D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




DDO Store Sales: April 6th - 12th: "Select Low-Level Adventures"

12:19 am, April 6, 2018 For many new players, "What to buy?" is a common and often perplexing question. Everyone tells you to "Try to only buy when On Sale!" - and then a sale comes along, and you aren't [..] View

Chat Aliases for DDO veterans

12:19 pm, July 14, 2016 I built a list of 40 chat aliases that give useful information through commands in chat like:Raid completionsXP cap and Quests by levelShadow Crypt instance pathsThe Pit wheelsDISCLAIMER: this is inte [..] View

Windows 10 - Connecting to patch Server 33%. Server Connection timed out.

11:19 pm, February 11, 2016 Windows 10 - Connecting to patch Server 33%. Server Connection timed out. Sooo. Whats changed, tried to log on late last night and got this error. so said screw it and went to bed. Today. same er [..] View

Very slow character log on - Windows 10

11:19 pm, January 26, 2016 I have a very annoying issue. The first character I log on with after launching the game takes a very long time to load. Splash screen takes a fair bit of time before the progress bar moves and then t [..] View

Saving the Social Window, Friends Tab Data

11:19 pm, November 11, 2015 I seem to have lost all Comments after an eTR. Is there a way to back this up like can be done with the UI layout? And speaking of which my UI restore does give me the hotbar layout I was using, but [..] View

Gear Planner (in development)

12:19 am, August 22, 2015 I've begun writing a comprehensive gear planner that will be a stand-alone desktop program but will also have limited interaction with my build planner. Being its own utility I figured move the develo [..] View

GlovePie + Controller + DDO - Problems...anyone experience with that?

12:19 am, August 2, 2015 Hello there, I love to play with controller and my mini-keyboard. I use a written GlovePie-Script for button-layout and it works fine with every game...except DDO !!! As soon as I start GlovePie the [..] View

Same Account on 2 PC's

12:19 pm, June 24, 2015 Finally got an install of DDO to work on my Laptop, so I can play wherever. The problem now is the screen layouts do not match. My home set up is using a 2560x1600 30" screen with enough space [..] View

not exactly new but back after long time off...need warlock build if possible

12:19 am, June 21, 2015 I am starting warlock as first life. have not ever had toon above level 10 so... any help would be appreciated., would really like build layout with what TO TAKE AT EACH LEVEL ETC. UNDSERSTAND IF THIS [..] View

Keyboad Layout Switch from QWERTZ to QWERTY

12:19 am, July 25, 2014 From time to time while playing DDO my keyboard layout gets switched from QWERTZ to QWERTY layout. When this happens, it is only in DDO, everwhere else it is normal. Is there any way I can change it b [..] View


Keyboad Layout Switch from QWERTZ to QWERTY

Jan 15, 2015, 3:56 am From time to time while playing DDO my keyboard layout gets switched from QWERTZ to QWERTY layout. When this happens, it is only in DDO, everwhere else it is normal. Is there any way I can change it b[..] View

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