D&D Online

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Returning player in need of help with build.

12:19 pm, April 13, 2018 I am just now returning to DDO, and discovered I made a 12 wiz 2 pal 1 ftr Bladeforged EK before i went on hiatus. I do not know what i was thinking/planning, nor if this is even remotely viable in th [..] View

Balth's 2018 DDO New Player's Guide

12:19 pm, April 1, 2018 Dungeons and Dragons Online is a 12-year old MMO set in the plane of Eberron (although other places have been added over time). It is based on the 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons ruleset. As a longtime Dun [..] View

Question on Lesser TR using two +5 Lesser Heroic Hearts of Wood.

11:19 pm, March 15, 2018 Greets All, I have a toon currently at level 10 that I would like to Lesser TR to a different class. He has 12 lives on him so I'd like to not lose him. As there are no +10 Lesser Hearts of Wood, my [..] View

Guild Renown Elixir Question

11:19 am, March 13, 2018 According to wiki the Sovereign and Superior renown elixirs are marked as %200 but are actually %300. Does anyone know if the other guild potions are also marked wrong? According to their descriptions [..] View

Lesser Reincarnation at Level Cap?

11:19 pm, March 2, 2018 Edit: I realized that the title might be wrong. I don't mean level cap but XP cap... Disclaimer: I haven't played for a while, but I am still a fan of this game. I'm running a Cleric17/Fighter3/Epic1 [..] View

A Question about Lesser TR

11:19 am, January 5, 2018 Posting on behalf of a friend who is currently having network issues: I've got a question to ask about lesser TRing with class changes. I currently have a level 20 Ranger, and while I enjoyed the bu [..] View

Changing Ranger level from lvl 20 down to lvl 10

11:19 pm, November 26, 2017 I will be playing family (long distance) on Christmas day (family tradition), but they are all going to start at lvl 10. I do not have any level 10's but would like to use my level 20 ranger, {Shira [..] View

Lesser Reincarnate Question

11:19 am, November 19, 2017 I have a cleric who took levels as follows: 1 - cleric 2 - fighter 3 - cleric 4 - cleric 5 - cleric And so on, all other level as cleric. If I wanted to do a lesser reincarnate and take fight [..] View

How do I improve Will Saves and enchantment protection from Hold Monster spells

11:19 am, November 5, 2017 Hello, Have 9th level character who, often when does dies, is mostly because they have been hit several times in a row with HOLD MONSTER spell while swarmed by enemies. This character is;1 lvl rogue [..] View

The Ultimate TR Levelling Guide!

12:19 pm, October 14, 2017 Howdy all. Have you ever gotten tired struggling with trying to get to Level 20 for TR? Are you always finding a lack of Groups on the LFM that run the right quests for a max load of XP? Well look no [..] View

Give up 2 lvls of Ranger for Monk to gain feats DODGE and DEFLECT ARROWS?

12:19 am, October 13, 2017 Give up 2 lvls of Ranger for Monk to gain feats DODGE and DEFLECT ARROWS? From other posts; https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...-heart-of-woodhttps://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...-ability-score [..] View

Lesser Reincarnation and +Lesser heart of wood

12:19 pm, October 7, 2017 Hello, Want to verify my understanding of lesser reincarnation and +lesser heart of wood usage purchased from DDO store. Want to reincarnate a Rogue to a Rogue/Ranger. I have a level 2 rogue chara [..] View

Solo Cleric Leveling Build (War Priest), need advice

12:19 am, July 27, 2017 I'm new to the game. I started up a few years ago and quit because soloing the class I wanted (1 thief/7 mage) was really hard to level without hirelings (I didn't want to use them....) I am certain t [..] View

The "GAS GIANT" Build

12:19 pm, April 29, 2017 The "GAS GIANT" Build -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Druid / 7 Warlock / 3 Fighter [Huge HP Bear Tank, Warlock Aura Blaste [..] View

Best Adventure Packs (Get The most for your money)

11:19 am, February 4, 2017 First: Get Shadowfell Expansion (Standard $29.99) Second: Bundle Menace of the Underdark Expansion (Standard $17.49) **$47.48 Gets you Wheloon City, The Stormhorns, Purple Dragon Knight, 1 Charact [..] View

Lesser reincarnation at level 20+.....lose epic xp?

