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My personal monk build

12:19 am, April 1, 2018 I have been requested to post my build so here it is. Level 30 Lawful Neutral Halfling Female (20 Monk / 10 Epic) Hit Points: 512 Spell Points: 114 BAB: 15/15/20/25/25 Fortitude: 22 Refle [..] View

Vistani HP loss bug?

11:19 pm, February 24, 2018 I am using the following build. Currently she is at level 13, rank 63.3. She is a 32 point build. She was created as a level 10 character when Ravenloft came out. The issue I am encountering is t [..] View

Feats for Ranger

11:19 pm, December 27, 2017 Hello, Seeking forms input on what are best feats for two weapon fighting human ranger character. I recently started playing ranger class and have two rangers now, a human (lvl 10) and a drow (lvl 1 [..] View

So, does this arti build pass the smoke test?

11:19 am, December 14, 2017 So, I'm getting bored with my main BF paladin, and I wanted to try an artificer. I'm not playing much right now, and there are still a few things to wrap up before the TR, but with the current veteran [..] View

Question regarding Epic Destinys

11:19 am, November 21, 2017 Hi all... I just recently got back into ddo and decided to run a solo toon (Ive never made it to level 20 because my friends always get burnt out and I was tired of starting over.) So I rolled up a mo [..] View

Monk Finisher icon

12:19 pm, August 24, 2017 So... I changed my destiny and rearranged my hotbar but must have removed the Monk Finisher Icon by mistake. The problem is that now I can't find it on the list of feats to re-add it. I've scrolled [..] View

Best Epic Past Life Feat?

12:19 am, August 1, 2017 Good day! So, I just finished up Epic go round number thirteen. For my next Epic Past Life Feat I have a choice of: 3 Physical Resistance Rating ~4 Armor Class ~11 Hit Points 1% Elemental Absorp [..] View

DDO Character Planner

12:19 am, June 10, 2017 Hey Peeps, I have been developing a DDO character planner for some time now and it has reached a stage where I would like the community to start to provide feedback and ideally some bug reports. It [..] View

Epic Destinies.

11:19 pm, February 20, 2017 Am currently Pale Trapper, Wiz16/Rog2. Was planning to run in Magister to level 30, then double TR back to a level 1 paladin, use Sentinel for epics, then use Axel's THF battle cleric build. However: [..] View

Returning from before expansions - build suggesttions and general tips

11:19 pm, February 4, 2017 Hi, I played DDO from beta until sometime before the first expansion hit and have been in other games since then. Now I decided to come back and experience what I have missed :) Logging in and seein [..] View


11:19 am, December 3, 2016 Hi there, I have a druid who is just about to go into the Grandmaster of Flowers epic destiny. My question is - in animal form am I considered as centred when fighting in beast form? I am classified [..] View

Overwhelming Critical feat and Perfect Two Handed Fighting

11:19 am, November 19, 2016 Planning build for half-orc two handed weapon barbarian that will be played 98% solo. Is it worth giving up feat "Epic Fortitude" or "Epic Damage Reduction" to obtain "Overw [..] View

Skill Breakdowns

12:19 am, October 15, 2016 Quote: Originally Posted by Brattyone I attempted to stealth Impossible Demands, where my hide and move silently were sitting at 120/118 respectively, and was heard by mo [..] View

Need build advice. (Epic destiny)

12:19 am, September 27, 2016 Hye, guys. So, I'm not exactly new to the game, but I am way behind when compared to the elites and I have ever a question that's more about options than straight forward "which way should I go&q [..] View

Question about using plat to reset Epic Destiny points

12:19 am, August 25, 2016 How is the plat cost of resetting points in an Epic Destiny calculated? After coming back from an extended break, I noticed that the plat cost for resetting the points in my Epic Destinies differs ba [..] View

So I have a dilema

12:19 pm, August 14, 2016 I need to make a bard to get the destiny tier to advance, its the last one in the arcane sphere that I need to move on. I decided to take my first two lvls as a rogue tho. I have 20 charisma and 14 [..] View

I need advice on my 1st heroic reincarnation

12:19 pm, July 1, 2016 As the title said, I am about to do my first heroic reincarnation. Currently, I am a 28 pt. S&B paladin and took unyielding sentinel as my epic destiny (4th tier only). I only have +2 tomes [..] View

Things you may not know you did not know about DDO (in installments)

12:19 am, June 14, 2016 Reincarnation (first installment) • This game allows you to reincarnate after you reach level 20 on heroic life or level 30 on iconic life. Reincarnation (or True Reincarnation) is starting [..] View

When should I TR in regards to epic destinies?

