I'm a completely new player to DDO who joined a few days ago. I'm a f2p player (With only income being monthly allowance, so my only source of TP is grinding :( )While I know most of the basic [..] View

A couple of questions

Dec 30, 2014, 8:32 am If i have the SWF feat and the "swashbuckler skirmisher" enhancement, can i benefit from the "different tack" enhancement? Also, if i roll a toon and give him the SWF feat and then give him 2 levels o[..] View

Questions about reincarnation I did not find in the wiki

Dec 15, 2014, 3:23 am I already had a reincarnation a long time ago, but first time I'm trying out an epic destiny. Now I wana TR again and I have a couple of questions: -Will my xp completely reset? (from lvl 25 back to[..] View

A player with a few questions please

Dec 14, 2014, 11:09 pm Hello everyone, I've created this thread in the hope of getting some answers/advice with the few questions I have. It would be great if some of you could help out. I'm not a stranger when it comes to[..] View

questions about U24 quests

Dec 14, 2014, 3:47 pm I ran the new content on heroic for favor on an epic swashbuckler. 1) Mask of Deception: a) I could not complete any of the optionals. Any tips? b) The masks. I didn't notice any change wearing one[..] View

2 DDO Market Code questions

Dec 6, 2014, 5:26 pm well, title basicly, got 2 questions about the packs from the market since you get a code per mail: 1) can you use several codes from the same pack on one account? if yes, what do you get when using [..] View

Melee Druid Questions

Dec 1, 2014, 9:38 am Do melee druids benefit from increased weapon damage on their wielded weapons, such as the 4.5[W] from thunder-forged weapons? Or are they stuck with using reinforced fist items for more melee damage[..] View

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