12:19 am, September 15, 2016 Dumb question, but last time I LRd the level cap was 20! If you are level 20+, for example level 25, if you use a lesser heart like a +20 heart, do you still have enough xp to get back to 25 or do y [..] View

Public Notice Board

12:19 pm, September 13, 2016 Below is a list of some of the Known Issues that we are aware of, and below that are features that are Working as Intended but may cause confusion. Should you come across any of these issues, there is [..] View

Playing a 5 year old build, what to do?

12:19 am, August 27, 2016 I haven't played in years until recently (and didn't play long back then)https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...=1#post2799105 I was following this build and it was added to the thread in 2011 then he [..] View

shard of potential crafting question

12:19 am, August 22, 2016 I'm at least level 38 in all 3 crafting areas. I have hundreds of essences, greater and lesser. I cannot craft any shards of potential. All I get is a question mark, in the ingredients box. Why am I u [..] View

Reincarnation Help

12:19 am, August 8, 2016 Hello All, I'm trying the reincarnate my Ftr/4 Pal/15. I'm using a +20 lesser heart. What is happening is I'm trying to reincarnate into a warlock I get past everything character creation and I go to [..] View

A Little Help?

12:19 pm, July 3, 2016 Hey Guys! I am a relatively new player to DDO and just recently understood the entire game (at least i hope). This is the character that i build when i was completely a new player and did not understa [..] View

Question about Warlock and spell power

12:19 am, May 28, 2016 I have a warlock that is L20 (I used a store +20 heart to lesser reincarnate from a barbarian because I was curious). She is not well geared but I have the plat to buy gear. I think that she does 9d6 [..] View

Please help me with my gimped wizard 18 rouge 2 epic 5

12:19 am, May 7, 2016 Hi all This is the first time i play epic content and i have some difficulties doing it. I accidently made a deep gnome and therefore have to take him to level 30 to reincarnate. I ate an ottos epic [..] View

Returning player - which toon to choose???

11:19 am, March 4, 2016 Hi all, I have recently returned to DDO after a 4 or 5 year absence and don't want to start levelling all my formerly maxed toons again. So I was wondering with the current state of the gamer, which [..] View

TR/reroll question

11:19 pm, December 17, 2015 Hey all, got a kinda weird question. I played years ago, just coming back this past month and went VIP after a week back. One of my characters is a level 3 dwarf barbarian. Since being back I've made [..] View

EE DoJ. The Captain's Crew Method.

11:19 am, December 3, 2015 Bladeroom Melees in one group along a pre-designated safe spot, Ranged behind them on another. (Note: Raid leader to corner. Raid leader calls for final buffs such as displacement, tough skin, meld, e [..] View

new player (basically)

12:19 am, September 2, 2015 I need some serious help, I'm completely lost. This is what I can say about my character: its currently an Elf, level 12, 9 ranger 3 rogue I have a lesser heart of wood and a +20 lesser hear of wood [..] View

any of these weapons worth keeping for any reason? I need to clear space

12:19 am, September 2, 2015 here is a list of all of my weapons across all of my toons. Looking for an experienced player to just take a glance and comment on whether or not anything is worth keeping or if I can scrap stuff to m [..] View

Gear Planner (in development)

12:19 am, August 22, 2015 I've begun writing a comprehensive gear planner that will be a stand-alone desktop program but will also have limited interaction with my build planner. Being its own utility I figured move the develo [..] View

How to use +X Lesser Reincarnation to change old multiclass

12:19 am, August 13, 2015 Hello Community: Came back to game after long break (2010). after few weeks of learning the changes, new features through googling and leveling up some of my level 15 toons, now I have some understan [..] View

`Must-have's for each character

12:19 am, July 17, 2015 OK. I've done some research but there's little information on the internet about most things in DDO. I believe there are some in-game items/bonuses/rewards that every can benefit from. Such as tomes, [..] View

A Reminder About Reincarnation

12:19 am, June 19, 2015 We want to remind people about something to keep in mind when undergoing a reincarnation (particularly a +Lesser Reincarnation): It is not possible to have more than three classes during a reincarnati [..] View

Ranger 1 Druid 11 should be Ranger 1 Druid 10. Help!