12:19 am, May 27, 2016 Hi all, recently returned after a half a decade break and enjoying the game. Recently hit level 20 on a fresh character, a pure bard, and grabbed the Fatesinger destiny. Currently I am rank 16, with 1 [..] View

Returning Player: Epics and past Lives and that stuff...

12:19 pm, April 4, 2016 OK, so long time player, recently returning (about 3 months now?) I finally got completionist, which has been a long term goal for me. Anyway, my old "Epics experience" was around when Epic [..] View

warlock build advice

12:19 am, April 3, 2016 first time really building something from scratch. this is gearless so obviously going to have holes until you can get them covered. This is also a PDK but could also be a human. though I'm sure with [..] View

Does an epic destiny need to be maxxed out?

11:19 pm, March 6, 2016 To receive all the benefit from an epic destiny, does getting it to lvl 5 enough, or do you need to max the xp in lvl 5 destiny? To get the fate point, or any other benefit. Wiki didnt really explain [..] View

Question re XP

11:19 pm, March 1, 2016 Oh I was thinking of Epic TRing this weekend and then Heroic TRing into an iconic, but that would mean my XP required to level would go up right? So is it better to farm your ETRs on your first life? [..] View

Comprehensive Spell Power, Crit Chance, Crit Damage Breakdowns

11:19 pm, February 19, 2016 Thread is what it says on the tin. Since max DC and max spellpower build are usually exclusive to each other, this will be its own thread. Also I can't edit thread titles. Once again I invite everyone [..] View

Comprehensive DC breakdown for all classes

11:19 am, February 14, 2016 This is a much improved version of my first thread, with less mistakes, better organization, and in a subforum where hopefully more people will see it. This will break down the DC for every class and [..] View

Warlock newbie epic destiny question

11:19 pm, December 5, 2015 Hi. I haven't done much with epic destinies in the past (just Monk which had excellent choices). When hitting level 20 on my Warlock, the choices were rather meh. Draconic looked the best so I chos [..] View

Key of Destiny: How does it work?

12:19 pm, October 15, 2015 Have TR'd from a Barbarian to a Paladin and am going through the pain of needing to work all the way over from Fury of the Wild to Divine Crusader and was thinking of using the Key of Destiny to short [..] View

First Lifer Epic Destinies

12:19 am, September 22, 2015 I have two Epics right now. My Dwarven 2 kopesh wielding Fighter14/Ranger 6 is lvl24. He maxed Primal Avatar (twisting Regen Cocoon, and is in Shirardi Champion Rank2. I need him to stay around becaus [..] View

To TR or Say in Epics Question

12:19 pm, September 19, 2015 Hello: I'm fairly new. Got my toon up to the level cap, and ER'd. Just about ready to complete the last destiny in my sphere, but not far along in this life toward the cap. I really like playing E [..] View

Did you miss me?

12:19 pm, September 16, 2015 Will heloo there. Been a long time since i posted a question here and of course we can't let that happen:D Again it's good to use your knowledge of the game so thanx in advance for any help...to the q [..] View

Bladeforged pally/rgr question

12:19 am, July 29, 2015 Hey all, Iv just been eyeing up bladeforged in the ddo store, and im wondering if the following build (which im using on my current toon, currently lvl 11) will work as well? If not, can i modify it [..] View

Epic Reincarnation Question

12:19 pm, June 29, 2015 When ER from 28 back to 20, what happens with the Epic Destiny feats acquired on the way to level 28? The description of ER says that the cost is 6M Karma from the sphere. Do I lose all my feats if [..] View

Reslotting a Twist of Fate

12:19 am, June 9, 2015 Hello I just reached Epic for the first time. I like my current destiny as a Shiradi. But there are some feats in related destinies I want to get, and come back to keep playing as a Shiradi. How h [..] View

Shiradi Champion Question

12:19 am, June 8, 2015 Hello: In the Destiny tree there are a number of "stances" - frosty, prism, stay good. Can I use more than one of these at a time? If not, any practical advice on the pros and cons of ch [..] View

Epic Destiny Help

12:19 am, May 19, 2015 I just turned 20th level. My character is a F14/R6 dual kopesh wielder. I have Keen Edge enhancement and a bunch of kensai kopesh buffs, I also have Growing Storm in Tempest as well as the other lower [..] View

Reincarnation Questions

12:19 pm, May 16, 2015 This week, I reached the level cap for the first time with two characters. The DDO Wiki describes reincarnation in great detail, but I find myself with lingering questions and so come here for help. [..] View

