11:19 pm, March 15, 2018
I understand basic concepts, but there is so much stuff to learn and know, I am overwhelmed with where should I start. What class? What spec? Which multi-class? What skills are relevant. Which forum t [..]
11:19 pm, February 8, 2018
I have played ddo since Launch but I am in and out a lot. I have played many mmo but now that I am a father I dont play as much and DDO seems to fit what I want from gaming when I am able to play. T [..]
11:19 pm, November 22, 2017
Howdy, I just bought warlock with the sale. In the Enlightened Spirit enhancement tree, does the eldritch aura, eldritch burst and spirit blast enhancements have a dc save? I know the pact damage ha [..]
11:19 am, February 26, 2017
-----THINGS I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHICH IS WHY THEY'RE AT THE TOP (SCREENSHOTS/LINKS REQUIRED)-----Does +4 Insightful DC item exist for Necromancy, Transmutation, and/or Illusion?
Do +8 Insightful sta [..]
12:19 am, September 25, 2016
Hi all,
I'm about to start into some melee lives, and would like a little advice about feats to take.
I'm pretty much decided on TWF Khopesh, just for context. I'll be multi-classing and have a few [..]
12:19 am, September 13, 2016
Weapon proficiency and “to hit” for multi-class characters (rogue/ranger/bard)
I have a multi-class character started that is at rogue 2/ ranger 2/ bard 2 with all remaining levels [..]
12:19 am, August 16, 2016
Hello, I am seeking advice around questions;1. As you level-up a Rogue, are you ever given the opportunity to choose feat exotic weapon kama? If yes, at what level?
2. As you level-up a Druid, are y [..]
12:19 am, June 27, 2016
DDO Free to Play Guide (minimal grind method)Intro
It is certainly possible to play DDO completely for free. You may want to do this for budgetary reasons, but since cheap offers come around frequentl [..]
12:19 pm, May 25, 2016
I have a 4th level multi-class character, half-orc (Barbarian lvl 2, Cleric lvl 1, Druid lvl 1). For the game play I am wanting to do with this character, the Druid part is not working out for me. [..]
11:19 pm, March 26, 2016
I am currently a 9th level Wizard with enough xp to level to 10 and thinking about multi-classing to Rogue (probably Wizard 18/Rogue 2). I know when building a Wizard/Rogue it is best to take Rogue at [..]
11:19 am, February 17, 2016
Looking for help in understand; Ability scores/stats, upgrade tomes, and attack tables.
What I understand is that a +6 ability upgrade tome works over time, giving an additional +1 at levels; 3, 7, 1 [..]
11:19 am, February 9, 2016
I have a new 32d character that I made a month ago as a rogue, got to lvl 2 then multi-class to sorcerer lvl 2, then put another lvl of rogue on. I wish to further develop the sorcerer, however the [..]
11:19 am, February 6, 2016
Are Artificer and Rogue equal in ability to find traps, disable devices, and pick locks?
I am wanting to build a Wizard with a multi-class minor with those skills. I see that Wizards and Artific [..]
12:19 am, June 2, 2015
Do core abilities from two different enhancement branches stack?
I'd like to bring a multi-class character to :a Bard Clvl 12 for the Swashbuckler Panache Core enhancementa Fighter Clvl 6 for the Ken [..]
11:19 pm, February 25, 2015
I have been playing DDO off and on since 2005 the Builds have changed so much it is not so simple anymore to figure out a good build though there is much more versatility today I am looking to build a [..]
11:19 pm, November 8, 2014
It does not take an expert to see that many online sources of DDO information are out of date or just plain wrong.
For example, sites that recommend first time players create a multi-class 28-point [..]