12:19 am, June 12, 2015 I screwed up while leveling my 10/6/4 Druid/Ranger/Fighter and took an extra level for my druid when I should have leveled ranger. I currently have one level up saved as well, which I will use before [..] View

Yet another returning player.

11:19 pm, March 25, 2015 Hello all, yet another returning Euro player (non English speaking, doing my best). After 4 years I am back, going VIP and buying the expansions so having access to lot of content, about 11k TP stock [..] View

question on tring into iconic bladeforged

11:19 pm, March 12, 2015 I've played DDO for about 2 years .Took a 2 1/2 year break and now I'm back and a lot has changed. I currently have a legend warforged 3 past life barb 3 past life fighter and 2 past life pally (worki [..] View

Lesser Reincarnation Question

11:19 am, February 28, 2015 Here's a noob question. I started a character yesterday and have gotten him to level 3. I now realise I totally screwed up his skill points and ability scores. I have the free lesser heart of wood [..] View

Can't find my diamond augment after trading in collectables

11:19 am, February 14, 2015 Title says it all. This is the first time I attempted to do this. Collected enough collectables to trade with Goldscuttle for a random Diamond of Ability +1, but after the transaction, I couldn't find [..] View

The Bridge Between

11:19 pm, February 12, 2015 So I am kind of stuck not sure what to do. I wanted to try out a multi class build and I made a PDK and then just leveled it to 15 as a fighter. Then I bought a +1 Lesser heart and reincarnated as a [..] View

A few noob questions

11:19 pm, February 12, 2015 Hi all, I'm fairly new (started playing in Dec, 2014), and still learning a lot despite reading lots on these forums and DDOWiki. I have a few questions I'd appreciate any responses on. I've played [..] View

Botched up - build/resolution advice appreciated

11:19 pm, January 9, 2015 Hey, short history: I played DDO a few years back up to about level 5 or so, which was enough to have me buy WF, monk, several adventure packs, veteran status, and 32 point builds. Took a long hiatus, [..] View

New Player Character Build (easy mode)

11:19 pm, January 1, 2015 Let's face it... a lot of new players have trouble building a character that can stay alive and go toe to toe with enemies. However, it is simple to ruin a first time player's enjoyment due to the rob [..] View

Bladeforged Lesser Reincarnation

11:19 am, December 30, 2014 I thought I would try Bladeforged but wanted to run 2 rogue/18 paladin. When I used a LR+1 to put rogue at level 1 I lost all the repair spells from paladin. Am I out of luck? Or, can I LR+1 back to [..] View

LF Advice: character builds

11:19 pm, November 4, 2014 This is my first post in these forums. I am a returning premium player, after a brief experience two years ago. I have two characters (Argonessen), both are dwarves (I like them!) with 28 points bu [..] View

Differences between Epics & Heroics.

12:19 pm, August 13, 2014 And in some cases between Elite & Normal/Hard! Some quests hit you between the eyes with cruel changes on Epic {mainly on EE} {and at least one quest does this on Heroic Elite too!}. Let's t [..] View

Life after lvl16

12:19 pm, July 20, 2014 I've made countless Characters (mostly Artys/Sorc) and I mean 30+ of each spread over 6 servers. I managed to get some up to lvl 8-10 before deleting them due to a poor build. As time went by I made i [..] View

Pimp my gimps!

8:21 am, July 1, 2014 Pimp my gimps! [TL:DR] - anybody have some modern builds (for the woefully unequipped) for the following: WF 20 sorc - basic blaster with some CC options (the blasting being the main parts). tempes [..] View


Bladeforged Lesser Reincarnation

Dec 31, 2014, 6:26 am I thought I would try Bladeforged but wanted to run 2 rogue/18 paladin. When I used a LR+1 to put rogue at level 1 I lost all the repair spells from paladin. Am I out of luck? Or, can I LR+1 back to [..] View

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