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Seeking advice from advanced Ariticifer experts

12:19 am, April 17, 2018 Hi, I've been playing DDO for over 10 years now and for the past 5 years at least I've specialised myself by pretty much exclusively playing an Articifer. Although I enjoy playing in a group, my main [..] View

Suggestions, please!

12:19 pm, April 7, 2018 Hello everyone! I am still relatively new to DDO, having played off-and-on since 2009 according to my account, but I've never leveled a character past 16. I've been playing consistently for the last m [..] View

Low-Mid Reaper **** Raid Guide

12:19 pm, April 5, 2018 I wish to make it clear before I start that this isn't a definitive guide for running ****. This guide is to build on existing guides for **** and assumes you know the basics of the raid, its progress [..] View

My personal monk build

12:19 am, April 1, 2018 I have been requested to post my build so here it is. Level 30 Lawful Neutral Halfling Female (20 Monk / 10 Epic) Hit Points: 512 Spell Points: 114 BAB: 15/15/20/25/25 Fortitude: 22 Refle [..] View

Vistani HP loss bug?

11:19 pm, February 24, 2018 I am using the following build. Currently she is at level 13, rank 63.3. She is a 32 point build. She was created as a level 10 character when Ravenloft came out. The issue I am encountering is t [..] View

Feats for Ranger

11:19 pm, December 27, 2017 Hello, Seeking forms input on what are best feats for two weapon fighting human ranger character. I recently started playing ranger class and have two rangers now, a human (lvl 10) and a drow (lvl 1 [..] View

End Game Gears for an Meele clothing Str base

11:19 am, November 6, 2017 I have a THF Silvanus(8F / 6C /6M) My base is STR. I need Cha for Divine Might. Con for HP and saves. I dont need DEX(Cleric Domain STR add Str for reflex save). Wis for Jade Strike and saves. my goa [..] View

Gearing questions for an AA primarily

11:19 pm, November 2, 2017 So I have been away for years and currently leveling an AA following Scrimton's Acid Archer build. I am curious about what type of gear to find and keep while leveling to increase my damage. My list c [..] View

Give up 2 lvls of Ranger for Monk to gain feats DODGE and DEFLECT ARROWS?

12:19 am, October 13, 2017 Give up 2 lvls of Ranger for Monk to gain feats DODGE and DEFLECT ARROWS? From other posts; https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...-heart-of-woodhttps://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...-ability-score [..] View

How to Survive Super Monster Champions?

12:19 am, September 27, 2017 The short version: What can I do to increase my chances of surviving an encounter with a "Super Monster Champion"? By "Super Monster Champion", I mean the 1 in 50 Monster Champio [..] View

Am I ready.....

12:19 pm, September 14, 2017 This is getting a thread started for new players to help them decide if they are ready for the difficulty casual/normal - I only recommend this if everyone in group is completely new. (it may also be [..] View


12:19 am, September 5, 2017 Hello! I wouldn't say I'm precisely new but I'm still in the process of leveling my first character to 20. I've asked a few questions here on the forums before, usually about small game mechanic clari [..] View

Cannith crafter equipment advice

12:19 pm, June 13, 2017 Hi! I've finally reached a high enough level to craft myself a ML20 equipment with cannith crafting. However, I thought I'd ask your advice on which enchantments to seek. I'm currently a fire sorcer [..] View

help with some questions please just starting out in ddo

12:19 am, April 20, 2017 ok basically im going rogue, for my beginning class my question is weather duel wielding is better at end game as apposed to two handed weapons - such as quarterstaff's i have seen the builds of ro [..] View

Make my Favorite Build Less Squishy

11:19 pm, March 9, 2017 I'm out of ideas, so I've come to plead for ideas to improve my one-and-only character. First, I'm a bit of a flower-sniffer and I'm quite content running slightly under-level HN to have some fun. S [..] View

Returning from before expansions - build suggesttions and general tips

11:19 pm, February 4, 2017 Hi, I played DDO from beta until sometime before the first expansion hit and have been in other games since then. Now I decided to come back and experience what I have missed :) Logging in and seein [..] View

Public Notice Board

12:19 pm, September 13, 2016 Below is a list of some of the Known Issues that we are aware of, and below that are features that are Working as Intended but may cause confusion. Should you come across any of these issues, there is [..] View

Help with My Half Elf Pure Bard

12:19 pm, July 21, 2016 Code: Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 4.31.203DDO Character Planner Home PageVaerii Synast Level 20 Chaotic Good Half-Elf Female (20 Bard) Hit Points: 200 Spell Points: 670 [..] View

Cosmetic armor question

12:19 am, April 11, 2016 DDO wiki says, "Alchemical Armor Eldritch Ritual does stack with other dodge bonuses including Dodge Bonus +1, and can be applied to Cosmetic Armor or Cosmetic Helmets." Months ago, I was [..] View

Just got to 30, Now what?