Epic Destinies / Twists of Fate

12:19 pm, May 9, 2015 Beware, wall of text incoming. It is a confusing and complex subject and I don't think being more terse will help me communicate my questions accurately. I recently hit L20 and got to pick an Epic D [..] View

Shiradi Sorc, Thunder-Forged and Enhancements

12:19 pm, March 30, 2015 Been away for a while just got back a few weeks ago and still learning the "new" content. I have a Drow Sorc 18/Pal 2/Epic 8 with the Shiradi Champion Destiny. I have him in Shadow Dragonpla [..] View

Flavor Build: Holy Blaster / Undead Hunter -- Advice Appreciated :)

11:19 pm, March 19, 2015 Hi all, So I'm going to try this again -- last idea was a complete non-starter. Anyway, to recap, coming back to the game after a longish hiatus, and looking for a fun flavor build to explore new con [..] View

What happens at level 28?

11:19 pm, February 21, 2015 Hello I have read wiki, and I get heroic is through level 20 and then Epic starts with a level cap of 28. And I guess as part of the Epic levels you can do something else called a Destiny. I don't [..] View

Character Builder Lite (in development)

11:19 am, February 10, 2015 I've been working on a character builder since Christmas, and it's coming along pretty well so far. Adopting a minimalist philosophy -- thus the "Lite" -- it's geared toward people with a de [..] View

Note the creators of the game.

11:19 pm, January 31, 2015 It is the second time it happens the following fact. I have a character with a total of 2,000 coins and try to sell any item a message saying that I hit the limit of 25,000 coins and that I want to c [..] View

Need some advice/opinions on this build

11:19 am, January 29, 2015 Code: Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.23.01DDO Character Planner Home PageStrikerix The Beast Level 28 Chaotic Good Warforged Male (2 Rogue \ 18 Wizard \ 8 Epic) Hit Points: 4 [..] View

List of every spell crit modifier and max spell crit chances

11:19 am, January 23, 2015 So I was wondering what the max spell crit chance was, and I couldn't find a list so i just compiled this after a few hours and though I'd post it for others. Forgive the general messiness, its mainly [..] View

TR Strategy Help Needed

11:19 pm, December 15, 2014 I finally have my first toon ready to heroic TR. I know that there is a comprehensive guide on "how to" TR, but is there any such guide that covers the strategy of the process? Should I ha [..] View

Questions about reincarnation I did not find in the wiki

11:19 pm, October 30, 2014 I already had a reincarnation a long time ago, but first time I'm trying out an epic destiny. Now I wana TR again and I have a couple of questions: -Will my xp completely reset? (from lvl 25 back to [..] View

Sorcerer information - wiki status.

12:19 am, October 12, 2014 Returning player here. I've been leveling a TRed WF sorc after leaving around the time of the first expansion and noticed that the "starting a sorcerer" wiki page was mostly unchanged sinc [..] View

Epic Destiny and Epic Feat SLAs can salvage a poor caster life in epics

12:19 am, September 12, 2014 I recently had a dramatic experience when I finally capped my 10 Monk/10 Wizard. I started as a monk but decided mid-stream that I wanted the wizard past life and thinking that shiradi would make u [..] View

Am I getting the idea now

12:19 am, July 26, 2014 So I got my H-Orc 15rgr/4 fgtr/ 1 rogue past 20 and started down Fury of the Wild destiny. (I used a lot of what is in Ellisdees Trapmonkey build) I am about to start going thru my gear and trying t [..] View

Bard Spellsinger Enthrall enhancement

12:19 pm, July 13, 2014 What's the difference between the Bard Spellsinger enhancements Enthrall and Fascinate? Enthrall's description is vague. So far I've noticed these characteristics, in order of significance: 1. It's [..] View

Epic destiny or MotU purchase?

12:19 pm, July 7, 2014 Hi all, I'm about to hit lvl 20 for the first time, and I was wondering what to purchase. I don't have Epic Destinies and I'll definitely buy them, but maybe buying entire expansion is smarter. What d [..] View


Epic destiny or MotU purchase?

Dec 2, 2014, 7:45 pm Hi all, I'm about to hit lvl 20 for the first time, and I was wondering what to purchase. I don't have Epic Destinies and I'll definitely buy them, but maybe buying entire expansion is smarter. What d[..] View

Epic Destiny and Epic Feat SLAs can salvage a poor caster life in epics

Nov 30, 2014, 7:16 am I recently had a dramatic experience when I finally capped my 10 Monk/10 Wizard. I started as a monk but decided mid-stream that I wanted the wizard past life and thinking that shiradi would make u[..] View

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