D&D Online

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ Online Fan Site + Discussions




Strange UI issues

11:19 am, November 11, 2017 Hi SSG / others, Since about 3 weeks ago I've been having weird issues with my UI. Specifically: - When I load in I can run around just fine and see other characters move but chat doesn't load, and [..] View

Game does not open after connecting to the server

12:19 am, June 3, 2017 After logging and connecting to the server the window of the game does not open. The last change in the computer is that Windows 10 updated to Creator. I have already tried to disable the game bar, bu [..] View

Searhing for Logon Server

12:19 am, September 25, 2016 I am having trouble connecting to my main worls - Sarlona. I get the error Searching for Logon Server (attempt # of 20). The irritating thing is I can logon to every other server no problems. I have t [..] View

New Install - download locked up @ 86%, 100% of Sound file

12:19 am, March 29, 2016 New computer (yay), new install, Windows 10, went smooth for most of it, then... stopped. Upper (file) progress bar seems inactive, no white strip sliding across, reads... "Downloading client_sou [..] View

Client_sound.dat !

11:19 am, March 1, 2016 Why does the launcher freeze at points when downloading this file ? Tried to delete the dat file in the ddo filder to force it to download. Tried to manually download the dat file and place into the d [..] View

Specific character on Thelanis fails to load when all others work fine....

11:19 pm, January 2, 2016 I am able to load any other character on Thelanis just fine and I can load and play characters on other servers just fine but ever since I attempted to step into a quest I was given a long load screen [..] View

Launcher download stuck at Client_Sound.dat [solved]

12:19 pm, May 31, 2015 I have solved this by myself, but I'm posting this in case someone, like me, gets to bang their head repeatedly due to this issue through trying to install the game as there seems to be nowhere else t [..] View

Launcher closes after server selection on Win 7

11:19 am, March 25, 2015 Win 7 64 bit, newly downloaded client (not the play-as-you-download kind; the wait-and-wait-and-wait-then-play kind). This worked last Thursday; then I upgraded to 8GB and an SSD. I've tried reinsta [..] View

How can a small update cmpletely screw the game?

11:19 pm, February 1, 2015 Ok, so Friday morning before the update, all is fine, smashing Stormcleave and most other lvl 8 quests. I was afk when the server booted everyone, so was auto disconnected, but ever since the update, [..] View


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