11:19 pm, March 6, 2016 Ok so let me give you all my information. I am a 18 rogue/ 2 Artificer , 10 epic My gear Head: Helm +11 int , 17 Accuracy. Neck: Golden Guile- Dusk, Diplomacy +15, Bluff +15, Improved Deception [..] View

To Curse the Sky, one ****: A Video Guide

11:19 pm, December 26, 2015 Someone asked me how one does this quest, or really any quest, with minimum kills. It's 20% knowing the mechanics (sources of noise, what does and does not break sneak, knowing of extremely exploitabl [..] View

What should my next life be?

12:19 am, July 20, 2015 I just finished my second life as a druid and have one as ranger as well. I am not sure what my next life should be. I have my heart set on a rogue 5 druid 1 splash. Using staff of the seer. The pro [..] View

Shiradi Sorc, Thunder-Forged and Enhancements

12:19 pm, March 30, 2015 Been away for a while just got back a few weeks ago and still learning the "new" content. I have a Drow Sorc 18/Pal 2/Epic 8 with the Shiradi Champion Destiny. I have him in Shadow Dragonpla [..] View

Flavor Build: Holy Blaster / Undead Hunter -- Advice Appreciated :)

11:19 pm, March 19, 2015 Hi all, So I'm going to try this again -- last idea was a complete non-starter. Anyway, to recap, coming back to the game after a longish hiatus, and looking for a fun flavor build to explore new con [..] View

gear for my lv 28 dwarven defender bard

11:19 pm, February 28, 2015 ok so im holding at lv 28 on my 5th life 12 bard / 6 fighter / 2 rouge and wanna make sure i am maximizing the efficiency of my gear slots so im looking for recommendations on what to replace and what [..] View

Hybrid Tank Idea

11:19 pm, January 6, 2015 Anti-Paladin - PDK - 8 Fighter -6 Barbarian - 6 Favored Soul ----- Stats ------- Strength 8 Dexerity 16 Constitution 18 Intelligence 14 Wisdom 8 Charisma 16 ------- Skils [..] View

Hushymonk 8 Fighter 12 Monk

11:19 am, January 3, 2015 I give this build full credit to Hushedo on the Argo server, Good Job mate! Race: Half Orc Stats: STR: MAX DEX & CON: Equal WIS, INT, CHA: leave as base stats LvL 1 Monk Feats: Power Attack, C [..] View

Need Help with Survivability

11:19 pm, November 13, 2014 I continue to work through my first life on a level 18 Rogue. Even though I run 'easy' quests on Normal or Hard, often well above level, I simply cannot survive. For example, I just ran Blockade Bus [..] View

Basic fighter for new players

11:19 am, November 3, 2014 Very new player friendly No tomes required No gear required No p2p options Not considering epic destinies These is not a build for soloing epic elites but should serve to participate in them Bas [..] View

Stuck after login, followed by disconnection

12:19 am, August 2, 2014 Hey everyone, Just started playing the game yesterday, been wanting to try it for some time but havent had the time. Some bugs in regards to waiting 10 sec before i could move and so after loging fi [..] View

Returning player and AC

12:19 am, July 22, 2014 So I am back after a 4 year layoff. I have a monk with a ac of 82, dodge 20%, and dusk 10%. What I am noticing is that I get hit regularly. What is the max ac? What is the figure to make it relevant a [..] View

is there a cap to con dmg from shroud of the wraith?

12:19 am, July 18, 2014 I was thinking about a silly build lately something like a wizard 12/monk 8 Across shroud of the wraith, displacement, and a few dodge items/perks/enhancments, you could get like 75% dodge, which me [..] View

Rogue help?

12:19 am, July 2, 2014 Ok, I've been playing for a little while and still feel like a noob sometimes. I have a drow rogue level 20 on Thelanis. It's a trapper with TWF. Got Gianthold and Vale. First life Now, I'm ultra sq [..] View


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